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ZI Sentencing First Hand Experience


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I have :awesome:

Knowing that I could never "win" this game from the start, I had already come to terms with that fact, it doesn't particularly hurt.

Helps when the people trying to ZI you are all getting ZI'd. ;)

Heh, it's not discouraging if you are playing to have fun and don't take war too seriously. Also you assume too much as obvious.

I play to have fun as well, but find far much more enjoyment from the political aspects rather than the war screen, and as a 3 week old nation with 0 causalities, it's safe to assume you haven't experienced on this nation at least.

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I was PZI'd for going nuke rogue against the old GOONS; it sucked.

But again, it was my choice to go nuclear in the first place.

I'd like to see a world where cycles of war return and ZI becomes the worst possible punishment; I agree that only Admin and the Mods should be able to dictate who can or cannot enjoy this Verse, the problem is that those in power saw these tactics as a way to force respek ma authoritay and used it as a weapon to silence dissent and opposition on the CN forums.

Of course, with that in mind, I'm also a big supporter in actually using nukes; they exist for a reason.

Edited by ModusOperandi
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I was PZI'd for going nuke rogue against the the old GOONS; it sucked.

But again, it was my choice to go nuclear in the first place.

I'd like to see a world where cycles of war return and ZI becomes the worst possible punishment; I agree that only Admin and the Mods should be able to dictate who can or cannot enjoy this Verse, the problem is that those in power saw these tactics as a way to force respek ma authoritay and used it as a weapon to silence dissent and opposition on the CN forums.

Of course, with that in mind, I'm also a big supporter in actually using nukes; they exist for a reason.

My whole alliance was almost sentenced to PZI due to authorizing use of nuclear weapons.

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I play to have fun as well, but find far much more enjoyment from the political aspects rather than the war screen

To each their own, however war is a prominent function of this game and it has a peace mode option for all of those who find war undesirable. If a player likes war but does not desire constant warfare then as a general rule they should be politically savvy enough to avoid it. There are exceptions to this but these are the players that those who find their plights unjust should step up and help instead of whimpering in a dark corner somewhere and allowing it to continue.

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I'm also a big supporter in actually using nukes; they exist for a reason.

Agreed, what's the point in having them in the game if they are not to be used.

My whole alliance was almost sentenced to PZI due to authorizing use of nuclear weapons.

Anyone who would issue a PZI order on an entire alliance for using a weapon that is available in the game should be mocked as an idiot and run out of their alliances leadership.

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My whole alliance was almost sentenced to PZI due to authorizing use of nuclear weapons.

That is absolutely ridiculous and one of the biggest things that have been wrong around here.

If an alliance, any alliance, is put up against the wall so hard that they decide to throw their biggest punch.. so be it.

Policy-makers should take heed that much of the pop-culture attitude toward nukes on Bob has been generated by those who had the most to lose; from now on, I hope we can let those beautiful devices rain free if available.

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Helps when the people trying to ZI you are all getting ZI'd. ;)

Eh, it's at the point where I've already joined an alliance. I considered my fighting campaign to be officially over at 5/21. It started at 1/21, xD. They were hardly being ZI'd back then, not until the very very end. ;)

I guess it depends on how you get your kicks, but I had fun every minute of my stomping the @#$% out of 6 nations every week. ;D

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Agreed, what's the point in having them in the game if they are not to be used.

Anyone who would issue a PZI order on an entire alliance for using a weapon that is available in the game should be mocked as an idiot and run out of their alliances leadership.

well, considering that GOONS no longer exists, I suppose they got theirs, although after getting to know them we were alot more similar than we realized, just happened they signed a treaty with NPO before they got to know the rest of the black team.

That is absolutely ridiculous and one of the biggest things that have been wrong around here.

If an alliance, any alliance, is put up against the wall so hard that they decide to throw their biggest punch.. so be it.

Policy-makers should take heed that much of the pop-culture attitude toward nukes on Bob has been generated by those who had the most to lose; from now on, I hope we can let those beautiful devices rain free if available.

It happened over 2 years ago, it doesn't really bug me anymore, we just couped the guy who authorized it and then had to pay 150m in reps, well, about 100 of that I got covered from other sources, but that's another story.

