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Announcement from the GGA

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lol. The fact that this thread is still alive just comes to show how bored people are to get a good bashing in. Honestly, they couped two of their triumvirates. How the Hell does it affect your membership in any way, shape, or form? For most of you it has very little to no stake in your oh-so-meaningful existences on Bob. Believe me, I love a good GGA bashing here and now again, but this is like slapping an already crippled baby in an abandoned stroller. Sometimes it is just superfluous to pursue something. But that's right, our opinions on the matter are so damned important that we have every right to hold their decisions under the greatest of scrutiny.

It's apparent that many of you, myself included, have a rather tasteless dislike for GGA. Be that as it may, at least they are showing some damn effort trying to work crap around. If you don't like what they're doing, join GGA and get whatever agenda you want seen done. If you don't, honestly, just shut up and lay off for a bit. As much as I dislike GGA, the GGA-bashing is getting to be ridiculous. In no way should this thread have ever reached 20 pages, especially all of the useless content that is contained through out.

Go back to your lives. Let it go. And yes I made some quasi-GGA defense, which I will be getting a good slapping for later this day. Moreover I'm still a bit tipsy. :awesome: Fire water really does wonders to you. :blush:

*rubs forehead in confusion because of what what just came out of his mouth*

You are quite awsome with this post

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If your sneer is any indication then the IQ of GR members has hit rock bottom a long long time ago.

Seriously though, don't go down the road of personal insults.

The fact that you think GR members have IQ means you do not understand them. Please learn about those who you attempt to call stupid, and learn that they in fact measure their IQ in negative numbers due to the amount of internal turmoil and backstabbing that they have and how everyone is afraid of everyone, even the top leader has to fear being couped on a daily basis by his insane members who openly hate on him in a thread posted in the Main Discussion forums on their boards.

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That proves the point doesn't it. For GR's sake i do hope you're not an indicator.

As for being offended, after reading sneers/insults for months from mindless trolls like yourself even my patience grows thin.

As you are obviously so fond of saying, suck it up, move on and get a purpose other than playing the resident forum troll.

Um, what? What does you guys hitting rock bottom have to do with me being an indicator that GR has hit rock bottom? :blink:

Maybe if you guys could clean up your act, you wouldn't have to read all the sneers and insults that you have been receiving for months ;)

I do have a purpose. But [OOC] its a Sunday afternoon, and I am supposed to be studying for an English final. What a better way to procrastinate? [/OOC]

SpacingOutMan, this thread might have to do with certain alliance's membership. I for one know that GR (a couple of months ago) was discussing a PIAT with GGA. There could be many alliances in the same situation, and would like to have an explanation before they decide what is best for their alliance.

Edit- Bob speaks truth.

Edited by menwearpink135
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While agreeing with Hizzy still feels dirty, he has a good point. An effective government is able to act and think quickly. If you can't even agree on a story to cover this coup in five days then I don't think you have found an effective government yet.

The matter concerning the removal of office from KFH and SWR is/was handled internally. This announcement was plain and simple a notification that they no longer speak on behalf of the GGA government.

A cover story would imply we have something to hide which we do not.

Do you know why two of your trim members were couped by one yet?

I knew the day it happened and the rest of the alliance one day thereafter. The reasons for their removal are no concern of other alliances since only members of the GGA were involved.

With this in mind, despite the fact that everyone outside the GGA is mighty curious, we do not disclose the reasons on open forums like this.

You know, if GGA hadn't said "We'll get back to you once we get all the details and the story straight", this thread might have been dead by now.

Doubtful. But as i said above, there is nothing to hide so no cover story needed. If any alliance wants more information than such information can be requested through the diplomats. If SWR and KFH agree with the release of the information then it will be provided, not on an open forum though.

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While it's true that you don't technically owe anybody an explanation, your image is very important. If you want to recover and move forward you need to clean up how you're viewed. This announcement makes you look bad, and if you hope to attract new allies or quality members in the future you would be well-served to provide a coherent accounting of what appears to everyone looking in to be a psyduck.png.

Edited by bzelger
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lol. The fact that this thread is still alive just comes to show how bored people are to get a good bashing in. Honestly, they couped two of their triumvirates. How the Hell does it affect your membership in any way, shape, or form? For most of you it has very little to no stake in your oh-so-meaningful existences on Bob. Believe me, I love a good GGA bashing here and now again, but this is like slapping an already crippled baby in an abandoned stroller. Sometimes it is just superfluous to pursue something. But that's right, our opinions on the matter are so damned important that we have every right to hold their decisions under the greatest of scrutiny.

It's apparent that many of you, myself included, have a rather tasteless dislike for GGA. Be that as it may, at least they are showing some damn effort trying to work crap around. If you don't like what they're doing, join GGA and get whatever agenda you want seen done. If you don't, honestly, just shut up and lay off for a bit. As much as I dislike GGA, the GGA-bashing is getting to be ridiculous. In no way should this thread have ever reached 20 pages, especially all of the useless content that is contained through out.

