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Imperial Decree

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Crymson[TOP]: Would OV be willing to accept one round of wars on SethB?

Archon`away: Allow me to inquire.

Archon`away: I assume, as Crymson proposed this, that it is not an official offfer?

Crymson[TOP]: No membership restrictions, no public apology, etc.

Crymson[TOP]: Moo?

Dani_C: we're maintaining our stance as outlined earlier

Moo-cows: so then you are refusing that offer?

Dani_C: if seth is going to be hit, so is mhawk

Dani_C: that is OV's official stance

I'm confused as to the legit commotion. Also, ib4forumtrollsattackNEWBert

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It means exactly what I think it means-- I am accusing you of masochism, and through this accusation I am implying that you are so dependent on attention that you are sexually gratified even by negative attention.

I've never owned a thesaurus in my life.

You might want to invest in one. Masochism doesn't mean what you think it does.

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No, I came by the English language honestly, through reading. Words were derived through the aid of a dictionary and context in my younger years, but a thesaurus was never necessary.

I've always found that it is nice to have a thesaurus on hand when writing as by times you want a synonym with a particular connotation. The value of a thesaurus is that even if you know the words it can be valuable to have them listed in front of you. That way you can consider your options. But there will be no argument here: reading is by far the best way to learn to write.

There are many alliances that are still spying. I would say that most likely every sanctioned alliance has some degree of spying being perpetrated against it at any given time.

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You might want to invest in one. Masochism doesn't mean what you think it does.

Masochism- a sexual perversion characterized by pleasure in being subjected to pain or humiliation .

Uh, yes, it does. I'm not sure what word you are all thinking of (sadism, perhaps?), but I assure you I am using masochism exactly as I mean to use it.

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There are many alliances that are still spying. I would say that most likely every sanctioned alliance has some degree of spying being perpetrated against it at any given time.

Unfortunately, this is probably true.

A thesaurus can be a useful tool, it is true-- the only fault I found with his post as far as the thesaurus was concerned was the implication that I am somehow writing unnaturally or beyond my proficiency, which is false.

Edited by Byron Orpheus
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Ah yes, now I remember why I stopped checking these forums...

o/ Moo!

You might want to check on where you guys really stand right now. I know you are used to your posturing being very intimidating but now it just comes off as slightly pathetic and highly laughable.

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Crymson[TOP]: Would OV be willing to accept one round of wars on SethB?

Archon`away: Allow me to inquire.

Archon`away: I assume, as Crymson proposed this, that it is not an official offfer?

Crymson[TOP]: No membership restrictions, no public apology, etc.

Crymson[TOP]: Moo?

Dani_C: we're maintaining our stance as outlined earlier

Moo-cows: so then you are refusing that offer?

Dani_C: if seth is going to be hit, so is mhawk

Dani_C: that is OV's official stance

I'm confused as to the legit commotion. Also, ib4forumtrollsattackNEWBert

if you read the OP in this post, archon says that both him and a TOP moderator were coming closer and closer in coming up with a legit punishment that both sides would accept when the declarations started rolling down

to pull up the tid bit that applies to your question

They will be argued to death, as will the validity of this war, and I will not presume to press my own opinions concerning that upon you. I will tell you that Crymson of TOP and myself worked furiously to come to compromises, despite communications difficulties with the Emperor, and that we had drawn very close. It was then, and only then, that a horror set in.

In the midst of negotiations, the New Pacific Order and The Order of Righteous Nations declared war on Ordo Verde.

Edited by CptGodzilla
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Logs of the negotiations can be found here, for your viewing pleasure. Tonight, Ordo Verde met with the NPO and TORN to discuss a peaceful settlement. This was to be mediated by The Order of Paradox, probably NPO's longest and most solid ally. NPO/TORN used this as a smokescreen, and declared in the middle of negotiations. TOP was not informed they were being lead on, judging by their reaction.
if you read the OP in this post, archon says that both him and a TOP moderator were coming closer and closer in coming up with a legit punishment that both sides would accept when the declarations started rolling down
OV got caught red handed with information that could only have been obtained by spying.

