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How will Karma members opinon be of NPO,IRON etc after war


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As far as the general membership of both IRON and NPO -- I have mad respect for the members who stay or had stayed to fight. I hold no ill will towards any of the general membership.

As far as the influential members, the ones who set precedent for this war, the ones who are just as evil as high ranking government officials, the ones you may refer to as the biggest sheep's of the heard... Well I'd settle for a simple public admission of guilt from most and move on. However, I think I'll reserve judgment until a much later date.

If I had to sum it up in one word. Cautious.

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For NPO, it might actually change. Should they manage to fight their way back to their previous position I will have some form of respect for them, where I previously did not. It's not that difficult to keep the status quo in check and if I was a member I would long have looked for a new challenge. It's like playing a game at "easy" mode while loudly proclaiming how good your at it.

For IRON, other then being close Hegemony allies I have always had a ""meh" opinion. The people who seem to have fought them like them though so I guess that's a pro. On the other hand I won't forgot how they tried to bail on the NPO right at the start of the war which just stays !@#$@#$ cowardly, probably has been a big reason for them losing this the war and is the reason that if I was running an alliance I would never ally to them.

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For NPO, it might actually change. Should they manage to fight their way back to their previous position I will have some form of respect for them, where I previously did not. It's not that difficult to keep the status quo in check and if I was a member I would long have looked for a new challenge. It's like playing a game at "easy" mode while loudly proclaiming how good your at it.

For IRON, other then being close Hegemony allies I have always had a ""meh" opinion. The people who seem to have fought them like them though so I guess that's a pro. On the other hand I won't forgot how they tried to bail on the NPO right at the start of the war which just stays !@#$@#$ cowardly, probably has been a big reason for them losing this the war and is the reason that if I was running an alliance I would never ally to them.

Nobody tried to Bail on NPO. We still had treaties with them at the time, and we honored our obligation. We sent NPO a message. That particular message had nothing to do with the war and everything to do with the utter lack of communication NPO was exhibiting. They dragged us into certain actions, then pulled themselves out without even a heads up. We began to feel like we were being jerked around, so we did the only thing we could do to get their attention.

Of course, I don't really need to explain why we do what we do to anyone, lol you can think what you want to think, but we honored our treaty obligations to the letter. We didn't cancel that. NPO did through their actions or the lack thereof.

You can take your wrong-headed perception and shove it mister. Not one of our opponents would call us "cowardly", and quite frankly, I'm tired of seeing it. We lost the war because we were going to lose it anyway. You can't cheat the math.

If you were running an alliance, I'd be honored not to be tied to you. :)


My views may not necissarily represent the views of IRON. No refunds. No exchanges. Not responsible for lesions, tumors, spontaneous combustion, hommorhaging from the eyes, or pregnancies which may result from chancing upon the demented ramblings which are, as stated, my sole view and mine alone.

Carry on.

Quick edit:

On topic: NPO: Eh, they were number one for a reason, I suppose, they were always kinda just there to me. Perhaps if they get their house in order and start running their .gov correctly, they could return to greatness.

IRON: I wouldn't go anywhere else. I really don't know how they put up with me. :P

Edited by PrideAssassin
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Nobody tried to Bail on NPO. We still had treaties with them at the time, and we honored our obligation. We sent NPO a message. That particular message had nothing to do with the war and everything to do with the utter lack of communication NPO was exhibiting. They dragged us into certain actions, then pulled themselves out without even a heads up. We began to feel like we were being jerked around, so we did the only thing we could do to get their attention.

Of course, I don't really need to explain why we do what we do to anyone, lol you can think what you want to think, but we honored our treaty obligations to the letter. We didn't cancel that. NPO did through their actions or the lack thereof.

You can take your wrong-headed perception and shove it mister. Not one of our opponents would call us "cowardly", and quite frankly, I'm tired of seeing it. We lost the war because we were going to lose it anyway. You can't cheat the math.

If you were running an alliance, I'd be honored not to be tied to you. :)


My views may not necissarily represent the views of IRON. No refunds. No exchanges. Not responsible for lesions, tumors, spontaneous combustion, hommorhaging from the eyes, or pregnancies which may result from chancing upon the demented ramblings which are, as stated, my sole view and mine alone.

