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An Official Announcement from Sparta

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Peace mode is really not a great hiding spot. If you did something that makes alot of people want to attack your alliance, and you hide in peace mode you have 2 options. Fight, or sit in Peace mode for the rest of the game. Either way its a lose for you, but I would bet that alot of nations would leave peace mode eventually, and get attacked.

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Peace mode is really not a great hiding spot. If you did something that makes alot of people want to attack your alliance, and you hide in peace mode you have 2 options. Fight, or sit in Peace mode for the rest of the game. Either way its a lose for you, but I would bet that alot of nations would leave peace mode eventually, and get attacked.

Some alliances have been relatively successful using it. Look at FAN. Sure, you can argue they're nothing more than a nuisance at this point, but they've shown that you can use Peace Mode tactically to gain a few extra points. Mind you, if you're ever in a situation where you need Peace Mode to gain those extra modes, you probably have bigger problems to worry about.

The only thing I really laugh at is all the chest thumping some people do about Peace Mode, only to copy the same strategy when they find themselves in a corner.

Oh wait, remember that time Moo said that everyone who stayed in peace mode would get ZI'd? (or was it PZI?) Not to give anyone any ideas... ;)

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How about you come out of peace mode and say that? :awesome:

Back on "direct" topic... still holding out hope for TORN to see the light.

As soon as I possibly can I will

Oh Oh.. I know the answer to this. "BAWWWWW."

Even if that were the case, which I don't know if it is or not, it's a tactic taken full advantage of by them and their allies in the past.

Oh, I think I'm forgetting something. There's something else that belongs here... Oh yeah.

"If you don't like it, do something about it."

How about i send you some Pie Goose.

Aww bless. He's bitter.

Well done, Sparta.

Bitter I think you and Pez have the market cornered on Bitter.

I thought Valhalla would love the idea of getting rolled.

Don't you guys want more casualties?

Weak Hizzy you can do much better than this.

I love it when people make comments like these, for two reasons:

1. There was no time in the last year at least where this forum was full of love and happy bunnies: the hegemony were as big !@#$%bags as they claim all the horrible trolls are now. But if you'd go back in time one year ago, there most definitely was an underclass of disliked players and unacceptable alliances it was okay to spit on, with new ones being created daily by the alliances continuing to get curbstomped, and the hegemony certainly didn't shy away from pissing on those players all they could. You reap what you sow.

2. It's a tacit admission of defeat, and it just goes to show how alien of an environment it is for the hegemons to be in when they can't just throw out some half-baked "no u" argument and then disregard whatever it is people are saying while they crush somebody who can't fight back.

To you sir from Peace Mode I say NO U :lol:

I don't think they are terribly fond of defensive casualties for some reason.

Ill take what ever i can get dont forget to add me to your dance card. *Edit sorry Srqt wasnt you that made that comment cant find the post this was supposed to reply too but i thought it was you*

Awhh poor Valhalla and TORN. I thought you liked war? I guess you can't stand when others stand up for there allies.

Wow another original in this thread.

Sparta I wish you luck in your future what ever happens, happens. To all the others out there licking their chops becarfull what you wish for you just might get it. Now ill leave the floor open to all the tough guy in Peace mode comments yeah yeah I get it already.

Edited by Buds The Man
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Ill take what ever i can get dont forget to add me to your dance card. Oh wait SF has never had any plans of trying to take out anyone you guys are totally above that right. ;)

How is this relevant to what Srqt posted at all?

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Now ill leave the floor open to all the tough guy in Peace mode comments yeah yeah I get it already.

One thing everyone has learned about peace mode comments from you guys is that they dont really sink until you have had several pages of them.

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Buds, the funny thing here is that when we make the "tough guy in peace mode" comments, it's said sarcastically. It's funny to see people who have spent so much time harassing those who slip into peace mode do it themselves.

Ever since the noCB war, when Valhalla, GGA, and co. ran around shouting about karma and consequences, propelling the thought that Polar simply "had it coming", and what goes around comes around... and all in the same breath ignoring their own warnings (I'll refer you to the Hal quote) and digging themselves into a hole.

Personal feelings aside, you're a great guy, but Valhalla's track record is about as clean as.... hell I'm stumped, I can't even find a fitting analogy. It's not clean.

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Now ill leave the floor open to all the tough guy in Peace mode comments yeah yeah I get it already.

