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I remember when..


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I remember the fear that ran through the upper echelon of the Order that FAN was going to be our demise.

I remember when we forced you into horrible surrender terms with no intent of ever letting you out of them.

I remember when we fabricated the reason to attack you, simply because we knew you'd be a huge threat if ever allowed to walk free.

I remember wondering, as the evidence came out that most of those "violations" were by ghosts that FAN could not remove and usually for 22% soldier count, whether it was fair.

I remember waking up.

We do indeed all have blood on our hands, and we do all pay for our sins in the end. I like to think, however, that we can always find a way to attone for them rather than let others punish us for them. I'm better than NPO because I can recognise and correct my mistakes and I've fought with the idea in mind that FAN can as well. I don't think that will preclude you from being yourselves.

Aw look at me, being all protective. Maybe I'm just scared that you guys are gonna get blown up again. :awesome:

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I remember the TOS which means skynet/(whatever it's current incarnation is called) is legal if it does not automatically take info from the game.

I remember the First Fark Greenlight

I remember my first CN message from Slayer

I remember being allied to FAN

I remember fighting Total Genmay/Air Supply

I remember the CoaLUEtion falling apart

I remember when FAN attacked Nordenreich

I remember when the Initiative attacked FAN

I remember my FAN target turtling and launching CMs

I remember the Unjust War and how it ended for me

I remember being ordered not to ever interact with Electron Sponge after the Unjust War

I remember the great times on Skype before it became a tool for playing CN

I remember my friends in TPF where we always tried to have fun

I remember when everything fell apart

I remember losing several friends over stupid stuff

I remember being asked to do my job as Minister of Recruitment

I remember my failed attempt at writing the Phoenix Times

I remember meeting Jay after becoming SSSW18's Viceroy

I remember leaving TPF

I remember losing my friend in RL

I remember being scared of screwing up as leader

I remember learning to actually speak my mind once I'm not in charge

I hope I remember to actually have a life outside of CN one of these days. :lol1:

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Memories of FAN....

- Overlord, and then making several new friends by the end of that night

- Cheering when you were attacked the first time

- Being appalled when you were attacked the second time, and sending many apologetic PMs to the nations I was attacking

- Making friends again when the whole Vox thing re-started

- A nice chat with one of your government members last night

And yes, like others I'm quite familiar with UniMatrix Zero as well and how the NPO used the Legion's forum as their planning/testing ground for it, probably to avoid having any direct links back to their home forum. But absolutely not illegal at all.

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I remember the fear that ran through the upper echelon of the Order that FAN was going to be our demise.

I remember when we forced you into horrible surrender terms with no intent of ever letting you out of them.

I remember when we fabricated the reason to attack you, simply because we knew you'd be a huge threat if ever allowed to walk free.

I remember wondering, as the evidence came out that most of those "violations" were by ghosts that FAN could not remove and usually for 22% soldier count, whether it was fair.

I remember waking up.

We do indeed all have blood on our hands, and we do all pay for our sins in the end. I like to think, however, that we can always find a way to attone for them rather than let others punish us for them. I'm better than NPO because I can recognise and correct my mistakes and I've fought with the idea in mind that FAN can as well. I don't think that will preclude you from being yourselves.

Aw look at me, being all protective. Maybe I'm just scared that you guys are gonna get blown up again. :awesome:

I never felt comfortable with the re-engagement thing myself. But I was inactive as hell, and chased out soon afterwards, so it's not like I had a place in Pacifica.

I remember when I became a Pacifican, joining a grand idea, a city on a hill, where my beliefs in individuals and meritocracy were raised and reinforced.

I remember believe I had found something worth pouring my soul into.

I remember fighting endlessly and exercising my full will for the first time in my Life.

I remember departing shortly after the war was over...Too burned out to continue.

I remember returning, and bearing witness to the great Vengeance of Pacifica and Polaris upon those who had sought to trod us down.

I remember working and delegating, playing god and being consumed by unwanton hubris, but I remember always thinking; I will *always* do what is best for the Order.

I remember arguing with those who outranked me, constantly bickering over the merits of a decision, but never challenging authority, always thinking; I will not insult the Pacifican way.

I remember being erratic, crazy even, making foolhardy choices and haphazard moves, never believing that I would bring shame and harm to my comrades; I remember realizing when I was wrong.

I remember being chased out by Dilber over something he would have done himself with far more finesse. Not allowing me to defend myself, deciding to strike me down first, before I could explain myself.

I remember when I decided; I will not defend myself, I will allow this to happen to me, because Pacifica is far greater than I am, and this is just a game. Dilber was doing what was right.

I remember convincing myself that sometimes exiling oneself from the place he loves willingly is a better choice than tarring it down with ones own ego. And while that may be true...I come back after another year, read upon on what's happened, and you know?

