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An announcement from Canada


Leclerc was standing on a podium, looking into the camera, knowing that possibly the entire planet would see this.

"Ladies and Gentlemen,

I appear today to make an historic announcement.

You all may already know the achievements of Canada. The Nakheel Tower. The SkyCity. A visit to the moon. The Space Elevator.

Well, I am not a man of too many words, so let me say, we have decided to top even the Space Elevator, also known as Equatorial Star.

How so?

Let me show you."

The screen suddenly was filled by the picture of a spaceshuttle, vastly more modern than the one Canada was currently using.


"This is the Endeavour class spaceshuttle. It will be responsible for travel between the Equatorial Star and the moon, once built."

Another shuttle was shown.


"The Pegasus class shuttle. Four will eventually be built, to be used for man to finally reach Mars...When we are ready to do so."

And finally, the real reason for the announcement was shown.



And how they would be aligned, with the bigger, sphere-like base in the middle.


"This...This is how Canada will one-up itself. This is what Canada will build within the next years.

A base, on the moon of our beautiful planet. Permanent, to be manned all the time, 365 days of the year. Eventually to be self-sustainable, and a base from which not only missions onto other planets can be done, but a place which will open the door to the universe.

Ladies and Gentlemen. This is an incredible opportunity, and Canada will grasp it, for...

The future is now."

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"Lahye, this won't interfere with the moon laser? Will it?"

"Baggs, the moon laser plan consists entirely of a coffee stained napkin with a crudely drawn doodle on it. I don't think it's going to happen. Are you okay?"

"I haven't slept in three days, you're lucky I can even talk..."

Baggs slowly put a file with a green $@tail napkin pinned to it into the garbage



"We congratulate Canada on their plans and accomplishments. We wish you well in the future... and also on the moon."

OOC: Hooray for copying my post that I removed earlier :awesome:

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IC: "$%&@!" Huey Long cursed privately to his aide, Little Jimmy. "Little Jimmy, we need to talk to Canadia about their space program.."
IC: New England congratulates Canada on this glorious achievement, and hopes to achieve just the same in the near-future.

"We congratulate Canada on their plans and accomplishments. We wish you well in the future... and also on the moon."

We applaud this advancement for Canada, Communism, and all mankind.

We thank you all for these congratulations.

OOC: C'mon people, post. Everyone's invited to say his part, commies or nords or whoever. This is historic stuff.

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As the Canadians had completed their project, not far from the place they had designated for the constructions they would find a much larger complex...upon inspection, Pre-Nordland German Empire Flags, Insignia and Runic inscriptions would make themselves visible. The place did not have electrical power however - it was in effect a ruin, parts of the building were collapsed presumably from impacts from meteorites, damage was such that it could in no way be repaired or restored to function, but it was still there regardless.

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Despite the bulk of the Vinilandese Cabinet being unavailable for comments, this aspiring diplomat made the following state:

"What, what! Commies in the moon! $%&@ yes! Viniland wishes the best for Canada on its historical achievement."

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Molakia wonders if Astronaut Jones is aware of this....Space is "Mad DOPE"

Possibly not. We haven't met him yet.

Despite the bulk of the Vinilandese Cabinet being unavailable for comments, this aspiring diplomat made the following state:

"What, what! Commies in the moon! $%&@ yes! Viniland wishes the best for Canada on its historical achievement."

"Why, thank you. But we've been to the moon already, we're only just now establishing a permanent base."

We congratulate our neighbour on this historic achievement and wish them the best for the project.

Thank you. It already is going quite well, and within schedule.

As the Canadians had completed their project, not far from the place they had designated for the constructions they would find a much larger complex...upon inspection, Pre-Nordland German Empire Flags, Insignia and Runic inscriptions would make themselves visible. The place did not have electrical power however - it was in effect a ruin, parts of the building were collapsed presumably from impacts from meteorites, damage was such that it could in no way be repaired or restored to function, but it was still there regardless.

OOC: Martens, you need to read my General-Actions thread, seriously.



The base you mentioned here I already know of and examined. That said, you told me back when I made the first post that the base was on the "dark" side of the moon, facing away from earth at all times - this excludes it being in the polar region. I could quite probably find the logs from back then.

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We send our congratulations to Canada and wonder if we can send some of our own astronauts for some training as we are not that advanced for space travel yet.

Thank you. Regarding the astronauts, that is no problem, comrades.

The Kingdom of Cochin offers its congratulations to Canada and inquires about future technological and scientific cooperation.

