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For the first time ever, Polar has more NS than Pacifica.


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I wonder why it is that Polar is short on tech. Hmm.

I suppose it's poetic justice that NPO is now behind in infra.

I know, I know.

I voted against that flag... I liked Pump's version much more. I also think Slashes' update is far superior. Please don't hurt me!

Like D34th.. I wanna see it too.

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I don't have either of them anymore, not being a member of Polaris. We actually voted on the initial flag in July of 06. I voted for one made by Teh Pump, which may not exist anymore. Ericadia's flag won, aka, the one above. It is a nice flag, don't get me wrong.

Someone opened a call for new flag suggestions when I was Regent I think, and there were some awesome ones. Slashes-with-Claws made a super cool one, which I also don't have. It's all on the Polar forum somewhere.

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Frankly G. I think the entire think is just too damn precious.

Still... I can insert cheeep hailiery... where's you want it?



Oppps.... wait... which forum is dis?

Eh..... NAACers......

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I will look up the flags.

I'll help, I think I read the original thread recently.

Pump's flag (he posted this one, not sure if its his design):


Other ones open to a failed poll



Edited by Marty McFly
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I thought I was going to be killed in the street that last time I tried to change the flag.
I remember rallying the lynch mobs at least one of those times :wub:
And it figures Fallen Fool will come in here with his negativity ;)
Someone needs to be a prick. Might as well be me Skibee ^_^
I'm glad you guys stuck with the flag you have.
Me too.
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Theirs no need to add confusion into the game by Switching the Ps. Even if Pacifica disbanded, I think Polaris would keep the lowercase P.

Besides, The Lowercase P looks better in an Acronym.


and for my fav. flag...


Edited by Rotavele
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