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Words saying "Bring it"


Where in all this did I use the phrase, Words saying "Bring it"? So stop trying to bring spin and trouble when I didn't even use that combination. (Also my post is unedited, so don't try and say I used and and removed it.)

For the two of you, enough. Reading through 41 pages of spam is going beyond measure. Many want Pacifica to burn, many want to make Pacifica pay for what they consider to be no short of total control of Bob. These same people have been trying to stop PZI, EZI, multi-round war, hard peace terms, etc. Point being is if we fall, you going to do to honor your causes that you have been preaching so hard or give into revenge.

The point is, I do not need to read 41 pgs here and there and don't give me, "Its a choice to read the CN Forum." If I didn't and tried to post, I would just get trolled for not knowing what the bleep I was saying. Give it a rest, if you are going to DoW us, DoW us. Don't keep trying to raise the bandwagoners against something which you came is total Bob controlling. I don't want to hear WWII comparisons, I don't want to hear us being called the ultimate evil, or any of that political trickery to raise the ignorant masses against something.

Also I do have one question for everyone here, for those who were at this meeting, why not just post these logs, stop shouting "Out of context," stop shouting "Unfair." Baring OOC, just post them, let the people decide for themselves, you all claim that Pacifica did wrong, post the logs. Archon especially to you, as I do believe you were acting in the best interest of all involved why say the "No, it was them," in your post but not use anything but your word; post up the logs to support yourself.

OOC: It is the early am my time zone, so if there are any grammar, spelling mistakes, please excuse myself for these.

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Where in all this did I use the phrase, Words saying "Bring it"? So stop trying to bring spin and trouble when I didn't even use that combination. (Also my post is unedited, so don't try and say I used and and removed it.)

I refered to your statement "If your gonna DoW us, DoW us." More or less bring it on in my eyes to those of us intending to bring it.

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I think you are my favorite.


Crying? Excuse me?

Yes, crying. Oh so we posted late, and we didn't listen to the delay tactics of those that slighted us. OV knew they had done wrong, they knew how to fix it. They preferred putting their alliance in jeapordy for the oppurtunity to call us out. Now they have it. And since most of you consider us to be heading off a cliff and apparently that is considered ballsy in Planet Bob, I would say we at least had the balls to fire the first shot.

I don't see anyone complaining except for NPO and allies. And you declared attacked first.

Who is complaining? Certainly not my comrades. To fight for Pacifica and our allies is what we live and breathe for. Also I consider your statement to be overly emotive. 'You attacked us first', this isn't the playground now, you can't cry to mummy and expect her to come and make the bad people go away. Life isn't fair.

My dear Pacifican, I would not so hastily bound anger and crying into one bundle!

My dear fellow, it is good to see we have helped place so many on the path to the dark side.

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.

Crying out in anger is still crying my dear.

All I see is people celebrating your imminent stomping.

People see what they want to see. I'm not so arrogant that I expect everyone to be devestated at the thought of an alliance being spied upon. Although I do find it kind of ironic that not too long ago there were wars delcared, this very month in fact, for the same reason that we have initiated hostilities tonight.

As others before us, we attempted to reach a more peaceful solution. One trip to ZI with no other penalities, the guy could even have rejoined his comrades after his punishment. It is not such an unreasonable request, yet the desired results of those that we were discussing with, was this 'imminent' stomping as you call it.

If you go into diplomatic discussions with the desire for war, then even the mighty Admin would not be able to dissuade you. I believe this is what Ordo Verde desired from the start of negotiating.

The celebrating you are seeing right now, is nothing more than the mob mentality. Once they start to understand that wanting something wont make it magically happen, the happier they will be. Celebrating a defeat when it is not yet over is kind of like counting your eggs before they hatch. I'd point out their predecessor's have always stated our coming doom, and they were wrong each time.

This also goes to show how justified we were in being so paranoid about our national security, since now people are finally showing their true colours :)

But hey, feel free to sing the doom song if it makes you happy.

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I refered to your statement "If your gonna DoW us, DoW us." More or less bring it on in my eyes to those of us intending to bring it.

Context is everything according to all your posts from the last 43 pgs about Moo's DoW and the logs being "Out of Context." So either stop being a hypocrite and preach what you try to enforce on us or stop bashing the DoW and wait for more information, more logs "In Context" as you have argued, so that either side gets misrepresented, and the facts gets aired out into the open.

Logs lose all their secret power and hold once they are released and see the light of day. Considering that either party of the neutral has tried to publicly (On CN Forum), call for the release, shows that they maybe afraid either one party or the other as to what is actually going to be seen by the masses as something different than they want.

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You've got over 900 members and you can barely cough up 3-4 somewhat-ranked guys to try and defend you in public? What the hell D:

Good luck to our treaty partners. I have a feeling they'll need it.

I admit i lol'ed.

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Whoa whoa Zeta, I was actually just tryin to have fun with ya with my two posts in terms of you. Not tryin to insult or demean ya man, apologies if it came across that way.

