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WOLF Warning

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That's absolutely not what I said.

You're not automatically entitled to protection from tech raids by virtue of your existence. That you used to be able to rely upon the NPO for protection is not an inherent right to be respected by the rest of cyberverse. It is merely a selfish benefit you gained by associating yourself with the ruling class of the old world order, a benefit paid for by the rest of the cyberverse who had to endure countless wrongs by the NPO. Now that what went around have came around to to overthrow the NPO, you have absolutely no right whatsoever to complain about losing privileges you unfairly held.

I understand you clearly feel that you had a vested interest in the old world order. If that is the case however, by all means feel free to take up arms and defend your old way of life; that would be nothing but honorable and I am sure people would respect you for standing up for your ideals, however disagreeable it may be. But don't try to smear Karma's name and cause by speaking as if you're a victim of Karma.

Karma is not trampling on you. You're threatening Karma and openly inviting a trampling.

you sir have won this thread.

KARMA is indeed trampling him, KARMA is destroying the longest running program that keep a large group of innocent nations safe from villains and thieves. Your talk of honor and respect is laughable, your stance on innocent nations is direct evidence of your bankruptcy in both the honor and respect category.

If your "program" is NPO, you are correct. KARMA is dealing them a good blow. if you are referring to the revenge doctrine, then you are dead wrong. NPO is still sovereign and it is still their choice whether they honor that "program." Unaligned rednations are no more entitled protection by karma than any other sphere. if a nation does not want to be in an alliance and does not wish to be attacked, there is a function within the game called Peace Mode.

KARMA NPO should take responsibility for the damage they cause to innocent nations

fixed it for you.

EDIT: grammar, still might be some errors -_-

Edited by Obiwan
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Let's see... According to much of Karma, the NPO in the past would just declare war for the "lulz". Karma's ultimate goal in declaring war was originally to protect certain alliances. Now, Karma is declaring war just to obliterate an entire alliance and is no longer just doing it to protect said alliances.

Yea, they are becoming the next NPO, I can just see it.

yeah what with all the EZI/PZI's being handed down and overly oppressive surrender terms and moles planted withing enemy and allied alliances alike yeah we're a lot like that...get a clue dude. If not for your sake but for the friends that are depending on you to put your best foot forward. Even though you're not an alliance...unless you are. Your definition of the word seems to vary with each post so it's hard to say.

Well it's apparently getting through to no one. Of course, what did I expect? I run one of the smallest alliances in the game. Who cares if we become a massive alliance in the future, or if we could have a huge impact on the war by helping to recruit 24/7?

It's not getting through because we've all felt that sting and we're living proof that it's complete and total crap. Nobody cares what you do as long as you don't try to come in all puffed up and throwing your soaking wet 130 pounds around like we all owe you a living. That's not the way to do things, man. I'd be happy to assist you in improved foreign relations techniques.

Tried it. No one took us seriously, just like the people in this thread. And I have a problem because I seriously doubt that "Karma" (all the alliances in it) are going to offer us the same protection the NPO did. And at least the NPO took me seriously when I was in talks with them. Giving an alliance less than a minute to make a difficult decision and not letting in their emperor until 40 out of those 60 seconds have gone by is rather fishy, too.

Who did you talk to? I know it wasn't us, and I doubt you came on IRC and talked to anyone I know(I haven't been on yet today and won't be until tomorrow). I don't see you masked on any of the alliance forums I'm on(quite a few). If you did talk to one of us, then who did you talk to that you're so steadfast in your claim that we wouldn't have taken you seriously? If that's what you want, you've gotta do a better job opening up the door to solid long lasting friendships. I'll give you a hint, they don't start with " I'll kick your $@! if you do this!" Whether you want to grow or not, respect is given where respect is shown.

Oh, and as for your protection concerns? How well are they protecting you now? Obviously not very well if you gotta come in here with bass in your voice making demands. Not everyone in Karma techraids and not all techraiding alliances are affiliated with us. Do your homework before you start shooting off at the mouth. Perhaps if you had done so, so many wouldn't be mocking you now.

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I don't disagree with the NPO attacking in the middle of those "peace talks". Karma wasn't willing to give them peace then as it isn't going to give them peace now. Some of those "terms" seemed like they were made up because they KNEW the NPO wouldn't accept them, even though they did eventually accept them.

So you don't disagree with NPO jumping OV in the middle of peace talks? Karma had nothing to do with whether they got the matter squashed or not, as it didn't really exist in it's current form until after NPO jumped the talks and attacked OV. There was no war until NPO made one, so your statement of Karma not willing to give them peace is not based in reality at all.

Tried it. No one took us seriously, just like the people in this thread.

No one is taking you seriously mate, cause you got no idea wth you're talking about. You're complaining and making threats to attack Karma, when the only people attacking your people are your own people. Yet somehow that's our fault. You seem to think NPO was backed into a corner and somehow forced to attack OV. They weren't. They chose to do it.