I remember when I was disgusted with what had become of Pacifica.

Falling into a trap I warned you of over a YEAR ago?! What sort of ego would allow themselves to pull a move such as this!

Especially since I was right! Did you all decide to allow technology to act as a replacement for common personal competence? Generalizations and efficiency? What good is a "constant revolution" if all it does is lead you to the funeral pyre!

The best you can hope for now, is that it is a cleansing one, such as the First Patriotic War. Those fires burned away the waste and crap of Pacifica, and showed us all what needed to be done. And we did it. Because we were Pacifica. And because we were Polaris.

Stabbing our closest allies in the back?! As what, a pre-emptive move! Surely the moment it became known that we moved against our Blue Brothers, all of Pacifica's credibility would become lost! That all binding contracts would be inherently empty! That pride and dignity would just be pretty words!

You overplayed your hand and failed to take into account the risks of your moves, you fell prey to petty hubris.

Moldavi would laugh at you children, playing at Gods. Forgetting that what is needed to lead Pacifica is not just vast skill and greater merit than your peers, but the strength to not give in to the hubris to believe that you, and you alone know best!

Because when you do, crap like this happens!

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I remember when I was approached months before the FAN terms were considered in violation by NPO to assist them in their second war against FAN.

I remember swallowing my principals for the first and last time in this game while I defended the CB that I knew was manufactured.

I remember the feeling of guilt I had when I saw the results of that war.

I remember vowing never to sit by and support a similar action again.

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You overplayed your hand and failed to take into account the risks of your moves, you fell prey to petty hubris.

Moldavi would laugh at you children, playing at Gods. Forgetting that what is needed to lead Pacifica is not just vast skill and greater merit than your peers, but the strength to not give in to the hubris to believe that you, and you alone know best!

Because when you do, crap like this happens!

You're a breed of Pacifean I haven't seen in a while.

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Chron was one of the best. I remember looking up to his posts when I was just a little noob and respecting Pacifica because of members of his quality.

Got high off it, though.

Being on the top does that to most people...Makes them blind to everything else. It's what caused my...exit. Or rather, it caused the situation that lead to it.

Good to see Dilber's learning he's only human, and not some kind of machiavellian genius, or however you spell it. But I deeply regret that things had to get so bad for another purging fire to occur.

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I remember doing anything I damn well wanted in any alliance I ever joined.

I remember wondering why I was never put on any ZI lists for blatantly disregarding alliance rules

I remember maybe perhaps might not but probably did maybe sending logs of the coalition and their attacks to my supersecretsecret agent in Vox Populi when they first started

I remember wondering why I never got what was coming to me for that.

I remember blasting off into space because space is SO DOPE.

That's about it.

I still do all those things anyway, but man, space is dope.

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Chron was one of the best. I remember looking up to his posts when I was just a little noob and respecting Pacifica because of members of his quality.

I love Chron. Interestingly enough, I was saying just that a few weeks ago in the Polar private IRC channel when I was digging up archived threads on NPO's forums and found his response in Mr. Koala's (aka SAM the Great or Baden-Württemberg) resignation thread 2 years ago which was spot on.

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I love Chron. Interestingly enough, I was saying just that a few weeks ago in the Polar private IRC channel when I was digging up archived threads on NPO's forums and found his response in Mr. Koala's (aka SAM the Great or Baden-Württemberg) resignation thread 2 years ago which was spot on.

I remember asking Moo or Zha if I could see the thread announcing my removal from the Order, just for !@#$% and giggles. It was sadly not allowed unless I returned.

The spot was always open...I just felt I didn't deserve it.

Funny how that works out.

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I remember raising hell in the First FAN War thread and having Dr. Fresh come to me and tell me that NPO was an ally of MCXA, my alliance's protector, and that it'd serve me well to shut my trap.

I remember grinning in satisfaction as I watched your nukes fly, devastating the NPO.

I remember seeing you guys get peace, and hoping you would get revenge one day.

I remember seeing you guys struck down again, because they feared you.

I remember seeing you return from the dead, weaker in "strength", but infinitely stronger.

I could go on, but I figured I'd stick to FAN.

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I remember the day I left Socialistic Empire

I remember the day I grew to hate communism in RL because of the communist in CN

I remember I used to roll with Crv24 through thick and thin

I remember when the UJW started and fighting in it

I remember the day I joined the BDC and was conveniently promoted to lower gov my first week when I learned the true nature of a war

I remember the day I first met myworld when he was a viceroy

I remember the war of the coalition

I remember the day I decided to leave CN (for a few months)

I remember the day I came back

I remember the day when I realized an allaince I was for 4 months lost its soul.

I remember the day I joined the NpO

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