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WOLF Warning

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I never agreed with having a massive web of treaties in the first place. It just gets confusing and starts global wars.. :huh:

Oh, you never agreed to a treaty web ?

HEY GUYS, the war is over !

A Lone Stranger never agreed to a treaty web hence all treaties are invalid.

I will totally tell the 12000 nations fighting in this war that the war is wrong because you disagree with something 100% of the alliances do.

The problem isn't that they are a small alliance.

The problem isn't that they don't want to be involved in major alliance affairs.

The problem is that they just threatened 50% of the cyberverse, with their 6 man, 12K alliance, over being tech raided when they have 1 defensive war....started by another member of their own alliance. The only other war still listed is an offensive war declared on a NONE nation. AND, threatening to unite red against the Karma forces. AND better still, doing it all from peace mode, leaving his alliance mates to pick up the tech raids from people likely not even affiliated with Karma, because they are now aware of their existence.

Doin it wrong doesn't even come close to the level of wrong present in this announcement.

This is probably the best post in this thread.

Thanks for that post. :)

And if Karma's only goal was the destruction of the NPO and not peace, then what makes them any better than the NPO? In my opinion, it makes them worse. At least the NPO offers an entire team protection unlike Karma, who wishes to take that protection away from us.

Karma is the new NPO? I think so.

Lets put it like this, someone kicks you in the balls.

You say, "WTF, unless you get out of my sight imediatly, I will kick you back"

Then that person says, "how about I just move over there and forget that I just kicked you in the balls, ok ?"

The fact that peace terms were actually being discussed on day one of the war is a luxury NPO has yet to give anyone.

Take the GPA, they got attacked while they hadnt even attacked anyone else, they suffered for a month long and each remaining GPA member had to pay 250 tech.

At least the NPO offers an entire team protection unlike Karma, who wishes to take that protection away from us.
The FAN-WUT War, also called VietFAN by some, was an occupation-like conflict, fought from June to September of 2007, initially and mainly between the forces of the now defunct World Unity Treaty and the Federation of Armed Nations, a former member of the very same treaty who was ejected before the war began. The war is said to have been caused by several reasons which including Yellow Number 5, a policy enforced by the Federation along with the Global Organization for Liberty and Defense to protect Yellow nations

Do you see now that protecting the innocent was actually considered an offence by NPO & co ?

As a matter of fact, FAN has been in a constant state of war since December 2007 because of your oh so friendly protectors.

Only now can FAN maybe start to live again due to karma.

Well it's apparently getting through to no one. Of course, what did I expect? I run one of the smallest alliances in the game. Who cares if we become a massive alliance in the future, or if we could have a huge impact on the war by helping to recruit 24/7?

Please do go for it.

Oh wait, because you are on red you cannot but even establish a formal alliance of noteworthy size, because if you do, you will find yourself attacked.

Also, every single alliance on CN is trying to recuit and become bigger, dont get your hopes up.

Edited by leprecon
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Well it's apparently getting through to no one. Of course, what did I expect? I run one of the smallest alliances in the game. Who cares if we become a massive alliance in the future, or if we could have a huge impact on the war by helping to recruit 24/7?

If you do become a massive alliance in the future you can thank karma for the freedom to stay on the red team.

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Mind showing me a message from a karma alliance telling you to vote for their member for red senate? If other red sphere nations do that, kudos to them. Freedom is a good thing. Hopefully it's something you'll have to get used to.

My Pleasure:

To: Porky Pig From: Schattenmann Date: 5/10/2009 9:12:29 AM

Subject: Take control!

Message: For years, the NPO has claimed the Red team as its sovereign territory, mercilessly hunting down and destroying alliances that try to peacefully coexist on Red.

But, NPO is embroiled in war--paying for its crimes over time--and it can no longer lord over the Red team. The NPO can no longer lord over you.

NPO has used the Red senate as a tool in its domination of Red. But, the senate is meant to be a tool of protection, not of imprisonment. The senate is meant to reflect the will of the team, not of one alliance.

Today, we invite you to throw off your bonds.

Click Team Information Panel to the left, then click Vote for Team Senators, then cast a vote for Ketola.

Ketola is ruled by Heike Lunta, a candidate committed to making Red free and prosperous.

Lastly, the NPO will soon send you messages claiming that the world will end without them. In fact, NPO seeks to destroy the world.

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My Pleasure:

To: Porky Pig From: Schattenmann Date: 5/10/2009 9:12:29 AM

Subject: Take control!

Message: For years, the NPO has claimed the Red team as its sovereign territory, mercilessly hunting down and destroying alliances that try to peacefully coexist on Red.

But, NPO is embroiled in war--paying for its crimes over time--and it can no longer lord over the Red team. The NPO can no longer lord over you.

NPO has used the Red senate as a tool in its domination of Red. But, the senate is meant to be a tool of protection, not of imprisonment. The senate is meant to reflect the will of the team, not of one alliance.

Today, we invite you to throw off your bonds.

Click Team Information Panel to the left, then click Vote for Team Senators, then cast a vote for Ketola.

Ketola is ruled by Heike Lunta, a candidate committed to making Red free and prosperous.

Lastly, the NPO will soon send you messages claiming that the world will end without them. In fact, NPO seeks to destroy the world.

Oh my. I didn't think they actually did that.

Anyway just as you value the red shpere unaligneds over any other unaligned nation I value the freedom and soverginety of all alliances and the freedom of speach for any alliance or nation over the revenge doctrine.