Edited by Mogar
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I've lost many a good friend due to being sentenced to PZI/EZI, I'm totally against it.

I feel that the sentence of ZI/PZI/EZI is taken too lightly by the people sentencing it.

As Duncan King said, just a normal ZI should be a last resort of punishment, even a week or two of wars is enough depending on the circumstances.

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3. Let me send you a box of tissues since you have such a damaged psyche. Anyone who takes the game so seriously that it affects them psychologically when their in game nation is destroyed should probably turn off their computer and schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist.

Dude it's not like I carried this burden into my RL but in CN you are part of a community and to be exlcuded from one is sad, yes. I still light up on the b-ball court if anyone's curious.

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3. Let me send you a box of tissues since you have such a damaged psyche. Anyone who takes the game so seriously that it affects them psychologically when their in game nation is destroyed should probably turn off their computer and schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist.

We have a winner.

This thread should have ended.

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Bullying someone out of the game hurts the bully and the victim. However if anyone wishes to continue dwindling their game community down one asshat move after another feel free. When you are the only nation left you will miss your adversary. Which brings me to another point...

Having beaten your foe in say several conflicts should be enough to gain your badge of "awesome" and bragging rights here on the forums. Your "Ha Ha I'm better" need not require the expulsion of an individual player and or alliance from the game board. Besides obviously being a jerk you are ruining your own fun. If all of your in game enemies (or just people you don't like) were gone, who are you going to debate on the forums? Who would you go to war with? Who would you have to jocky for political power against? Isn't that what this whole freaking game is about?

My next statement may be controversial but I don't think there is any reason for an EZI. That's the moderators/admins job. This includes OOC offenses. I don't care if the person on the other end of the keyboard is a republican, democrat, black, white, jewish, racist, chauvinist, christian, muslim, or anything else. That's none of anybody's business nor does it give anyone the right to dictate who is allowed to play. That right is for the host of this game alone to decide. When you take this so far as internet stalking re-rolls you need to get your head examined.

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PZI is rarely actually PZI, it's just ZI until the person apologizes, etc.

This is a lie. PZI lasts until the alliance in question feels like they need a PR boost, or simply have too much else on their plate to worry about.

This coming from the guy who was PZId for over a year before getting off.

Pretty sure there was someone who came to MK back when I was there who was at least 9 months in bill lock before getting off PZI as well. Can't remember who it was though.

Some people may get off with an apology, most don't. Most just delete and reroll.

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And for the record, if you got ZI'd, you weren't "almost PZI'd".

For the record

I got ZI'ed in spite of threatening nuclear warfare.

had I decided to go through with the nukes (which was VERY probable, and probably would have been better considering the Karma war looming) PZI would have been immediate

We have a winner.

This thread should have ended.

I started this thread a week ago. This thread should have never taken place.

The arguments are all out. it seems its Cynic and I saying that EZI/PZI is bad but must remain a tool, and everyone else bawwing about how hegemony PZIed them and they want justice etc.

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For the record

I got ZI'ed in spite of threatening nuclear warfare.

had I decided to go through with the nukes (which was VERY probable, and probably would have been better considering the Karma war looming) PZI would have been immediate

I started this thread a week ago. This thread should have never taken place.

The arguments are all out. it seems its Cynic and I saying that EZI/PZI is bad but must remain a tool, and everyone else bawwing about how hegemony PZIed them and they want justice etc.

That or people who were ACTUALLY ZI'd, not "almost ZI'd" or "woulda been ZI'd" or "might have been ZI'd" are actually coming out and giving a damn opinion. =_=; If you didn't use nukes that's your fault and your fault entirely. The thought you could have been PZI'd does not at all give you the experience of BEING PZI'd or BEING EZI'd.

And if people posted in this thread more than yours, it was probably better written or better expressed. You complain aobut people bawing and then do so yourself about this thread.

It's you and Cynic saying PZI/EZI must remain a tool, and the people who have actually experienced this first hand and full out are disagreeing and using facts and experience. +-+

How the $%&@ are we saying that they PZI/EZI'd us and now we want !@#$@#$ justice?! Have you !@#$@#$ been reading this damn thread?