I'll accept the apologies of the directness of the statement but at the same time, you claim fun in the IC sense when you are also trying to raise a war against us. I only ask that you value the same values which throughout the course of this thread, everyone else has been trying to claim that we do not have according to the hypercritical interpretation of the DoW, CB reason, and the context which the logs are presented which is claimed to be against the actual master log copy intentions so that everyone is at an equal level playing field and this does not devolve into a "No, you" arguement.

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You attacked before posting a DoW, and in the middle of negotiations? That's very low. In addition, you and your allies are guilty of exactly the same 'offence' as Seth (receiving secret information) so I don't know how you can justify attacking someone else over it.

I got screens of Gremlins warchest requirements

Oh really?

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Logs lose all their secret power and hold once they are released and see the light of day. Considering that either party of the neutral has tried to publicly (On CN Forum), call for the release, shows that they maybe afraid either one party or the other as to what is actually going to be seen by the masses as something different than they want.

The logs will come out eventually and they don't show NPO in a favorable light.

I'll summarize:

-Lots of back and forth between Moo, Archon, Crymson, BigWoody, and Dani_C

-Counter offers are made back and forth

-Moo pings out


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I created a studly pyramid type timeline (w/ touchpad so you know it's epic). Understand that discussions took place on 4/19 as well. Before Moo disconnected on 4/20 (internet was on the fritz and still is I think) after OV rejected his proposal which inevitably was the final offer.

Just because the designated mediator was in discussion with OV does not mean peaceful discussions between NPO and OV were ongoing.

I can see where the mix up happened but in the end, NPO is at war with OV. I caution everyone to understand the happenings before jumping on the bandwagon. I admit that I can see how they thought Moo would come back, but after being offered a legit proposal and being denied, there wasn't much more that would of been done regardless.

Anyways, I'll repeat myself in saying that all parties should figure out exactly what happened before jumping on a bandwagon. I think people are assuming global war here, but all that is not necessary and that will only happen if people head into things misinformed on the situation.

Edited by NEWBert
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Ask and ye shall receive.


EDIT: this is old..I want recent logs from yesterday.

There are multiple days of logs from what I am gathering at. As Moo as personally posted 3 sets of logs (2 In the OP, & 1 In one of the threads), and have been getting "Out of Context" charged, it shows that there has been some extent on our end to present information. So within this matter do some logs beat no logs but multiple agreement. I will not answer this but I do suggest to everyone here that we all look at what is going on and try to ascertain the middle between the extremes.

Also OOC: What time zone is it by you as I am just about to head off for the night.

Forgive my delay, I am Alaskan time...PST - 1. Still, I don't see why NPO would keep these logs private....especially with a timeline. If they are in fact true, and OV/VE pressed war when many of us wanted peace it'll piss me off. War was going to happen, but the arrogance to say piss off to you in a time it's allies were asking them to step back is a slap in the face. Just the same if you did it. Personally that is what will make my final decision regardless of the world outcry.

Edited by Chalaskan
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I shall point you to this thread written by my former leader and current ally/friend: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=54743

and......... info TheNeverender provided you, mind you i'm not saying it is innacurate or even accurate for that matter (I wasn't there) just that that info is biased, and your acceptance of the info is biased by your friendship. going back to my orginal asertation you wern't present during the negoiations so you had no idea wether they were promising or not.

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I created a studly pyramid type timeline (w/ touchpad so you know it's epic). Understand that discussions took place on 4/19 as well. Before Moo disconnected on 4/20 (internet was on the fritz and still is I think) after OV rejected his proposal which inevitably was the final offer.

Just because the designated mediator was in discussion with OV does not mean peace discussions were ongoing.

I can see where the mix up happened but in the end, NPO is at war with OV. I caution everyone to understand the happenings before jumping on the bandwagon. I admit that I can see how they thought Moo would come back, but after being offered a legit proposal and being denied, there wasn't much more that would of been done regardless.

Anyways, I'll repeat myself in saying that all parties should figure out exactly what happened before jumping on a bandwagon. I think people are assuming global war here, but all that is not necessary and that will only happen if people head into things misinformed on the situation.

But Moo claims to have made an offer on the 20th right in his very own DoW. You can't have it both ways.

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The logs will come out eventually and they don't show NPO in a favorable light.

I'll summarize:

-Lots of back and forth between Moo, Archon, Crymson, BigWoody, and Dani_C

-Counter offers are made back and forth

-Moo pings out


Eventually makes me believe that as you say, "they don't show NPO in a favorable light." The same I bet could probability be said about all the other alliances involved. It just boils down to the NPO has the most ground to lose and everyone here can't say that in the back of their minds, they don't want more power and that being one reason for wanting us to fall more than ever.

I will say opinions can may anything seem more or less effective, as you call the attacks "lolwar," I wonder why, you feel we made a mistake verses continuing. Also what if Moo was about to say, "He refuse, to the field of battle..." when he pinged. As I am not Moo I will not speculate on this.

A proper inspection shows more here than people want to admit to themselves as the amount of vultures circling around us now is beyond measure, they want a piece of Pacifica even before we have started. There is more to us than meets the eye and Pacifica may surprise you yet.

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