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Trashcat's Corner: And The Rivers Ran Red

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I see. Very well then, mhawk. If you wish to keep making potshots at us I can see that your promised efforts to reconcile after this war ring hollow indeed. What a shame.

On another note, you're not the only ones fighting us, so this quote is quite absurd

"[12:56am] mhawk: if you take away the bandwagonners like crohl and dani_C and some fark guy that joined PC just to hit slayer and me

[12:56am] mhawk: we've taken nearly 2m NS off them".

Give your meatshields some credit too, ey? Although they don't deserve any help, right? That OPP community sure is holding out, it is quite telling to see how you treat your "closest" friends, I wonder how you would treat your enemies? All the credit being given to TPF for fighting well and being prepared is baloney. Your MoW was out of money within the first wave. You may be taking on a lot of alliances but how many of them are actually >2m NS, or hell even 1m? Face the facts and stop drinking your own kool aid, cuz I'm not buying it.

I've been telling toto it was hollow and meaningless since I heard about it.

I may be crude, I may be a dick, I might have fun at the expensive of others and leave people in !@#$%* situations because of it. I might not care about anyone outside of myself, but god damnit, I KNOW PEOPLE. I see through their !@#$%^&* from a mile away.

If I tell you something about a person, whatever it is, you can take that !@#$ to the bank because it's true. Mhawk is only apologizing because he has no other choice, if he meant it, he'd have done it months ago and not persued the same line as the previous regime.

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/me sighs

Honestly, there are no more or less useless treaties. A NAP represents as much of a commitment as a MDP. Breaking a treaty is breaking a treaty. It's going back with your word and forgetting the honour that many alliances claim to have. I don't know where people got the misguided idea that going back with your word when you promise to defend someone is terrible and dishonourable but attacking someone who you promised not to attack is fine, but that seems to be the current CN trend. It does make me sad though.

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I didn't deflect anything on you. I was stating people are on your aa are not pc members and if you look at the damage aside from the recent joins, it has been quite significant. My statement was about your over reaction to that comment about your losses and my opinion of how you relate to "karma" and the principle of it. I was not the one that exploded over the said comments, while having stuff like that. I view the two as probably equivalent and not worthy of your reaction. I find it comical you still try to portray the situation that you're really the underdog here, any look at dows and ns charts can see that is not the case.

"take some goddamn responsibility"

I don't exactly call where I was not taking responsibility. I was merely stating how their numbers deflate the actual damage being done to PC. That wasn't a shot at you or ghosts or the people attacking me, I acknowledge why they are hitting and certainly don't deny they each have their reasons. I find it hard to associate where stating they were here only to hit us deflected anything to you.

The fact of the situation is your post contained more on PC than anything I said in the interview.

You keep misinterpreting what I'm saying. I'm saying that you have a chance here to actually be humble for once, as opposed to the arrogant manner you have carried yourself in private throughout the past. I would have thought that this experience might make you take a look at yourself and your alliance and maybe take some responsibility for the smackdown being laid upon you. But if you want to play the victim and say that everyone is just dogpiling you for no reason then that's your prerogative. I've had no problem in the past accepting that PC made mistakes and taking our lumps for it, but you seem to be defiantly against the idea that TPF under your rule has done any wrong.

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I've been telling toto it was hollow and meaningless since I heard about it.

I may be crude, I may be a dick, I might have fun at the expensive of others and leave people in !@#$%* situations because of it. I might not care about anyone outside of myself, but god damnit, I KNOW PEOPLE. I see through their !@#$%^&* from a mile away.

If I tell you something about a person, whatever it is, you can take that !@#$ to the bank because it's true. Mhawk is only apologizing because he has no other choice, if he meant it, he'd have done it months ago and not persued the same line as the previous regime.

First of all I'm not sure where you've heard of this "apology" from me. Second I did offer one well before the war several times and was told and I quote "you've actually been quite nice to us" in regards to what there was to apologize for. What exactly is "the same line as the previous regime" ?

So lets analyze this.

1) You claim something I have never said is hollow and meaningless.

2) You for some reason try to establish that you're a bunch of pretty bad things, but somehow can see truth, this statement is backed up on the previous premise that something i never said or did was meaningless and hollow.

3) You go on to claim that something I didn't do was done only because I had no choice.

4) This obviously links me to something bad which you use a charged phrase of previous regime to try to hide you have no actual arguments that are supported aside from your premise that you're "I may be crude, I may be a dick, I might have fun at the expensive of others and leave people in !@#$%* situations because of it. "

Good job aj.

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You keep misinterpreting what I'm saying. I'm saying that you have a chance here to actually be humble for once, as opposed to the arrogant manner you have carried yourself in private throughout the past. I would have thought that this experience might make you take a look at yourself and your alliance and maybe take some responsibility for the smackdown being laid upon you. But if you want to play the victim and say that everyone is just dogpiling you for no reason then that's your prerogative. I've had no problem in the past accepting that PC made mistakes and taking our lumps for it, but you seem to be defiantly against the idea that TPF under your rule has done any wrong.

This is really disappointing ctb. I've tried pretty damn hard to understand you guys and reach out and you know it. Then to go an accuse my actions of being arrogant in private with you? I know full well why folks are hitting us and never claimed or stated there is no reason to it. I think I am taking responsibility for the "smackdown" being laid upon us with every nuke taken. I even said as such to you in private that I didn't care pc hit us, everyone knew that was coming. My issue was all the times, even in this thread ironically, where you state you are the leader and no matter what anyone says you are the one in charge, but when it came down to it your word meant nothing.