It seems as though the majority of those who've experienced it are saying that yes they want justice, but not in the form of EZI'ing the Hegemonists. Most are saying it should be gone and not used as a tool PERIOD.

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This is a lie. PZI lasts until the alliance in question feels like they need a PR boost, or simply have too much else on their plate to worry about.

This coming from the guy who was PZId for over a year before getting off.

Pretty sure there was someone who came to MK back when I was there who was at least 9 months in bill lock before getting off PZI as well. Can't remember who it was though.

Some people may get off with an apology, most don't. Most just delete and reroll.

Right on, actually I think that officially I'm still on ZI list. This one person from Old Guard was in charge of clearing me but never seemed to truly be bothered to respond to multiple people asking for updates on their surrender...

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Most are saying it should be gone and not used as a tool PERIOD.

Aside from admin changing the rules of the game it will not be gone as an option. As far as it being used as a tool you are welcome to march to war just as you did in this "Karma war" in order to stop an alliance or nation from using it.

I think all ZI should be abolished.

I think that you either should play this game in permanent peace mode or play a certain political simulation game that precedes this one and has no war option.

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That or people who were ACTUALLY ZI'd, not "almost ZI'd" or "woulda been ZI'd" or "might have been ZI'd" are actually coming out and giving a damn opinion. =_=; If you didn't use nukes that's your fault and your fault entirely. The thought you could have been PZI'd does not at all give you the experience of BEING PZI'd or BEING EZI'd.

And if people posted in this thread more than yours, it was probably better written or better expressed. You complain aobut people bawing and then do so yourself about this thread.

It's you and Cynic saying PZI/EZI must remain a tool, and the people who have actually experienced this first hand and full out are disagreeing and using facts and experience. +-+

How the $%&@ are we saying that they PZI/EZI'd us and now we want !@#$@#$ justice?! Have you !@#$@#$ been reading this damn thread?

It seems as though the majority of those who've experienced it are saying that yes they want justice, but not in the form of EZI'ing the Hegemonists. Most are saying it should be gone and not used as a tool PERIOD.

I think that the point I was making is that I would have been on the PZI list had I engaged in the undesireable behaviour against NPO. Anyone who is caught doing something they shouldn't be doesn't like to pay the concequences. (note: this is a take on the effectiveness, NOT the appropriatness)

And once again, I didn't say the USE in your case was right, I was merely pointing out that there IS a legit time to use the different levels. Who would be responsible enough to decide when is what ought to be debated, not whether or not PZI should ever be used.

edit: useless personal note->I was probably on PZI list seeing as I was on ZI "till NPO sees fit". They gave white peace to a lot of people because of karma though.

Edited by zigbigadorlou
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Aside from admin changing the rules of the game it will not be gone as an option. As far as it being used as a tool you are welcome to march to war just as you did in this "Karma war" in order to stop an alliance or nation from using it.

I was marching to war long before Karma and for greater reasons than this.

It won't be gone, but if NPO isn't as high in influence (and it won't be) as before the Karma War, it will clearly be used much less. That is what I want. If some 30 man alliance has a grudge against some tiny nation then fine, they'll probably get theirs later. But when it's done on a massive scale like it was before it becomes a large problem to the CN community. Not sure if I got my message off there, I'm a little tipsy at the moment.

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There's another way to avoid PZI/EZI.

Take part in the re-founding of an alliance. Be chosen to lead said alliance. Get a treaty partner or two. And then don't think about it again. Worked for me.

Seriously, though, I dislike PZE/EZI for the same reason I dislike tech-raiding. At the end of the day, it limits the number of people enjoying the game. And really, that's reason enough to dislike it. Even ZI seems pretty stupid, really.

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I was marching to war long before Karma and for greater reasons than this.

It won't be gone, but if NPO isn't as high in influence (and it won't be) as before the Karma War, it will clearly be used much less. That is what I want. If some 30 man alliance has a grudge against some tiny nation then fine, they'll probably get theirs later. But when it's done on a massive scale like it was before it becomes a large problem to the CN community. Not sure if I got my message off there, I'm a little tipsy at the moment.

The one way to ensure that it is not abused is for those who oppose injustice to be prepared to march to war. If those who would abuse the option of PZI recognize that there will be repercussions if the use it unwisely then for the most part they will use good judgment.

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