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A clarification of MHA obligations.


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Technically not true.

If I call you "black", I'm not saying that your accusation of "black" is substantiated.

No racial connotations intended.

Let me explain "Pot, meet kettle."

Person A is mean.

Person B is mean.

Person A calls Person B mean.

Person C says "Pot, meet kettle."

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If you think I am dishonorable, you are mistaken.

Treaty holders with MHA, take note of what has occurred today.


Oh god.....the laughter........so much of it.

This is seriously the argument you want to use?

I mean seriously, this one?

You might want to re-think your argument here.

MHA said they aren’t going to follow a few treaties, not sure the exact number but I’m pretty sure I can count them on one hand.

How many has NPO ditched on right before or during a war?

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If you think I am dishonorable, you are mistaken.

Treaty holders with MHA, take note of what has occurred today.

Tossing rocks at a mirror, are we?

You realize you're agreeing with him that MHAs actions are dishonorable by saying this, correct?
It's not his job to defend MHA, nor is it mine.

That does not change the fact, however, that spotting and identifying perceived hypocrisy is an amusing past time in the Cyberverse.

Edited by Fallen_Fool
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Oh god.....the laughter........so much of it.

This is seriously the argument you want to use?

I mean seriously, this one?

You might want to re-think your argument here.

MHA said they aren’t going to follow a few treaties, not sure the exact number but I’m pretty sure I can count them on one hand.

How many has NPO ditched on right before or during a war?

For as long as I have been a member, NPO has never once cancelled a treaty nor failed to aid it's allies.

I speak for myself more than anything, and MHA has lost respect in my eyes this day.

Edited by James Dahl
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Wait a second are they calling MHA dishonorable for pulling out of a treaty with a 1 year cancellation clause,

Ordinance of the Orders, wasn't than an Eternal treaty? Your brothers, till the end? And wait, didn't NPO cancel that and lets its allies crush it's own brothers?

Yeah stop talking.

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It's not his job to defend MHA, nor is it mine.

That does not change the fact, however, that spotting and identifying hypocrisy is an amusing past time in the Cyberverse.

I realize that, Fallen Fool. I was telling him that he was calling MHA dishonorable accidentally after having praised them for their actions.

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If you think I am dishonorable, you are mistaken.

Treaty holders with MHA, take note of what has occurred today.

you talk about dishonour, yet. NPO betrayed there brethren in polar. NPO did not tell any of there allies they were going to attack. NPO attack OV in the middle of talks.

that would make NPO pretty damn dishonourable. so quit posting your just making yourself look bad.

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It's low standards when one sees the historical treatment of their allies. If you're calling out MHA right now I hope you called out NPO during UJW.

You remember who I fought for in UJW, correct? Yes, I called NPO out for that.


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What? No it doesn't. Treaties don't chain by Planet Bob custom.

Please learn your history.

If treaties don't chain, why were non-chaining treaties invented? If they didn't chain by custom and tradition, a thing called "non-chaining treaties" wouldn't be used in discussion at all.

I weep for the future.

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For as long as I have been a member, NPO has never once cancelled a treaty nor failed to aid it's allies.

I speak for myself more than anything, and MHA has lost respect in my eyes this day.

So OoO with NpO - that was ....?

Yeah... your memory must be worse than mine

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Wait a second are they calling MHA dishonorable for pulling out of a treaty with a 1 year cancellation clause,

Ordinance of the Orders, wasn't than an Eternal treaty? Your brothers, till the end? And wait, didn't NPO cancel that and lets its allies crush it's own brothers?

Yeah stop talking.

No. If everyone had a right to be mad when NPO did it then everyone has a right to be mad now. Committing same actions of those you hate makes you no better. MHA lost any respect i had left for them after this.

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For as long as I have been a member, NPO has never once cancelled a treaty nor failed to aid it's allies.

I speak for myself more than anything, and MHA has lost respect in my eyes this day.

Of course you weren't even around during that time period but I think you should look up at you alliance history and then come back with an argument

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No. If everyone had a right to be mad when NPO did it then everyone has a right to be mad now. Committing same actions of those you hate makes you no better. MHA lost any respect i had left for them after this.

Or both could be actually good people for cancelling on bad allies?

If you knew all the internal stuff in Q the last week or so, you'd be applauding MHA.

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For as long as I have been a member, NPO has never once cancelled a treaty nor failed to aid it's allies.

I speak for myself more than anything, and MHA has lost respect in my eyes this day.

Ok so you’ve been a member for almost 100 days.

So that’s a blip in terms of how long NPO has been around.

You probably should go learn some history of what they have done to their "allies" in the past, most notably NpO and GOONS.

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