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Dead horse: Beaten


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I have been out of Karma POW status for 6 days.

Today I visited my nation to discover that three wars had been declared against my nation: Mysten, Gank Dolly, and Marginalison.

Because of my month in Karma POW status, I was unable to defend myself properly. The money that I spent the past month stockpiling is gone from this. I am defeated once again, from a sucker punch to the head.

I demand these nations explain their hostilities, and I seek reparations for this unprovoked attack on a clearly unarmed nation.


President of Galifrey

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You are not going to have much luck.

Nations not in alliances do not get much respect from tech raiders.

Also, you had like 6600 infra and only could save like 10M? wtf :s

Their wars are already peaced out so I am quite confused >.<

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After the second round of wars here I am still unarmed, unable to buy military, unable to rebuild in any way, and unable to switch to peace mode.

There is something WRONG with the world if people will stand by and let this happen.


Perhaps, but perhaps you should take some responsibility for your situation? Whether or not you, or anyone, approves of tech raiding, it exists and you will continue to be a target of tech raids until you do something about it.

Right now, I see that all your wars are peaced out. If you really want this to stop, you should take this time to find an alliance to join. There's a forum 'round here that list many different alliances and give you their pitch. Also, if you were unaligned for any amount of time, I'm sure you got recruitment messages. If all else fails, you can check out the wiki pages and look at the various alliances by clicking this link

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After the second round of wars here I am still unarmed, unable to buy military, unable to rebuild in any way, and unable to switch to peace mode.

There is something WRONG with the world if people will stand by and let this happen.


Why would you leave your nation unattended for several days without an AA? You're not going to get much sympathy for not taking responsibility for your own safety. Wars are a legitimate part of this game.

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Nobody cares if your nation is slaughtered. You could get the sand out of your mangina and start fighting, but we all know that won't happen. Everybody knows you're weak and you will continued to be feasted upon until you find someone who will take you as their prison !@#$%* where you will spend wonderful candlelit nights licking jelly out of a hairy $@! crack. Be good about it. You don't want to run out of jelly before the job is done.

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Nobody cares if your nation is slaughtered. You could get the sand out of your mangina and start fighting, but we all know that won't happen. Everybody knows you're weak and you will continued to be feasted upon until you find someone who will take you as their prison !@#$%* where you will spend wonderful candlelit nights licking jelly out of a hairy $@! crack. Be good about it. You don't want to run out of jelly before the job is done.

Or there is also that, yes...:P

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Nobody cares if your nation is slaughtered. You could get the sand out of your mangina and start fighting, but we all know that won't happen. Everybody knows you're weak and you will continued to be feasted upon until you find someone who will take you as their prison !@#$%* where you will spend wonderful candlelit nights licking jelly out of a hairy $@! crack. Be good about it. You don't want to run out of jelly before the job is done.

I miss more posts like these.

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After the second round of wars here I am still unarmed, unable to buy military, unable to rebuild in any way, and unable to switch to peace mode.

There is something WRONG with the world if people will stand by and let this happen.


Join an alliance or set your nation to peace mode. Both of these things can prevent tech raiders.

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This is the risk that you take when you're unaligned, simply put. You have to fend for yourself as you're an independent nation.

If you want help and protection from raids, join an alliance.

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It is doubtful that you'll get reparations. Most raiding alliances will not give them, however folks that are more kindly inclined might add you to their 'do not raid' list, if approached personally. Here are some steps you can take to help fend off raiders, should you choose to remain in war mode and unaligned:

* Have a military, for one. Soldiers & tanks. Max planes too.

* Some folks stockpile cruise missiles. While they have a maintenance cost, and are quickly destroyed during certain kinds of attacks, they also signal to a raider that you are likely going to fight. For some raiders, that is a deterrent.

* Do tech deals with alliances that protect their sources. I know FOK! posted something before about protection for folks doing tech deals with their members; that may still be active. Check with their leadership, and if it is, you have just found a way to stay unaligned and relatively safe.

* If you are tech dealing (forgive me, I haven't checked your nation, am speaking generalities), only buy tech as you are ready to sell it. When you have no tech and low land, you are not a tempting target.

* Make up an alliance name. Nones are far easier to find than alliances of one even.

* Defcon cycle. That is, stay in defcon 1 unless collecting taxes.

Doing all that, you will still sometimes get hit. There are not so many targets at your range, so it would be good to learn how to fight, as well. When you are attacked, if you prepare with the steps above, you will at least be better equipped to fight off your attackers.

Good luck to you.

Edited by Kryievla
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I have been out of Karma POW status for 6 days.

Today I visited my nation to discover that three wars had been declared against my nation: Mysten, Gank Dolly, and Marginalison.

Because of my month in Karma POW status, I was unable to defend myself properly. The money that I spent the past month stockpiling is gone from this. I am defeated once again, from a sucker punch to the head.

I demand these nations explain their hostilities, and I seek reparations for this unprovoked attack on a clearly unarmed nation.


President of Galifrey

If it were me, I would have bought myself a beefy .mil and put up a fake AA the second I was out of POW. There aren't many raiders around who are hitting tough targets for the sport of it like the olden days (*cough* Diskord *cough*). Nations are looking to score some filthy tech, fast and easy. So, sack up and prepare to repel boarders.

But you know, if you're the type who likes to walk around the ghetto without a gat and with your kilt hiked up around your waist....

these things will happen.

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