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2nd Triannual Report of the 5th Year of Order

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I've always found it interesting how Mary seemed to enjoy near-universal respect and acclaim when she was a mod and a GPA member, but she's lost nearly all of that reputation with everyone outside of the NPO and their close allies. Which leads one to wonder, what changed? Was it how she presented herself? How others saw her? Or did she come to represent something which others hated, her own rep not being enough to overcome that?

At the time, the GPA was considered by most to be the pinnacle of stability and honesty. I think she had the rep she did simply because her alliance was, at the time, successful. Successful at doing nothing, but successful nonetheless. When you move from a neutral alliance to the New Pacific Order, there's no more benefit of the doubt being offered.

In my experience, the trend of her being famous for doing nothing did not change. While this works for the GPA, less so for an alliance that claims to be a meritocracy. Or claimed that once anyway. Additionally Mary has a long history of "OP" abuse in IRC and being generally abusive and combative. Additionally she made headlines for representing the NPO to a foreign alliance while having no clue what the rest of the government had already stated. Hence, a perfect assumed-successor to a reign known for being hostile, arrogant, abusive, and with poor internal communication.

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I've always found it interesting how Mary seemed to enjoy near-universal respect and acclaim when she was a mod and a GPA member, but she's lost nearly all of that reputation with everyone outside of the NPO and their close allies. Which leads one to wonder, what changed? Was it how she presented herself? How others saw her? Or did she come to represent something which others hated, her own rep not being enough to overcome that?

I used to respect her and confide in her until I realized she was passing along our private queries to fellow NPO IOs.

That's where the trust and respect died.

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I know my old alliance basically spent the entire time post-GWI right up until I left accurately predicting every single major maneuver and war months in advance, based solely on the fact that the people in power kept doing the same things over and over and over again. But people absolutely kept walking into the same traps and falling for the same PR manipulation, which led us to conclude that most of CN is either willfully blind, incurably stupid, or just doesn't pay close enough attention to things. I think which one applies depends greatly on the individual in question, but it's definitely true that a lot of people, including the leaders of some alliances, have never seemed all that good at learning the lessons of the past.

Until recently, the NPO used to be very good at learning from their own mistakes, and the mistakes of others. And even the recent situation seems less that they failed to learn from mistakes as much as they grew overly complacent. I absolutely think that if any alliance could crawl out of the hole they're being rapidly hammered into, it would be the NPO.

I've always respected their ability to play the game well, even if they played it in a way I'd never personally want to play. Whatever else people want to say about them, they ARE good at the game. ALL facets of the game.

Sure, the NPO is good at learning. They have a huge talent pool to draw from and some of the people who ended up at or near the top are very good. Pointing out that some alliances have done stupid things is spurious evidence for the idea that the NPO is a head above the competition in this department though. They are good at what they do, but they mostly stand out because they elect to exploit the mistakes of others to destroy them. I would assert that other alliances that are less aggressive are a good deal craftier and more adaptable. You can’t be comparing the NPO to the alliances that have blithely wandered into their own doom. Compare them instead to mature alliances like the Grämlins, or OBR, or even Ragnarok (to pick a few off the top of my head – there are many options), which have done fine for themselves and even out-maneuvered the NPO here.

The NPO attacked Ordo Verde at exactly the right moment to galvanize the opposition. Had they waited a few days we would probably have fallen apart and been destroyed. We were on the verge of it right until the first war was declared. Given the number of people privy to the goings-on there, I can’t imagine that the NPO didn’t have a live feed of the debacle. For them to forge ahead anyway was mind-bogglingly dumb. Their subsequent attempt to call a mulligan was even dumber. You ascribe it to complacency, which may well be the case, but it remains to be seen whether the NPO can shrug off its problems and return to what made them good in the first place. For a long time they have evinced a lack of adaptability and have survived on sheer lumbering bulk.

They have alienated and ignored allies, and insulted and disregarded neutral parties with no concern for the consequences. It’s been a long time, I think, since the NPO that learns well and plays well has made a showing. Whether this new evolutionary pressure revives them remains to be seen. I do agree, however, that it would be foolish to count them down and out, and I don’t think anyone is going to do that. If nothing else, their reputation for holding grudges is going to compel preemptive measures to keep them from a rapid return to the throne (which in turn will deepen the grudge, as we briefly discussed earlier. Alas).

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Who is this "Francos Spain" you speak of? I never recall him existing on Planet Bob.


EDIT: Congratulations to Mary, even if they did break the cardinal rule of "no women in positions of power" :awesome:

Obviously, they are referring to the name of Doitzel's nation. However, I fail to see how this can be the 2nd Triannual Report of the 5th Year of Order, since Planet Bob itself has only existed for around 3 years now.

Edited by Nintenderek
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Obviously, they are referring to the name of Doitzel's nation. However, I fail to see how this can be the 2nd Triannual Report of the 5th Year of Order, since Planet Bob itself has only existed for around 3 years now.

It is mildly amusing to see those who cry OOC on any sitiuation that works for them - continue to extend the NPO cybernations CN history beyond the existance of Cybernations. I've always wondered why they "earned" that pass on IC realities of cybernations.

