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GOONS vs. GOoNS, an SA showdown

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24 hours has officially passed, WOGS is now considered at war with the Goon Order of Neutral Shoving.

I'll make you a deal.

Option 4: I post a movie of my two cats singing "I'm a Little Tea Pot", while wearing plastic shopping bags as capes, and both sides in this little war agree to stop fighting and to never post something this mythically stupid again. Ever.

Sound good?

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No, to kill off the original user of the acronym so they won't have to change their name. That's why. Something like that. Or maybe not XD

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Does nobody learn from the past? I mean I always figured the cycle would repeat eventually but I kind of expected the war over it to end first before we got around to forgetting the lessons that came from it.

You have forgotten that this is the OWF. Not only does nobody learn from the past here, they do not learn from the present or from any other source.


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So I'm curious, for purely academic reasons, you say your whole alliance isn't going to war, just your lowest battalion. If this guy actually manages to scare up some allies (hey stranger things have happened) do the rest of you just pile in or are the WOGS forced to deal with the mess they got them selves in on their own?

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So I'm curious, for purely academic reasons, you say your whole alliance isn't going to war, just your lowest battalion. If this guy actually manages to scare up some allies (hey stranger things have happened) do the rest of you just pile in or are the WOGS forced to deal with the mess they got them selves in on their own?

They have the backing of the entire alliance, not that it matters. As you say, it is academic. He has about as much chance at getting competent help as a decent snow in south Texas.

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Way to blend OOC stuff with IC stuff new-GOONS; I knew that it wouldn't take you guys very long.


Oh calm down its fun.

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They have the backing of the entire alliance, not that it matters. As you say, it is academic. He has about as much chance at getting competent help as a decent snow in south Texas.

Much as people seem to be taking our terms here as unreasonable, I suspect the international reaction to anyone militarily supporting this guy would have to be pretty interesting. What our detractors seem to be missing is that the individual responsible for this challenge wanted to bring back the old GOONS exactly - most specifically the leadership. You know, the individuals, whose names would be censored out here were I to mention them, who were responsible for the unacceptable actions that killed the old alliance; indeed, the individuals who sanctioned most of the historically harsh and unacceptable terms in which the Order of Neutral Shoving was involved.

Much as we are being criticised on the same grounds, I honestly believe that anyone taking a serious look at this can see the difference; this is unhurtful, unharmful humour, directed against someone who wants to bring back the other kind. Making it a video is part of the terms based on SA tradition and simply the fact it requires some effort; anyone who is implying that we'd have rejected an entry using hand puppets, or refused to revise the terms if his nation's technological infrastructure didn't afford him the use of a video camera, is attacking a clear straw man. We are not the old Order. We'd have rejected no-effort or unfunny attempts - or in this case, no attempt at all. But we'd have been justified in declaring war on the guy with no offer of clemency at all - for the price of ten minutes and a sock puppet, we'd have equally cheerfully given him a permanent, uncancellable NAP.

Here are the new GOONS; only the same as the old GOONS if that's really, really what you're trying to see.

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Here are the new GOONS; only the same as the old GOONS if that's really, really what you're trying to see.

You need to be really, really careful with that. Given that you guys have the same acronym and come from the same source, you don't have to try very hard to see that you're the same.

I don't think this announcement was handled very well, but I'm glad to see you backing away from some of the nasty implications of the OP.

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I have made a somewhat serious page about this partially joke conflict at the wiki, feel free to edit it or nominate it for deletion, I wasn't sure if it should be created or not. It's called the GOONS-GOONS War. XD

Edited by Nathan Flech
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You need to be really, really careful with that. Given that you guys have the same acronym and come from the same source, you don't have to try very hard to see that you're the same.

I don't think this announcement was handled very well, but I'm glad to see you backing away from some of the nasty implications of the OP.

To open up another can of worms - what, in the same way that FARK and TotalFark were the same?

This is just an example of confirmation bias at its finest. People who are determined to see this as evidence that we're exactly the same as the old GOONS, take this thread as being vicious bullying forcing someone to identify themself and refusing to accept any possible compromise - in spite of that being the most extreme interpretation you could possibly take, implied only if you begin from the position that we are unrelentingly malicious. By contrast, an entirely different group - determined that we're TotalGOONS or some other drivel - are sneering at this as a sign that we're afraid of comparison.

So, end of the day? We have the same acronym. We draw from the same source. We even have some of the same members - the ones who didn't vanish from the planet, because we know how to keep our joking around within the boundaries of acceptable behaviour. We have taken the good bits from the old alliance; we've ditched the dead weight.

We are neither the same alliance, nor are we wholly different. As is almost always the case, the correct answer is somewhere in the middle.

And to clarify: we are not 'backing away' from the nasty implications. We're flatly denying that we were implying them. You can read them in if you like - but that's got a great deal more to do with your assumptions of our intent and attitude than to do with what we said.

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I really do enjoy all those beating their drums and saying "LOOK THESE GOONS ARE EVIL TOO". Get over yourselves. Someone has jumped onto the old neutral shoving aa just to cause the new GOONS trouble, of course they are going to do something about it, just like Umbrella would should someone name themselves Umbrellla or something equally dumb just to mock us. The fact that people are actually getting up in arms about a few joke terms (which are obviously set up to be declined by majority of rational players) tells me that you guys need to pull the stick about three inches out of your collective $@! and take a second to realize that what they are doing is pretty simple, pretty standard, and really nothing to complain about.

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My alliance has more reason than most to be wary of new GOONS who turn out to be same as the old GOONS. So far, these are not they. If we're happy getting along with the Order of Oppression, Negligence and Sadism, I'm having difficulty understanding why others are having such a problem. I think the diagnosis of confirmation bias is credible.

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I really do enjoy all those beating their drums and saying "LOOK THESE GOONS ARE EVIL TOO". Get over yourselves. Someone has jumped onto the old neutral shoving aa just to cause the new GOONS trouble, of course they are going to do something about it, just like Umbrella would should someone name themselves Umbrellla or something equally dumb just to mock us. The fact that people are actually getting up in arms about a few joke terms (which are obviously set up to be declined by majority of rational players) tells me that you guys need to pull the stick about three inches out of your collective $@! and take a second to realize that what they are doing is pretty simple, pretty standard, and really nothing to complain about.

Whilst no one is implying that they are ebil, some of us are implying that those terms are restrictive and not such a great idea; a compromise would be including other options that don't involve those specific instruments, in so far as providing the afflicted with choices.

Multiple points of view should be accepted in the Cyberverse today; just because you do not agree with someone else' opinion doesn't mean that there is no validity to it. Instead, one should accept the presence of both as being differences in perception.

After all, if there is only one truth, we would all be the same.

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If the player we issued these terms to had suggested a compromise, there is every chance we would have listened. He never did.

What I'm continually confused about is you thinking it is your business.

On your forum you have stated that you have failed to aid a number of red nations because none of them requested your assistance. When did GOONS request your assistance?

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If the player we issued these terms to had suggested a compromise, there is every chance we would have listened. He never did.

What I'm continually confused about is you thinking it is your business.

On your forum you have stated that you have failed to aid a number of red nations because none of them requested your assistance. When did GOONS request your assistance?

Our business is our own and none of your's; we decide when we act, not you.

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