The fact that you seem to care alot for a select few people while willing to throw a bunch of other to the wolves isn't kindness or even sound reasoning in my eyes.

They don't need KARMA to exist as an alliance on RED, damn you guys sure try to spin the brown goo

You missed the word massive in my post. They're not allowed to have over, what? 25 members or something due to the moldavi doctrine.

Edited by neneko
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lol... a lot of hate in these parts of the ... ooh well, it's good to pour out frustration somewhere. but could you do it in private please?? i'm pretty sick of all the whining and complaining and justifying i keep hearing.

Edited by junkahoolik
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lol... a lot of hate in these parts of the forums... ooh well, it's good to pour out frustration somewhere. but could you do it in private please?? i'm pretty sick of all the whining and complaining and justifying i keep hearing.

I would recommend you look away then.

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see what i mean??

Its his right to discuss, and debate something which was posted on this forum, and leave it to the admins to warn him if he is doing something wrong.

Though I am no admin, I suggest no more conversation about what you can and cant post on this part of the forums.

10 bonuspoints if you spot the irony of this post.

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My Pleasure:

To: Porky Pig From: Schattenmann Date: 5/10/2009 9:12:29 AM

Subject: Take control!

Message: For years, the NPO has claimed the Red team as its sovereign territory, mercilessly hunting down and destroying alliances that try to peacefully coexist on Red.

But, NPO is embroiled in war--paying for its crimes over time--and it can no longer lord over the Red team. The NPO can no longer lord over you.

NPO has used the Red senate as a tool in its domination of Red. But, the senate is meant to be a tool of protection, not of imprisonment. The senate is meant to reflect the will of the team, not of one alliance.

Today, we invite you to throw off your bonds.

Click Team Information Panel to the left, then click Vote for Team Senators, then cast a vote for Ketola.

Ketola is ruled by Heike Lunta, a candidate committed to making Red free and prosperous.

Lastly, the NPO will soon send you messages claiming that the world will end without them. In fact, NPO seeks to destroy the world.

I'm sorry since when has vox been part of karma?

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Just for everyone's information, WOLF is an extremely tiny non-official alliance. We rely solely on the NPO's revenge doctrine to keep tech raiders out.


Since this global war, the NPO has been slacking on the "Revenge Doctrine". This is not their fault, it's the war's fault. WOLF, Warriors of the Last Federation, is sick and tired of these new tech raids. We are sick of seeing our only protectorate dying as we sit back and watch.

We are thus issuing a simple warning. If we get another tech raid or war against one of our members, we will issue a declaration of hostilities against Karma. We will give our full support to the NPO. This support will not just come from our nations going to war, but also will come in the form of propagating the entire red team into war.

We do not wish to go to war, but we will if it means protecting those who protected us first.


Emperor Stranger

*note: This is not a declaration of war..

May I humbly suggest peace mode.

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May I humbly suggest peace mode.

and economic penalties?

the idea that these folks dont have every right to defend themselves is foolish. and with recent suggestions from those o the 'karma' side that red be raided en masse during or after this war for the sake of spiting npo when they are powerless to uphold the revenge doctrine, i would be worried too if i were an independent member of the red team.

they have every right to defend themselves.

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and economic penalties?

the idea that these folks dont have every right to defend themselves is foolish. and with recent suggestions from those o the 'karma' side that red be raided en masse during or after this war for the sake of spiting npo when they are powerless to uphold the revenge doctrine, i would be worried too if i were an independent member of the red team.

they have every right to defend themselves.

And karma does not have the right to defend themselves? (here's a hint people are only talking about raiding red/WOLF for this thread and i think you'll find most are joking since WOLF isn't even in their NS range)

(p.s. I'm part of karma and i support the removal of the Moldavi doctrine but think the Revenge doctrine should stay)

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lol... a lot of hate in these parts of the forums... ooh well, it's good to pour out frustration somewhere. but could you do it in private please?? i'm pretty sick of all the whining and complaining and justifying i keep hearing.

Seriously? Why do you even post here?

The whole thing is quite amusing/ entertaining to me, and the fact that some people take the time to complain about the arguing is really kinda sad... and yet, fuels my amusement. Thanks for giving me a reason to raise my post count, and get involved in the hilariousness pointless awesomeness of this thread. ^_^

Edited by Jason Salovsky
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is this a joke?? and i really think that you should just do what Phoenix Ascendent said for your safety and the safety of your alliance

Edited by sc66336
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Seriously? Why do you even post here?

The whole thing is quite amusing/ entertaining to me, and the fact that some people take the time to complain about the arguing is really kinda sad... and yet, fuels my amusement. Thanks for giving me a reason to raise my post count, and get involved in the hilariousness pointless awesomeness of this thread. ^_^

mostly because i'm bored and because my point was that you guys are frustrated. but if you were searching for a reason to post here and found this one... well, need i say more?? i don't really see why you have to pick on him. sure, he's small, irrelevant and just asking for it, but most of ya take it outside the limits of common courtesy. why?? frustration... p***s envy... stuff like that. odd, ever since i left IRON for ODN i keep using the p***s envy stuff a lot. hmmmmmm, makes me think.

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Not to mean any disrespect to you MM, but I do not believe vox populi is part of karma in the sense that they coordinate anything together. Someone can feel free to correct me though.

We are not a part of Karma. They don't like that we walk the walk.

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