Carry on.

Quick edit:

On topic: NPO: Eh, they were number one for a reason, I suppose, they were always kinda just there to me. Perhaps if they get their house in order and start running their .gov correctly, they could return to greatness.

IRON: I wouldn't go anywhere else. I really don't know how they put up with me. :P

If nobody was going to bail on NPO, why did Mhawk leave TPF so he could honour his treaty to NPO? seems like a rather strange step to take if you were all just secretly plotting a way to tell NPO to wake up to themselves.

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Regarding Pacifica, the current loss of NS hardly offers enough satisfaction for two years of tyranny, aggression, immorality and humiliation. But I have decided to put my qualms with Pacifica in a tightly sealed box buried deep within my mind, in order that we might all have a fresh start. God knows, that is exactly what I have been craving.

But I remain first and foremost a member of Vox Populi who has witnessed first hand the horrors of Hegemony. That box will remain dormant, but not dead; should it ever be needed again. For Pacifica or any other.

Mark my words: We broke the ice by creating the first resistance movement. Few of us will be so slow to create the next.

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My opinions of NPO & IRON have remamined static. NPOs being bleh and IRONs meh. But, for the etc.... My opinion of Echelon and TPF has risen significantly. Theyre still fighting. Especially TPF. They've been decent opponents.

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Nobody tried to Bail on NPO. We still had treaties with them at the time, and we honored our obligation. We sent NPO a message. That particular message had nothing to do with the war and everything to do with the utter lack of communication NPO was exhibiting. They dragged us into certain actions, then pulled themselves out without even a heads up. We began to feel like we were being jerked around, so we did the only thing we could do to get their attention.

Of course, I don't really need to explain why we do what we do to anyone, lol you can think what you want to think, but we honored our treaty obligations to the letter. We didn't cancel that. NPO did through their actions or the lack thereof.

If I remember correctly, MCXA gave a slightly different explanation. I guess this one happens to be the most convenient. If you considered this the only way to communicate with them properly, what the hell were you doing so closely allied to them? I'm going to guess that NPO didn't just stop communicating with IRON from one day to the other.

You can take your wrong-headed perception and shove it mister. Not one of our opponents would call us "cowardly", and quite frankly, I'm tired of seeing it. We lost the war because we were going to lose it anyway. You can't cheat the math.

If you were running an alliance, I'd be honored not to be tied to you. :)

Actually at the start of the war, after the CoC still honored their alliance there wasn't this big curbstomp-class difference that better organization couldn't overcome. It wasn't anywhere near the kind of curbstomps that we have seen in the past.

A war is obviously never lost for one reason, but of the reasons that this war was won, one was certainly that at the start Karma was given a strategic and PR advantage thanks to the CoC delaying it's entry into the war giving away the initiative to Karma. Karma, right at the formative phase of the war had more time to organize and prepare for a large part of the Hegemony entering into the war.


My views may not necissarily represent the views of IRON. No refunds. No exchanges. Not responsible for lesions, tumors, spontaneous combustion, hommorhaging from the eyes, or pregnancies which may result from chancing upon the demented ramblings which are, as stated, my sole view and mine alone.

Nah, I don't think IRON will be attacked over this by NSO or Karma or anyone else over this. With a bit of luck, the time of these kind of disclaimers just might be over. Be thankful

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Iron was meh before the war, upgraded to OK now.

NPO I don't have a good opinion of now and this war hasn't helped that at all, especially when they try to play the victim in a war they started. If they sincerely change their ways after the war my opinion may improve. I'll be pretty skeptical that any changes they do make will be sincere and that they just won't come back later and say they were coerced if given the chance.

Don't listen to this guy, he has no idea what he is talking about. Kidnapper.

Finally got my chance to troll you - jees

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My opinions.

Karma - Citadel participiants and close allies = Out there to bring higher morality and principles to the game..following words with actions...They also seek some sort of power too.

Karma - Most of the rest = They just want Vengeance, following NPO's footsteps...they seek power and are willing to exercise/abuse it.

Karma - Rest of the rest = Band wagoners and turncoats... Seek survival and power.

