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Announcement from the GGA

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No. Sticking with your comrades is admirable, not idiocy.

It pains me but it seems I still have friends and don't want to walk out on them. KFH is one of the best people an alliance could have, and I wish he was around to defend himself, but I have no issue taking up the flag for him.

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Hey this mean that if they get one more council member on board KFH, Scotchwithrocks and Shaneprice could vote Degenerate out of gov.

Just throwing it out there.

Actually I do believe those 3 make a majority.

The way it was explained is that 3 Elders plus the triumvirs (excluding the guy being voted out) are the ones who vote, with a simple majority required.

3/5 = win.

Not that I support such hilariously ironic actions.

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Isn't DerekJones still an elder statesman?

No, he can't be since he quit...wait, shaneprice quit, now the logic confuses me, guess I am drunk again, no if DJ returned he would be an elder, but he quit, but ironchef quit, stop arguing with me, go to hell, no you, stop drinking, your an $@!, now I can see why they kicked you, ect

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No, he can't be since he quit...wait, shaneprice quit, now the logic confuses me, guess I am drunk again, no if DJ returned he would be an elder, but he quit, but ironchef quit, stop arguing with me, go to hell, no you, stop drinking, your an $@!, now I can see why they kicked you, ect

Wait people can't be elders if they leave? Because then that whole bringing ironchef back to vote out shaneprice makes no sense.

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In addition to calling attention to and by doing so absolutely wrecking a Rembrandt of a joke, do you also wreck four-year-old's surprise birthday parties? <_<

This joke, while hilarious, was way too subtle for CN.

PS: Santa isn't real.

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Wait people can't be elders if they leave? Because then that whole bringing ironchef back to vote out shaneprice makes no sense.

well, from the looks of it they regian the status of elder if they rejoin the alliance so Ironchef returning then becoming elder then voting shaneprice out makes a bit more sense .

even though i don't really get this whole issue

KFH :(

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Wait people can't be elders if they leave? Because then that whole bringing ironchef back to vote out shaneprice makes no sense.

I guess he will always be an elder statesman since he was an ex Triumvirate member.

Elder Statesmen is made up of ex-Triumvirate members who stepped down in good standing and other members of the alliance by invite, they do not have any political power, however, do serve as advisors to the Holy Triumvirate.

Though I guess that brings in to question of Elder Statesmen not having any political power -_-

Anyways, Go DeScepter!

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No 1 tri and 3 elders were allowed to vote, why, i dont know, I dont even know what I am accused of. Maybe someone from GGA gov can answer that.

And I thought the hilarity would cease for once. Jesus. Could this sort of power play get any clearer? Just make Degen the emperor already so he can do something stupid and get the alliance stomped (again) hopefully to the point the whole sad pathetic mess will be disbanded.

I'm actually starting to feel for the rank and file GGA members that don't know what the hell is going on in their own alliance or why they got stomped.

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Well, it's no secret that the GGA has made its string of mistakes and mishaps lately and I only ask those leading the GGA to find the common denominator and do what needs to be done. Maybe you've done just that here and maybe not. I guess the next few months will answer that quite clearly. Good luck.

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