I'm not playing the victim, everyone has reasons for doing things, we made a choice to honor our treaty and knew full well the wrath that would decend on us because of it. Make no mistake that is the choice that brought us to this position today, not some over arching atrocity committed against poison clan, or are you implying had we cancelled our treaty a month ago with NPO that TPF would still be being attacked by poison clan and the assorted coalition formed against us?

Furthermore, how am I still being the bad man and breaking reconciliation maneuvers when you have your second in command calling for the removal of 34 members, including myself to purify TPF? No, before you go talking to me about breaking reconciliatory actions, please look at your actions and that of some of your gov.

Now I'd still like to work things out with you guys, but doing so requires both sides to talk and actually follow through on those actions. I've given several orders for all our members to remain as respectful as possible in regards to poison clan, I've asked people with propaganda against you to take it down, I've asked for statements of outrage to be toned down and deleted. Now I've read your charter and know full well you can not ask or do any of those things, but at some point you will have to stop blaming nearly everything on myself or slayer. Slayer has been out of command for eight months and I have nothing against you guys. In fact I've made the decision before to put off hostilities when we could have done so quite easily as a curbstomp. I made that choice because there are many friends in this alliance with yours. Nearly constantly that decision is thrown back at me by PC members as a sign of weakness and cowardice. Now we find ourselves at war anyways, neither of us can change that, but we can damn well change how we behave with each other, even if not our members, but you and me CTB. Displaying huge outrage at my comments about the war, which are pretty mundane by all accounts and trying to establish that as some sort of premise of me once again betraying PC by lying and using that as justification of further hostile escalation is not the way. Like wise my comments probably didn't need to be there regarding relations to PC and karma. I admit they are there however because to be fully honest just as you say slayer betrayed you guys. You personally "betrayed" me and there is bitterness there. My word and the word others give to me means a hell of a lot. Now we can sit down and talk it out, or we can all keep on making jabs with old greenacres jumping on the bed next door flinging poo in all directions in superlative bless. I for one would like to work things out for the sake of each others word and our members, however as the ball will eventually be in your court militarily, we'll see how far you really want to take this.

Edited by mhawk
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I would like to note for the second time something I communicated to Tyga in our exchange on another thread. The rabble for cancelling our treaty with Pacifica was led by me. The impetus for TPF going down that road was something that I was extremely aggressive with and for those that know me, they know that isn't a freighttrain you want to step in front of w/o getting shouted down. My rationale was simple, and frankly my position has changed nada - by all evidence presented to us at the time, Pacifica was knifing an ally (again). For me, that isn't the first time that happened, and I was/am sick of it. I wanted to see TPF finally stick it back to them. I could care less whether people think that TPF walked to avoid the war, cause it just isn't the case. I wanted to see Pacifica hanging for the way they had treated TPF in the past, and for the way they'd treated TORN (as it was told to us at the time).

So, mhawk was presented with a fait accompli, led by me and the Old Guard (excuse of the term) of TPF. That is a no win situation. It is one that frankly borders on treason and I am sure that mhawk and I will deal with this at the completion of this conflict we find ourselves in. That our gov turned around, and mhawk moved to push us back onto the track we find ourselves on is a matter of history at this point.

But to say that we stepped out to avoid the conflict on the horizon is crap. Total unadulterated fecal matter. If you think yourself so wise as to know the 2 years of bad taste in my mouth towards Pacifica, the slights and disregard that has festered in my soul, well, you have yourself some magical powers that you should probably take advantage of professionally.


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Not bad, can't say I appreciate the tone you come forward with about those who dont wish to see heavy reparations handed out. Considering you claim this to be a statement by not just yourself but of Vanguard too, it is a bit of a statement against some allies of yours.

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If you founded LUE, I definitely hate you. :wub:

Thanks for the kind words everyone.

I don't think he did, actually, if memory serves. That blame goes to GKC, with maybe a little bit of bros on the side?

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Furthermore, how am I still being the bad man and breaking reconciliation maneuvers when you have your second in command calling for the removal of 34 members, including myself to purify TPF? No, before you go talking to me about breaking reconciliatory actions, please look at your actions and that of some of your gov.

If this is actually the case, it's very disconcerting and reminds me of the proposal for terms that were presented to STA to end the War of the Coalition. I believe that proposal was met with pretty universal disdain, including from many alliances that now consider themselves a part of Karma. Requiring members and leaders to leave an alliance as a term for peace was pretty unacceptable then and should be unacceptable now. Like it or not, mhawk is a part of TPF and Slayer, one of the founders and a longtime leader of TPF, chose to put him there. So any questions of whether he really belongs there are moot.

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Furthermore, how am I still being the bad man and breaking reconciliation maneuvers when you have your second in command calling for the removal of 34 members, including myself to purify TPF? No, before you go talking to me about breaking reconciliatory actions, please look at your actions and that of some of your gov.

Oh my... -_-

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Not bad, can't say I appreciate the tone you come forward with about those who dont wish to see heavy reparations handed out. Considering you claim this to be a statement by not just yourself but of Vanguard too, it is a bit of a statement against some allies of yours.

What? I didnt say heavy reparations. I said that not everyone deserves white peace. Also, I see you dont have a problem with the way I speak about other alliances, just when I take a bad "tone" about people you like. Intriguing.

@Archon: You and your facts. We all know Revanche was secretly the founder of LUE and all things bad in CN. I have logs to prove it.

Edited by Stumpy Jung Il
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