Go back to your lives. Let it go. And yes I made some quasi-GGA defense, which I will be getting a good slapping for later this day. Moreover I'm still a bit tipsy. :awesome: Fire water really does wonders to you. :blush:

*rubs forehead in confusion because of what what just came out of his mouth*

Actually, With two of three government members gone, this does have the potential to affect others. When governments change policies change, Understanding what happened and why will help the rest of us get a grasp on how to treat the new GGA government.

Will it be more of the same? A radical departure? only a minor attempt at change?

The answers the questions being asked in this thread, as well as an official statement on what went down and why will help others form their basis of foreign policy toward the GGA in the future. Information might change minds, giving us the cold shoulder will not. And judging by the prevailing tone of this thread changing peoples minds about the GGA should be fairly important to the new government.

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While it's true that you don't technically owe anybody an explanation, your image is very important. If you want to recover and move forward you need to clean up how you're viewed. This announcement makes you look bad, and if you hope to attract new allies or quality members in the future you would be well-served to provide a coherent accounting of what appears to everyone looking in to be a psyduck.png.

That is why, if SWR and KFH agree with the release of the information concerning their censure and following removal from office, the information can be asked and received from the diplomats.

We will not make this a public trial though. I'll take my leave from this topic now.

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That is why, if SWR and KFH agree with the release of the information concerning their censure and following removal from office, the information can be asked and received from the diplomats.

We will not make this a public trial though. I'll take my leave from this topic now.

It is a public trial though, not for your deposed leaders, but your entire alliance. Thats what the OWF is. Public opinion can make or break alliances. I should think Vox Populi proved that one quite nicely.

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I would say that no one really has the right to criticize the workings of GGA's sovereign government if it were true that it was sovereign. Unfortunately, that's not the case.

Degenerate clearly is a relic of the ancien regime at best and Bilrow's puppet at worst while Shaneprice is a profiteering opportunist. Hardly the definition of sovereignty and independence.

Edited by Tom Litler
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So have you seen him yet?

You are right though, the latter part of that one post was indeed uncalled for. People have gradually taken the GGA insulting too far.

Yes, I have. And a post should be made in the near future....I can't tell you exactly when, as I do not control the lifes of our tris ;)

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The matter concerning the removal of office from KFH and SWR is/was handled internally. This announcement was plain and simple a notification that they no longer speak on behalf of the GGA government.

A cover story would imply we have something to hide which we do not.

I knew the day it happened and the rest of the alliance one day thereafter. The reasons for their removal are no concern of other alliances since only members of the GGA were involved.

With this in mind, despite the fact that everyone outside the GGA is mighty curious, we do not disclose the reasons on open forums like this.

Doubtful. But as i said above, there is nothing to hide so no cover story needed. If any alliance wants more information than such information can be requested through the diplomats. If SWR and KFH agree with the release of the information then it will be provided, not on an open forum though.

While it is true you owe the world nothing, if you don't want the world to question you, don't announce !@#$ to the world. And, please, don't pull that "if you want more information, you can ask in private" line when your government said they'd answer questions.

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Saying 'we're handling it internally, it's none of your business' is fine ... if you never want relations with other alliances. The appearance of serious instability in government will make your alliance unattractive to others.

Plus, you (GGA) did say that you would have an explanation.

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I knew the day it happened and the rest of the alliance one day thereafter.

I knew two days before it happened... how is it that you would not be informed of this impending change... because ironchef never told you. so the show is being run by one person.

This change must have been in the planning for a month or so.. because shaneprice had to come back into the fold... oddly enough shane will help lead the alliance in a new direction away from NPO..

I would suspect alliances with MADP's are most likely looking at either cancelling or seriously downgrading them to maybe an ODP or lower... I know if I had an MADP with GGA I would review it....

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Actually, With two of three government members gone, this does have the potential to affect others. When governments change policies change, Understanding what happened and why will help the rest of us get a grasp on how to treat the new GGA government.

Will it be more of the same? A radical departure? only a minor attempt at change?

It's GGA for crying out loud. What are you going to expect? For the most part, most of the GGA members I know have the same mindset. The 'why' obviously is a null question because I don't even think they know why they did it, hence the 'beating around the bush' mindset they have brought forward. What I am talking about is all the constant bantering for some explanation, when there could in fact be no explanation.


The answers the questions being asked in this thread, as well as an official statement on what went down and why will help others form their basis of foreign policy toward the GGA in the future. Information might change minds, giving us the cold shoulder will not. And judging by the prevailing tone of this thread changing peoples minds about the GGA should be fairly important to the new government.