I don't think people are pointing out your being in peace mode due to the fact you're in peace mode. In fact, many, such as myself, advocate peace mode as a tactic when vastly outnumbered. People are laughing at you because for over a year you mocked anyone who entered peace mode to recover during a beat down in order to prolong fighting ability. As I have said many times before, you reap what you sow.

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I don't think people are pointing out your being in peace mode due to the fact you're in peace mode. In fact, many, such as myself, advocate peace mode as a tactic when vastly outnumbered. People are laughing at you because for over a year you mocked anyone who entered peace mode to recover during a beat down in order to prolong fighting ability. As I have said many times before, you reap what you sow.

I concur with my handsome comrade.

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I don't think people are pointing out your being in peace mode due to the fact you're in peace mode. In fact, many, such as myself, advocate peace mode as a tactic when vastly outnumbered. People are laughing at you because for over a year you mocked anyone who entered peace mode to recover during a beat down in order to prolong fighting ability. As I have said many times before, you reap what you sow.

"lol peace mode"

"come out and fight"

"haha peace mode"

"lol peace mode"

"BRING it"

"come out and fight"

"haha peace mode"

"no surrender for those in peace mode"

"lol peace mode"

"lol peace mode warriorz!"

"hey guys everyone hit peace mode ASAP"


"why are people making fun of us?"

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How is this relevant to what Srqt posted at all?

Edited it wasnt Srqt that made the post. But my response still stands Ill save him a spot on the dance card if he thinks im scared of defensive casualties.

Heh, am I the only one who noticed that the tone of Buds post was nearly identical to the GOONS posters once UJP started?

Dont ever compare me to a GOON I am nothing like that at all.

What i'm more curious about is how would they have come across that sort of information. :ehm:

Check your history and then check out my former alliance write it down so you dont forget anything then connect the dots im sure some one of your vast intelligence can figure out how I would have this type of knowledge.

This thread isnt about Valhalla or Torn once again Sparta I wish you the best on your journeys.

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"lol peace mode"

"come out and fight"

"haha peace mode"

"lol peace mode"

"BRING it"

"come out and fight"

"haha peace mode"

"no surrender for those in peace mode"

"lol peace mode"

"lol peace mode warriorz!"

"hey guys everyone hit peace mode ASAP"


"why are people making fun of us?"

hehe exactly, pathetic really :D

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Well now. I really did come back at the right time, didn't I?

(Also, hi Bud.)

Holly !@#$ im going to have a heart attack. I have missed you my old friend.

Srqt ive edited that post with an apology but I must also say that we all know SF has sought war when it wasnt broght to them. Lets not throw stones. I understand I threw the first one and I apologize. I have nothing but respect for Delta and RIA and all the leaders in SF as I did work with most of them at one time. My bad sir but my dance card should it come to that is open for you :).

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"lol peace mode"

"come out and fight"

"haha peace mode"

"lol peace mode"

"BRING it"

"come out and fight"

"haha peace mode"

"no surrender for those in peace mode"

"lol peace mode"

"lol peace mode warriorz!"

"hey guys everyone hit peace mode ASAP"


"why are people making fun of us?"

Well put. Now why didn't I think of doing it that way?

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Holly !@#$ im going to have a heart attack. I have missed you my old friend.

Srqt ive edited that post with an apology but I must also say that we all know SF has sought war when it wasnt broght to them. Lets not throw stones. I understand I threw the first one and I apologize. I have nothing but respect for Delta and RIA and all the leaders in SF as I did work with most of them at one time. My bad sir but my dance card should it come to that is open for you :).

I am afraid my past exploits have caused me to be a wee bit below your range, but I will save you a dance if that changes for sure.

(I also edited my post as well. fair is fair.)

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I am afraid my past exploits have caused me to be a wee bit below your range, but I will save you a dance if that changes for sure.

(I also edited my post as well. fair is fair.)

LOL well im sure if the masses get what they want many of us will catch up to you in a hurry. :D

Also remind me to stop debating with you hizzy and stumpy you guys make me think to much. I prefer the NO U arguments there easy.

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Bitter I think you and Pez have the market cornered on Bitter.

Oh, come on, Bud. As hard as I've tried neither, me nor Pez have been able to corner the entire market, your alliance's repeated attempts to have myself PZI'd over the last year and a half alone is proof of that.

Edited by Uhtred
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