NPO: Put us in deep !@#$, ppl attacking them are worst than NPO, the only thing they didnt had was power, so I will lean on NPO. Anything's better than Mob wanting revenge.

IRON: meh

Edited by shahenshah
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My opinion is that your poor English has driven me up a wall

Also they'll probably still hate NPO, maybe not IRON so much because I can see IRON changing paths pretty easily... I think everyone will hate NPO now for a considerable time period except for a select few pawn alliances ('Cause NPO doesn't really have actual allies, never did since they lost Polaris). For some alliances a thorough butt-kicking is enough to change public opinion soon enough (IRON), however for others the beef runs deeper.

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I hope my view on IRON will improve. I know it hasn't been diminished by this conflict.

As for NPO, my opinion of them was actually rising before this conflict. I guess my post war view depends on how this conflict wraps up. From what I have seen so far, it is going down. I would be attempting to fight a PR war out in the open instead of in the shadows like they are right now. I also would base more of that war in fact then half truths and fallacies.

I think alot of people are going to want to be friends with IRON.

I think that these two statements are fairly accurate to what most people will be thinking. IRON showed a lot this war, as someone who personally fought against them, I was impressed.

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My opinions.

Karma - Citadel participiants and close allies = Out there to bring higher morality and principles to the game..following words with actions...They also seek some sort of power too.

Karma - Most of the rest = They just want Vengeance, following NPO's footsteps...they seek power and are willing to exercise/abuse it.

Karma - Rest of the rest = Band wagoners and turncoats... Seek survival and power.

NPO: Put us in deep !@#$.

IRON: meh

In the pre-war situation, seeking power and survival is essentially the same. Without power, your open to being curbstomped and possibly even being put in perpetual war and this could very well continue, a lack of power could very well threaten your survival. The reason the Hegemony dared to attack Ordo Verde was because of a perceived lack of power. Any alliance has to seek power, be this through their foreign policy, public relations, recruitment or nation-building.

Edited by Mozaffar
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I don't think people who have had an intense hatred for alliances in the game for 2 to 3 years can suddenly switch it off. I expect some of the alliances on the losing side of this to get follow up beat downs regardless of how and when this war ends.

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If I remember correctly, MCXA gave a slightly different explanation. I guess this one happens to be the most convenient. If you considered this the only way to communicate with them properly, what the hell were you doing so closely allied to them? I'm going to guess that NPO didn't just stop communicating with IRON from one day to the other.

I'm not going to delve into details because it's not my place. I'll leave it to someone more level-headed than me. Did they stop communicating on a day-to-day basis? Honestly, I don't know. I never had comms with them personally, so I'm out of that loop. I DO know they initiated some rather large moves without consulting anyone, and the only way we learned anything about what they were doing was through the OWF.

At the point the war started, we still had a treaty with them, having cancelled our main one. We honored that.

What do you mean what the hell are we doing so closely allied with them? In case you haven't checked, I believe all our ties are cut.

When you set out to do things on your own and disregard those around you, don't be surprised if you end up alone, aye?

It's not something we did lightly, NPO were great friends in IRON's formative period, and long afterward. They looked out for us. It's hard to walk away from that, but when they start acting like they're the center of the universe, and run about willy-nilly doing this or that without informing anyone, well... We did what we had to do.

Again, just my take on the situation. From what I've seen.

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I'm new to the game and so, have no opinion on the histories.

Something must be said for NPO's ability to remain number one for so long but,

I am not at all impressed with their actions leading up to this war. My opinion of them is fairly low.

I did not know IRON at all.

IRON has shown everything I would want in an ally. As strained as our relationship is now,

I do hope we each do what we can to get past what has just occurred. I am hopeful, but it is a

reserved hope.

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From personal experience (with a few exceptions of course) I have found NPO to be very low on the scale of alliances. It's the cut throat anything goes mentality that has lead the US into a recession... 3 pages of Peace Mode Hippies, c'mon NPO you are making your smalled and newer nations bear an unfair amount of what ultimately is YOUR burden. But it is your alliance run it how you like i guess.

I think IRON is quite respectable for making up their own minds.

The other Hegemony side I have no issue with, save the mass cop out in the beginning, they are following treaties and seem to be fighting honorably.

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