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2nd Triannual Report of the 5th Year of Order

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Wow NPO, didn't think you would play the victim card this soon. Oh well, humorous really.

This soon? They were playing the victim card on the second day of the war.

Lest we forget His Imperial Majesty's most graceful log dump and whine party when NPO was attacked for accepting spied information on OV.

Log dumps, as you may recall, being an EZiable offense under the ancien regime.

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Clever piece! Well writ.

It's funny how people are so quick to denounce others work as propaganda and yet fully buy into their own.

"People will believe the facts in front of them, as long as they do not conflict with their preconceived notions."

Thats a funny quote. Basically what it says is that people will refuse to believe BS when they already know the truth from past experiences. Hmm, makes sense.

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I think Sir Paul is referencing this weeks TWiP who criticized the NPO for their nations in peace mode and their members past statements in the FAN war, by saying many individuals who called out the NPO for the tech they purchased from GATO, and today are fine with requiring SSSW18 to sell tech to their former opponents.

The two incidents while similar are not the same. There are many substantive differences, as I'm sure Sir Paul knows, and trying to link the two together is shameful.

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I'm no stranger to sarcasm...

Perhaps the OP would have felt better if Karma had simply extorted hundreds of millions of dollars from SSSW18, like Pacifica did to GATO circa GW3?

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The difference between you and him, MM, is that I know he'd never put his nation on the line without some incentive, and I'm hoping my nation (including it's nuclear arsenal) would be enough incentive for him to stand up for what he believes in, or at the very least make for a tight bet. His silence on the issue, however, is telling.

You on the other hand, don't need that incentive. At least, I didn't think you would until you just said that.

Quite true, I need no incentive to stand up for my dear friends in NPO, and if I could have dragged you along so much the better. Alas it is for the best, for I do love the NSO and would be sad to leave.

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I'm no stranger to sarcasm...

Perhaps the OP would have felt better if Karma had simply extorted hundreds of millions of dollars from SSSW18, like Pacifica did to GATO circa GW3?

They tried.

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Now, I issue our Triannual Report, which isn't supposed to be a tabloid piece like TWiP (by the way, I'm yanking your A.M.M.O. status) but it's fine to continue to keep telling me how lame it is because the apple I'm handing you isn't an orange. I suppose if my Clerk duties allow, I can re-open the Tabloid Tribune, but you know as well as I do that most art is about autographs.

Agreed. Thanks for the praise-come-insults, but Sir Paul's reports--to my understanding--are status reports to Pacificans from the gov broadcast in front of the world, while TWiP is a broadcast addressed to the world. I'm sure a simul-cast at pacificorder.net is full of love and giggles.

I would say it was not particularly moving, though.

For this precise reason, the New Pacific Order will be funding similar retirement bonuses to our comrades in SSSW18 once their tech deals are complete.

We did not view the tech deals with GATO as a one-way street, but as an effective means of rebuilding, and we're proud to be able to help our allies be given that same opportunity.

Uh, but Cortath, NPO's grand economic scheme--as desperately outlined by yourself in #hegemony--is to sell massive amounts of tech, not buy them.

I thought it was well written satire, especially the part about Mary being made Regent.

Yeah I see a lot of praise for Mary's even hand and blah blah blah, but I distinctly remember an incident in which Mary was talking out of one side of Lady Pacifica's mouth while other IOs were talking out of the other, and basically it boiled down to that she was either a lying manipulator or ignorant. Oh! It was during IAA's war with NPO!

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They tried.

Boo hoo. Even if what you say is true, you were fighting in preservation of the world created by NPO. Karma has no obligations to buck the trends of war, only public expectations.

If you want a wildly different world where alliances that lose don't lose hard, then fight for it, not against it.

Edited by Schattenmann
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A Salute to Karma

We at the Order are pleased to see that as part of their surrender terms, She Said She Was 18 is being forced to sell technology to the victors of their conflict. When the New Pacific Order pioneered this form of economic development with GATO we were roundly criticized for turning the alliance into a “tech farm,” even though we did not set a minimum amount that must be turned over, allowed nations who did not want to tech deal to opt out, and we paid more to GATO nations than the SSSW18 nations are receiving. The Order is pleased that Karma is moving to the Pacifican position, but as a gesture of goodwill to Karma, the Pacific Bank, when aid slots are available, will be sending retirement bonuses to SSSW18 tech dealers so that their forced labor will receive the same pay as volunteer GATO workers. This will ensure that your generous demands will create full economic development for the alliance.