Yes, we have. I hope you realize that this war has been going on for longer than seven days and wars only last seven days. Just because you don't see us at war now doesn't mean there never was one.

Yet you have no proof at all. You do have older then a week expired wars from your own guy techraiding, yet the thing you're complaining about mysteriously vanished. Right. Screenshots? Did the guy(s) who got hit post their battlereports somewhere? What was the name of the person(s) who attacked your "not an alliance alliance"?

You'd have people here by the boatload on your side if you were actually being attacked/raided by Karma, the PR alone would be insane. You'd be catapulted into being a poster alliance for the horrible atrocities commited to the poor little people on red team by a group of thugs taking advantage of NPO being busy, and people would be screaming to help stand up for the "underdog". But no.one.is.raiding.your.alliance.but.your.alliance. You've got no foot to stand on, and honestly, you're making yourself a target. Produce some sort of evidence of this phantom menace. And if you were attacked, but still can't prove it, what alliance did it? Surely you remember that, if not the name of the attacker.

That's precisely it. Because the NPO can not protect us anymore, an attack by ANYONE is still an attack that the NPO can not help us with.

So you're threatening Karma... in case, maybe, it might, just kinda, an attack could possibly happen? Brought on by what, the fear of your own members tech raiding each other? I'd be really surprised if your member doesn't get reported for war slot filling, what with your alliance declaring on itself and then you coming on here and threatening half the world with war. To make it even worse, you're sitting here bragging about counting up the days until you can get nukes, spending RL money in an effort to hurry it, WHILE you're threatening folks. If we were your awesome protectors the NPO, we'd of screenshotted this crap, used it as a CB for preemptive attack, disbanded you, and stuck your gov on EZI. But yeah, sorry, those guis are teh awesome.

Before, if we were to get raided by a larger group, the NPO could help out. However, since the NPO can not help us out anymore, a large tech raiding group would be the death of us. I, as the leader of our unofficial alliance, can not just sit back and let that happen.
Once again, all this nonsense thread is doing is painting a giant target on your group.

Cmon your nation is almost 300 days old, how can you possibly be that small, no wonders, hardly any improvements and a noticeable lack of sense? NPO didn't help red because they wanted to be nice guys. It gave them places to hide their banks off their AA back in the day when banks were useful, along with that, the ability to hide their true number by having members off AA. They've got over 160 members that've gained the NPO AA since the start of the war, nearly all red, and not as many new nations supporting the cause as they'd like you to believe if you go checking their aid screens. Ironclad control of the red senate didn't hurt either. It was a brilliant move that's still garnering them great PR even today, but don't act like they do it to be good people. You're a PR shield to them and nothing more.

Now, I have respect for a small group who, if they get screwed with, says "We're going to make nuking you our goal in life. You will pay." Shows guts. You'll make friends with that attitude. If you have a cause for having it in the first place. Acting like that because someone could possibly, just maybe take your silver spoon of protection away from you makes you come off as spoiled brats. Turning around and threatening people just makes it worse.

I'm sure you won't listen, so good luck, and keep right on painting that target on your backs man. Good job with the trolling too tbh, this would of gotten buried quickly if not for the smearing and blaming of Karma, yet somehow you've managed to irritate some folks with the finger pointing, you are a god among internet trolls. A+

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I almost pissed my pants because I thought you were going to say "If one more nation declares on the NPO, then we're going to war!" :awesome:

This just caused me to spit tea all over my keyboard... :rolleyes:

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Did this seriously get to 13 pages?

Good luck WOLF, in not getting raided, or whatever your whining about, but I heard KARMA is teh ebil and will probably EZI your entire alliance. Unless they extort you for large sums of cash and tech first. Oh and force you to sing "I'm a little tea pot" in order to listen to you in any way whatsoever.

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Did this seriously get to 13 pages?

Good luck WOLF, in not getting raided, or whatever your whining about, but I heard KARMA is teh ebil and will probably EZI your entire alliance. Unless they extort you for large sums of cash and tech first. Oh and force you to sing "I'm a little tea pot" in order to listen to you in any way whatsoever.


I thought this was kind of unnecessary to be honest. But, that's just me... Have fun, I guess? :mellow:

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I see now that you're completely objective in this.

If you're so worried about the innocent nations go complain to your own leader about your tech raiding policy.

I have stated I am not "objective" my nation spent most of its youth on red, I am now on red and I will kick and scream to do anything I can for those on red.

What a strange world we live in that the leading powers care so little for the innocent victims of war.

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I have stated I am not "objective" my nation spent most of its youth on red, I am now on red and I will kick and scream to do anything I can for those on red.

What a strange world we live in that the leading powers care so little for the innocent victims of war.

I still find it more strange that you can preach for the innocents rights with your mouth and beat down other innocents with your hands at the same time. As long as you support tech raiding you're just comming off as a huge hypocrite.