If you wish to send scientists into space, feel free to send them to the Space Elevator, which is always available, for any country.

"I congratulate you. Canada is bringing this world into the next age." -Uberstein

"Indeed, that we do. And we hope to stay in this position, , being the starters of not only this, but further new ages, as well. However, for now it's time to make the best of this new age, with man's first colonies in space."

"Mr. President! The Communist Canadians have decided to set up a moon base!"

"What the hell have you been smoking, Diego?"

"No sir, I'm serious."

"So am I. You're going to rehab."

OOC: lol. He'll hear it from newspapers later.

This is a glorious step forward, not just for Canadians, we hope, but for all mankind.

IC: Indeed it is. In due time, men and women of all nations will live on the moon under Canadian rule internationally cooperational rule.

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Minister of Foreign Affairs in a brief with parliament:

“Senators today marks the beginning of a great achievement for the nation of Canada. A program is being developed to establish a moon base, they have made great advances in space exploration and their technology is state of the art. As a show of good will to this great achievement in the science of our world, we ask parliament to consider offering a financial gift to be sent to Canada to help with the expenses of the space program and as an offering of good will.”

Response of the Parliment:

Pending the acceptance of the Canadian government the nation of Le royaume would like to extend an offer of $3,000,000 to assist in any way to assist with the space exploration of Canada.

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The Xizang government is simply floored by these announcements. Indeed, citizens all around Xizang would remember where they were when this announcement met their ears, despite not actually living in Canada.

The Future is inevitable, for we are part of it. This is but the first of many other steps.

President Edward of Nedland congratulates Canada on this acheivement.

"This is not only a large step for mankind, but a huge step for Left-Wing Politics!" - President Edward

"Indeed it is. Canada thanks President Edward for the congratulations."

OOC: hee hee, very funny... :lol:

OOC: Mwehehehe.


Minister of Foreign Affairs in a brief with parliament:

“Senators today marks the beginning of a great achievement for the nation of Canada. A program is being developed to establish a moon base, they have made great advances in space exploration and their technology is state of the art. As a show of good will to this great achievement in the science of our world, we ask parliament to consider offering a financial gift to be sent to Canada to help with the expenses of the space program and as an offering of good will.”

Response of the Parliment:

Pending the acceptance of the Canadian government the nation of Le royaume would like to extend an offer of $3,000,000 to assist in any way to assist with the space exploration of Canada.

While we appreciate the offer, we have already planned the optimal budget and how it will be spent. We recommend investing the money into your own space program, for which we'll gladly send some advisors.

OOC: If you don't know yet, we have a GDP-formula, use of which is optional. I'm using it, and according to it I have a GDP of 2 trillion. I'm going to invest ~1 trillion over the course of several IC-years. I also already have the Spaceprogram ingame, and there's no moonbase wonder, so I'm just RPing that part. lol.

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The Future is inevitable, for we are part of it. This is but the first of many other steps.

"Indeed it is. Canada thanks President Edward for the congratulations."

OOC: Mwehehehe.


While we appreciate the offer, we have already planned the optimal budget and how it will be spent. We recommend investing the money into your own space program, for which we'll gladly send some advisors.

OOC: If you don't know yet, we have a GDP-formula, use of which is optional. I'm using it, and according to it I have a GDP of 2 trillion. I'm going to invest ~1 trillion over the course of several IC-years. I also already have the Spaceprogram ingame, and there's no moonbase wonder, so I'm just RPing that part. lol.

OCC: where is the GDP-formula I am sorry I thought money was a direct translation

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Zarfef wishes to congratulate you on this latest endevour... no pun intended...

In particular, the Aether Empire is proud that your latest shuttle shown appears to have thrust vectoring and it's sleek frame (normally useless to any space-bound craft which might as well be shaped like a giant brick) and hence has the wonderful capacity of acting out a double role of a high altitude bomber as well as a peaceful space craft.

While there are no insinuations that you want to carry other forms of payloads that measure in megatons instead of metric tons, we are all the same glad to see this foresight was involved... especially in this most treacherous of times. We congratulate you on this momentous achievement and hope that you are bringing us one day closer to a other-worldly colonization... the RP map is getting crowded and frankly the last time we checked the world radiation levels were two orders of magnitude above their maximum level... Any science you can add to our world is hence a crucial component to the survival of the human species.

Any joking seen aside, congratulations! We look up to your achievement and hope that we can match one day ourselves.

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