It has also come to the Court's attention that originally SSSW18 was to receive a white peace, like her allies have received to date, but Karma leadership, who approved and signed the instrument of surrender, did not want the fighting alliances to make "unnecessary concessions." The Court rejects this information as nothing but rumor for several reasons; Karma is a spontaneous, organic movement and is a loose coalition of alliances acting independently, not headed by a cabal of nations that approve surrender terms or tell their member-alliances what to do. Having Karma’s signatures removed from the instrument of surrender clearly show that there was no influence on sovereign alliances. Besides, if this really was a cabal that had been planning for months to harm Pacifican interests, the Mushroom Kingdom's leader Archon is bound by treaty and honor (the NPO-MK PIAT) to relay that intelligence to us. The fact that this has not happened is proof enough to the Court that there is no pressure on Karma-affiliated alliances to have their surrender terms be approved by foreign nationals.

Sir Paul

Imperial Clerk

New Pacific Order


*We run on Pacific Daylight Saving Time, meaning this was posted on May 1, 2009.

A couple snips in there. I have to admit. A decent read. And well played; though a bit inaccurate. I do not seem to recall any or yours in that particular meeting that decided upon the peace terms. Only those directly involved.

I think the OP might be channeling Baghdad Bob.

You owe me a keyboard....and a fresh beer.


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Boo hoo. Even if what you say is true, you were fighting in preservation of the world created by NPO. Karma has no obligations to buck the trends of war, only public expectations.

If you want a wildly different world where alliances that lose don't lose hard, then fight for it, not against it.

There is a Who song the comes to mind when you say this.

SSSW18's final terms were not total white peace, but very reasonable. Better than traditionally are given. They show a lack of bitterness that starts new wars. If this is what Karma calls "stiff" terms for so-called NPO supporters, then this matter will end sooner and with less bloodshed.

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Both those statements are completely wrong. What is it that inspires you to repeatedly share your ignorance in such glaring detail?

I'm sorry for my ignorance (I'm no longer gov, or privy to such information), but aren't all peace terms being pre-approved by Karma leadership?

Edited by watchman
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Wow. An alliance dedicated to peace? lol. Doublespeak at its finest.

I believe this is a statement were both sides are currently in agreement, actually.

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There is a Who song the comes to mind when you say this.

SSSW18's final terms were not total white peace, but very reasonable. Better than traditionally are given. They show a lack of bitterness that starts new wars. If this is what Karma calls "stiff" terms for so-called NPO supporters, then this matter will end sooner and with less bloodshed.

I'm not sure this is what Karma calls stiff terms, but I do agree that these terms are far better than what were handed out in the past and that they will help end this conflict sooner.

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There is a Who song the comes to mind when you say this.

SSSW18's final terms were not total white peace, but very reasonable. Better than traditionally are given. They show a lack of bitterness that starts new wars. If this is what Karma calls "stiff" terms for so-called NPO supporters, then this matter will end sooner and with less bloodshed.

I think they were probably unnecessary for SSSW18's "crimes" but I agree that if they're par for the course then the favoured food on the Hegemony's side will become foot alfredo overnight. I have faith in my friends in Karma that it will indeed be a trend.

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I'm sorry for my ignorance (I'm no longer gov, or privy to such information), but aren't all peace terms being pre-approved by Karma leadership?

Nope. Right now it's even a stretch to say that there is such a thing as Karma leadership. There is ongoing effort to improve communication, but as it stands even the most public faces of Karma are caught by surprise by some of these peace agreements.

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Nope. Right now it's even a stretch to say that there is such a thing as Karma leadership. There is ongoing effort to improve communication, but as it stands even the most public faces of Karma are caught by surprise by some of these peace agreements.

I stand corrected. There must be no truth to an ugly rumor going around about coordinated terms, concessions, etc. I will take my ignorance elsewhere, then.

Thank you.

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I stand corrected. There must be no truth to an ugly rumor going around about coordinated terms, concessions, etc. I will take my ignorance elsewhere, then.

Thank you.

Now you're making me feel bad for being rude. :(

I apologize, I don't normally make a habit of insulting people. Your posting often leads me to frustration and I responded uncharacteristically and disproportionately.

I have no idea what rumor you've heard. If it's an ugly one then I don't think I've heard it, unless it's the baseless bogeymen and hyperbole being tossed around on the OWF that the NPO will be FANned or some such. There has certainly been some effort towards coordination and mutual agreement, it just hasn't been all that successful.

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Apparently they didn't try very hard as your alliances is still intact. If they cared that much you wouldn't be at peace now would you?

Well thanks to interference from other Karma leadership, they weren't able to get away with it. For that I'm thankful, and I think it illustrates that Karma isn't competely united in how to deal with peace terms.

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