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The NPO attacked Ordo Verde at exactly the right moment to galvanize the opposition. Had they waited a few days we would probably have fallen apart and been destroyed. We were on the verge of it right until the first war was declared.

Ya I remember this. I went to bed thinking "uh oh" and woke up to see NPO's DoW which made for a great morning. I like to think of it as Moo's bday gift to me. Thanks Moo.

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I don't think we'd have fallen apart, but certainly the way NPO acted resulted in a much easier decision for MHA, Sparta and TOP. I spent the first three days of this war assuming I'd missed some really obvious power play, because I could not believe that the NPO would make such an incredible mistake. It ranks right up there with Viridia dropping all its treaties. I don't know if the Hegemony simply couldn't comprehend the idea of a solid defence against them or what, but they couldn't have played a worse game if they tried.

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Besides, if this really was a cabal that had been planning for months to harm Pacifican interests, the Mushroom Kingdom's leader Archon is bound by treaty and honor (the NPO-MK PIAT) to relay that intelligence to us. The fact that this has not happened is proof enough to the Court that there is no pressure on Karma-affiliated alliances to have their surrender terms be approved by foreign nationals.

Hello there, Clerk of the NPO. I can assure you that I have not been involved for months with any such cabal. That being said, should you wish to cast aspersions upon our treaty, I invite you to raise your voice to cancel it. While you're doing that though, you might reflect on the whole honorable part where the NPO probably should have notified MK it was going to attack an alliance MDoAPed to an MK MADP partner. Minor details though, right?

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Hello there, Clerk of the NPO. I can assure you that I have not been involved for months with any such cabal. That being said, should you wish to cast aspersions upon our treaty, I invite you to raise your voice to cancel it. While you're doing that though, you might reflect on the whole honorable part where the NPO probably should have notified MK it was going to attack an alliance MDoAPed to an MK MADP partner. Minor details though, right?

clerk just got pwnt.

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Obviously, they are referring to the name of Doitzel's nation. However, I fail to see how this can be the 2nd Triannual Report of the 5th Year of Order, since Planet Bob itself has only existed for around 3 years now.

They are referring to their presence on !@#$%*, a game that clearly is not CyberNations. To wit, they still hold the game-created region of "the Pacific", hence, "New Pacific Order." If you play that game, Francos Spain is/was the Founder of that region, or its longest serving UN delegate. The only form of "hard power" in that game.

Edit: And it seems that the game based on Max Barry's Jennifer Government is a banned phrase...

Edited by Crushtania
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They are referring to their presence on !@#$%*, a game that clearly is not CyberNations. To wit, they still hold the game-created region of "the Pacific", hence, "New Pacific Order." If you play that game, Francos Spain is/was the Founder of that region, or its longest serving UN delegate. The only form of "hard power" in that game.

Edit: And it seems that the game based on Max Barry's Jennifer Government is a banned phrase...

he knows that ;)

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They are referring to their presence on !@#$%*, a game that clearly is not CyberNations. To wit, they still hold the game-created region of "the Pacific", hence, "New Pacific Order." If you play that game, Francos Spain is/was the Founder of that region, or its longest serving UN delegate. The only form of "hard power" in that game.

Edit: And it seems that the game based on Max Barry's Jennifer Government is a banned phrase...

I'm not sure what most of those words and phrases are referring to but I give you my assurances that I have never founded, nor has my nation, anything called "The Pacific", nor have we ever been a part of any "UN". I think you're suffering from some minor confusion, my dear man...

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Oh my I am eagerly awaiting a response to Archons Grandslam. Of course at this stage I don't think any of us should be surprised at NPO's PR tactics going awry.

They should try and put their A game on before they lose another 9 million NS ^_^

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Oh my I am eagerly awaiting a response to Archons Grandslam. Of course at this stage I don't think any of us should be surprised at NPO's PR tactics going awry.

They should try and put their A game on before they lose another 9 million NS ^_^

They lost their A game team a good while ago. Gonna take em a bit to replace them.

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They are referring to their presence on !@#$%*, a game that clearly is not CyberNations. To wit, they still hold the game-created region of "the Pacific", hence, "New Pacific Order." If you play that game, Francos Spain is/was the Founder of that region, or its longest serving UN delegate. The only form of "hard power" in that game.

Edit: And it seems that the game based on Max Barry's Jennifer Government is a banned phrase...

Crush's sarcasm detector is broken. :P

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They are referring to their presence on !@#$%*, a game that clearly is not CyberNations. To wit, they still hold the game-created region of "the Pacific", hence, "New Pacific Order." If you play that game, Francos Spain is/was the Founder of that region, or its longest serving UN delegate. The only form of "hard power" in that game.

Edit: And it seems that the game based on Max Barry's Jennifer Government is a banned phrase...

OOC: I am quite aware of that. Read the post I was quoting, and read the post that it was quoting as well.

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They are referring to their presence on !@#$%*, a game that clearly is not CyberNations. To wit, they still hold the game-created region of "the Pacific", hence, "New Pacific Order." If you play that game, Francos Spain is/was the Founder of that region, or its longest serving UN delegate. The only form of "hard power" in that game.

Edit: And it seems that the game based on Max Barry's Jennifer Government is a banned phrase...


It's almost as if you've invented a separate universe and....you seem to believe it's real.

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