For some reason with their choice of impeachments, it should be fairly clear what the 'prevailing tone' is. Honestly, I am skeptical of anything GGA is able to do successfully, but I digress. Whether or not this was a legitimate coup is beyond me and to be perfectly honest I have no stake in it.

Now for Viridia I would assume you all have quite a bit of stake in this situation because both alliances share the same color sphere. I know that if this were a scenario where a Maroon alliance followed a similar course of action I would be hard-pressed in finding answers. However, many of the people who are running around throwing rocks at GGA members are part of alliances that will never really interact with GGA on a treaty or friendship level (which includes myself).

Saying 'we're handling it internally, it's none of your business' is fine ... if you never want relations with other alliances. The appearance of serious instability in government will make your alliance unattractive to others.

I think it's fairly clear that the GGA government has had some instability for some time even prior to this coup, yes? I mean, why else would they try to implement changes to their government...?

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I for one hope that GGA does not disband, I think its good that all of those with the same IQ level are in the same place and not spreading to good alliances and lowering ours.

Believe me, I'd be the last one to want to defend the Grand Global Alliance right now, but I'm going to because of this comment. I like the Greenland Republic, I like your leaders, but I have no hesitation ripping one of their members a new one for comments like these.

I know it's fun to bandwagon on an alliance that's struggling (I'm guilty of doing it to plenty of alliances, GGA included), but comments like these just irritate me. Some people bring at least moderate intelligence into their posts when discussing these issues, such as what an alliance is doing wrong, what they can do to fix it, etc.. Other people I think just enjoy hearing themselves talk (or seeing themselves type), and end up coming across as ignorant because they jump on a bandwagon without really thinking about it. You've unfortunately fallen completely under the latter group of people. It gets old reading blatant posts with a lack of substance from people, and when it dives into making a stupid comment about an entire group of people, it comes off quite poorly. The worst post I've seen by a member of the Grand Global Alliance (Silverhawk's "We don't need WRCs because we have the NPO") was fairly terrible, but at least it was an informed opinion from his viewpoint (even if it came off poorly to the rest of us) rather than running his mouth to make a post that fits in conjunction with the other non-opinionated, mindless posts.

That being said, don't take what I say personally. I'd love to read something you write and respect it for being an informed opinion, but I'm not going to off of your posts in this thread. I just felt the need to address it since I was wearing glasses while reading your post. I forgot I was wearing them when I facepalmed, and now there's a nasty indentation on my face from those glasses :blink:

I knew two days before it happened... how is it that you would not be informed of this impending change... because ironchef never told you. so the show is being run by one person.

This change must have been in the planning for a month or so.. because shaneprice had to come back into the fold... oddly enough shane will help lead the alliance in a new direction away from NPO..

I would suspect alliances with MADP's are most likely looking at either cancelling or seriously downgrading them to maybe an ODP or lower... I know if I had an MADP with GGA I would review it....

Your penchant for conspiracy theories continues to give me migraines, even after two years of knowing you ;)

Personally, I know degenerate is prideful and intelligent, and the issues that have become a problem for the Grand Global Alliance got to him I'm sure. It's both mentally and emotionally draining to see these issues occur and to be essentially powerless to make the necessary change. It takes three people to run a Triumvirate, and when they're all on a completely different page (as it's been internally for almost a year), nothing gets done. I'm sure degenerate made a last-ditch effort to right the path before he bowed out, and (regardless of the legality, or lack thereof), I praise him for having the spine to do what he feels was right (even if I disagree with both the ends and the means).

As for ironchef, I've never taken her for someone who plans these elaborate conspiracies (Hai Max). I'm sure her involvement is due to a lack of qualified candidates as well as the fact that she's relatively unwavering when faced with these pressures and realities. Her priority is to do exactly what she needs to do, and doesn't let criticisms, restrictions, or the realities of a situation get in the way. Whether or not that's a good thing I don't know, but it's certainly both greatly helped her and hurt her, as well as kept her around long after others have left due to lack of faith or energy. Shane's still fairly fresh, and has the will and energy to fix things.

Regardless, I hope you guys figure things out. I wholeheartedly disagree with what's happened lately as well as what you're planning to do, but ultimately it's your decision. I hope it works out.

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Saying 'we're handling it internally, it's none of your business' is fine ... if you never want relations with other alliances. The appearance of serious instability in government will make your alliance unattractive to others.

Plus, you (GGA) did say that you would have an explanation.

Pfft keep thinking that, NPO will prove why they don't need any WRCs

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While it's true that you don't technically owe anybody an explanation, your image is very important. If you want to recover and move forward you need to clean up how you're viewed. This announcement makes you look bad, and if you hope to attract new allies or quality members in the future you would be well-served to provide a coherent accounting of what appears to everyone looking in to be a psyduck.png.

Especially when they kick out someone like KFH who while perhaps a bit noobish was intelligent and level headed and a good diplomat.

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