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I still find it more strange that you can preach for the innocents rights with your mouth and beat down other innocents with your hands at the same time. As long as you support tech raiding you're just comming off as a huge hypocrite.

I do not support tech raiding, never have and never will.

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That's precisely it. Because the NPO can not protect us anymore, an attack by ANYONE is still an attack that the NPO can not help us with. Before, if we were to get raided by a larger group, the NPO could help out. However, since the NPO can not help us out anymore, a large tech raiding group would be the death of us. I, as the leader of our unofficial alliance, can not just sit back and let that happen.

Just to humor you I will pretend to believe you are even the slightest bit sincere and that tech raiding and your alliance has anything to do with anything. What you're saying is that because of Karma beating up the NPO they can no longer protect you from a large raiding force. As their leader you cannot stand idly by and let this be so you are going to declare war on Karma. And while that sounds laughable we should all show a little respect cause if need be you will recruit 24/7, lift weights, eat your spinach and make Karma sorry because when you put your mind to something you get medieval.

Sounds like a plan, and I sincerely wish you the best. As you said life on Bob is boring without war. I look forward to the hostilities. Sadly my prediction is at best you might go rogue and nuke a few folk, get bored, and fade into history. I hope I'm wrong. I would suggest that it will take much less effort to build up enough strength to protect yourself from large raiding forces than to take on Karma but I would never try to tell you how to lead your men.

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You're supporting a alliance that supports it. Take care of the problems at home before you start pointing at others.

Could you point me to the red unaligned my alliance is raiding? As I have stated my issue lays within the red sphere.

I find it disgusting that red nations are being destroyed so gleefully just to stick it to NPO.

I am now being swamped with messages to vote for red senators in alliances other than NPO, what will these senators do to protect those nations they seek votes from? My guess is nothing at all. I have begun actively messaging the unaligned red explaining this very fact to them, unless those perspective red team candidates step up and offer support to those they seek votes from I will continue to discourage the unaligned to vote for them, it is simple not in their best interest, really it amounts to voting for their own destruction.

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Could you point me to the red unaligned my alliance is raiding? As I have stated my issue lays within the red sphere.

How is red unaligned nations more innocent than unaligned nations on other teams? I don't belive you feel anything more for the red sphere unaligneds than other colored spheres unaligned though. You're just doing a weak attempt at not sounding like a complete hypocrite while trying to get a cheap shot at karma.

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How is red unaligned nations more innocent than unaligned nations on other teams? I don't belive you feel anything more for the red sphere unaligneds than other colored spheres unaligned though. You're just doing a weak attempt at not sounding like a complete hypocrite while trying to get a cheap shot at karma.

The fact that I spent most of my existence as a red unaligned nation means nothing? I don't need to take cheap shots, KARMA does that to itself all on its own. Mind telling me how voting for a senator from an alliance to promotes raiding is in the best interest of those red unaligned? If you can't please explain why KARMA would do this to those unaligned nations, my guess KARMA is ever so happy to use them and cast them aside like waste.

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I do not support tech raiding, never have and never will.

It's a despicable act you and I both agree on, however Porky you and I both know this is one of those age old debates that always goes round and round.

Let the record reflect that The People of The Sepritists colony located on the outer rim, have always been a huge supporter of The Revenge Doctrine.

I wish all those looking for refuge who once live on the Red Sphere good luck in all there endeavors, however from the looks of things I think it's time to relocate to a more stable color, I'm partial to maroon, although I think the new sphere of win may become yellow :P

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It's a despicable act you and I both agree on, however Porky you and I both know this is one of those age old debates that always goes round and round.

Let the record reflect that The People of The Sepritists colony located on the outer rim, have always been a huge supporter of The Revenge Doctrine.

I wish all those looking for refuge who once live on the Red Sphere good luck in all there endeavors, however from the looks of things I think it's time to relocate to a more stable color, I'm partial to maroon, although I think the new sphere of win may become yellow :P

Indeed good sir, I also look forward to the day Yellow #5 once again graces Planet Bob.

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The fact that I spent most of my existence as a red unaligned nation means nothing? I don't need to take cheap shots, KARMA does that to itself all on its own. Mind telling me how voting for a senator from an alliance to promotes raiding is in the best interest of those red unaligned? If you can't please explain why KARMA would do this to those unaligned nations, my guess KARMA is ever so happy to use them and cast them aside like waste.

Mind showing me a message from a karma alliance telling you to vote for their member for red senate? If other red sphere nations do that, kudos to them. Freedom is a good thing. Hopefully it's something you'll have to get used to.

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Indeed good sir, I also look forward to the day Yellow #5 once again graces Planet Bob.

I was hoping for Yellow #6, (0617B002) more cyan needed..

OCC, To all our Mother's who grace our planet I wish you a happy day, as I now have to leave and care to mine.

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