NPO had no treaty of any discription with OV.

posting a DOW on this forum is a courtesy only.

So why all the spleen venting really about.

And you guys wonder why OWF is hostile to the NPO.

This incident itself showed how you used one of your allies and act arrogant about it too.

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OV were approached by TORN and TPF, then days later NPO, over one of their members clicking on a screenshot gained by a spy working for Blackstone who queried him with the link. The information was inconsequential. They demanded the expulsion of two members - a deputy [seth], and a triumvir [Duffy].

Duffy was guilty, they said, of telling a member of Blackstone that Gre was leaving Continuum, something Gre itself had told it's entire membership and all of it's allies, thereby spreading it through IRC faster than a match in a can of gasoline. After much bellyaching and threatening, they dropped the "charges" on Duffy.

Logs of the negotiations can be found here, for your viewing pleasure. Tonight, Ordo Verde met with the NPO and TORN to discuss a peaceful settlement. This was to be mediated by The Order of Paradox, probably NPO's longest and most solid ally. NPO/TORN used this as a smokescreen, and declared in the middle of negotiations. TOP was not informed they were being lead on, judging by their reaction.

The truth is out there, and it's not very hard to find.

lets have a look here

OV were approached by TORN and TPF, then days later NPO, over one of their members clicking on a screenshot gained by a spy working for Blackstone who queried him with the link. The information was inconsequential. They demanded the expulsion of two members - a deputy [seth], and a triumvir [Duffy]. am i to understand that NPO demanding punishment for spying is a bad thing........ wouldn't you want anyone caught spying on Global Order of Darkness punished?........... i am confused

"NPO/TORN used this as a smokescreen", proof sir where is the proof to this allegation, were you there, was electron sponge present during the discussion, how much of the log was redacted by sponge for his own propaganda purposes. where did he get the log from? hrmmm where are the time stamps in the logs posted on sponge's vox propaganda site.

so according to you NPO are wrong in demanding punishment for spying and the "TRUTH" is logs from a site operated by Electron Sponge a member of VOX know for an extreme ANTI NPO stance. very interesting.....

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Kingzog got bored of CN and quit. Doesn't change the fact that he did what he did.

Close, but not quite. (I have addressed this in my 'resurrection' thread.) It was more a matter of RL > CN. The Senate campaign kept me on Planet Bob weeks longer than I had originally intended. And, although Vox had both the will and the means to continue the Senate campaign, I pulled the plug as I had other, more genuinely important things to do.

All of which is irrelevant to this particular discussion.

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Well being that NPO has never really been a fan of solid CB's I suppose it's only fitting that they dig their grave with a standard BS one as this.

I especially look forward to the mass exodus of infra-farming sheep refugees from IRON and NPO when they realize their fate.

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Nope. But I know enough people that were to know what went down, thanks.

AHHH as i thought heresay. second hand information filtered by the biases of the people who were present, who you "claim" to know

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lets have a look here

OV were approached by TORN and TPF, then days later NPO, over one of their members clicking on a screenshot gained by a spy working for Blackstone who queried him with the link. The information was inconsequential. They demanded the expulsion of two members - a deputy [seth], and a triumvir [Duffy]. am i to understand that NPO demanding punishment for spying is a bad thing........ wouldn't you want anyone caught spying on Global Order of Darkness punished?........... i am confused

"NPO/TORN used this as a smokescreen", proof sir where is the proof to this allegation, were you there, was electron sponge present during the discussion, how much of the log was redacted by sponge for his own propaganda purposes. where did he get the log from? hrmmm where are the time stamps in the logs posted on sponge's vox propaganda site.

so according to you NPO are wrong in demanding punishment for spying and the "TRUTH" is logs from a site operated by Electron Sponge a member of VOX know for an extreme ANTI NPO stance. very interesting.....

See the problem with this whole thing is that Sponge and Vox have a spotless track record for telling the truth and the authenticity of our presented evidence. You guys? Not so much.

Not to mention you're talking to one of Ordo Verde's closest treaty partners. He knows a thing or two.

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