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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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But wouldn't the very essence of being a "backward brethren" and a "savage unaligned" imply that one already does not have a clear objective?

Unaligned rulers have no clear objective, so why are they offered such gracious protection, while others had to die?

Because Pacifica, being the magnanimous organization that it is, was caring enough to aid those within its own sphere. You cannot have it both ways; Pacifica cannot be derided as evil and told that it is too controlling and then simultaneously be asked to watch over the entire world. The other spheres are the responsibility of the alliances in those spheres. Pacifica is doing its part in creating for us all a safe world-- what have your alliances done?

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The Church of Maroon was very clear in its objectives, it was to protect unaligned nations from raiding – just like Revenge. Your alliances and its allies did not like that.

Dear Sir/Ma'am;

While your logic and critical thinking skills are admirable, I regret to inform you that this thread does not place value in such talent. We ask you to keep such irrelevant material to yourself, in order to maintain a pleasurable reading experience for all our viewers. Your cooperation in this matter is much appreciated, and we look forward to upcoming "NO U"s in the near future.



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The Church of Maroon was very clear in its objectives, it was to protect unaligned nations from raiding – just like Revenge. Your alliances and its allies did not like that.

Funny old world, isn't it?

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The Church of Maroon was very clear in its objectives, it was to protect unaligned nations from raiding – just like Revenge. Your alliances and its allies did not like that.

This is most interesting to me considering the post regarding its disbandment (which can be found at the CN wiki) claims that it was never intended to prevent raiding. Whatever the cause, it did not meet with the success of the Revenge Doctrine, which is unfortunate; if only it had been better executed I am sure it too would be operating today to help continue Pax Pacifica.

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In English for our younger viewers

It wasn't ran by the current power structure, so it had to go .. amirite

Not at all, and I am deeply sorry if that is what you glean from this conversation. While I cannot get into the specifics (as I mentioned I had to do some research to discuss the issue at all) at this time, it is clear to me that the issues with the CoM were caused by ambiguity in its purpose and not by any partisan hate.

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Because Pacifica, being the magnanimous organization that it is, was caring enough to aid those within its own sphere. You cannot have it both ways; Pacifica cannot be derided as evil and told that it is too controlling and then simultaneously be asked to watch over the entire world. The other spheres are the responsibility of the alliances in those spheres. Pacifica is doing its part in creating for us all a safe world-- what have your alliances done?

Your vast vocabulary skills do not mask your equally ignorant views.

No one has asked Pacifica to watch over the world. In fact, I wouldn't trust Pacifica to watch paint dry. I know I'd come back 20 minutes later to an alliance with wet paint on the palm of her hand.

Changing talking points halfway through a discussion will not earn you any debate points, regardless of your writing style.

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Dear Sir/Ma'am;

While your logic and critical thinking skills are admirable, I regret to inform you that this thread does not place value in such talent. We ask you to keep such irrelevant material to yourself, in order to maintain a pleasurable reading experience for all our viewers. Your cooperation in this matter is much appreciated, and we look forward to upcoming "NO U"s in the near future.



no u

@BO: Well, I'm glad you are morally consistent at least and disapprove of the aggressive attitude towards CoM, even if you are still trying to spin the facts (unfortunately for you, facts are pretty immobile things).

I do wonder why someone who is keen on protecting unaligned nations should go to one of the alliances which has done the most through history to undermine efforts to do that, though.

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No one has asked Pacifica to watch over the world.

Changing talking points halfway through a discussion will not earn you any debate points, regardless of your writing style.

I apologize and humbly request that you return us to the topic that you want addressed; furthermore, I am pleased to see that you do not require Pacifica to repair every sphere's problems.

I do wonder why someone who is keen on protecting unaligned nations should go to one of the alliances which has done the most through history to undermine efforts to do that, though.

Though I have felt nothing but warmth and friendship during my time at GGA and do not regret my membership, I will reiterate for those that keep making an issue of my membership at said alliance that I do not recall finding any of your recruiting messages in my inbox when I was new to this world and searching for a cause in which to believe. I was unaligned for a full two weeks before I made any decisions on my new home.

Edited by Byron Orpheus
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Because Pacifica, being the magnanimous organization that it is, was caring enough to aid those within its own sphere. You cannot have it both ways; Pacifica cannot be derided as evil and told that it is too controlling and then simultaneously be asked to watch over the entire world. The other spheres are the responsibility of the alliances in those spheres. Pacifica is doing its part in creating for us all a safe world-- what have your alliances done?

I laughed out loud, you're very funny sir :D

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Because Pacifica, being the magnanimous organization that it is, was caring enough to aid those within its own sphere. You cannot have it both ways; Pacifica cannot be derided as evil and told that it is too controlling and then simultaneously be asked to watch over the entire world. The other spheres are the responsibility of the alliances in those spheres. Pacifica is doing its part in creating for us all a safe world-- what have your alliances done?

Funny stuff Byron, you're getting a bit carried a way.

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Funny stuff Byron, you're getting a bit carried a way.

No more carried away than the hyperbolic vitriol I see coming from the extremists. I respect Pacifica and contributions it has made to our world; my only goal is to provide the uninformed with the other side of the argument.

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Because Pacifica, being the magnanimous organization that it is, was caring enough to aid those within its own sphere. You cannot have it both ways; Pacifica cannot be derided as evil and told that it is too controlling and then simultaneously be asked to watch over the entire world. The other spheres are the responsibility of the alliances in those spheres. Pacifica is doing its part in creating for us all a safe world-- what have your alliances done?

Nice to see the GGA sucking up the the NPO some more. I thought that was dying out. Aparently not.

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Because Pacifica, being the magnanimous organization that it is, was caring enough to aid those within its own sphere. You cannot have it both ways; Pacifica cannot be derided as evil and told that it is too controlling and then simultaneously be asked to watch over the entire world. The other spheres are the responsibility of the alliances in those spheres. Pacifica is doing its part in creating for us all a safe world-- what have your alliances done?

WOW! That just made me laugh really really hard. I was actually on the floor. If you think being "magnanimous" had anything to do with it, then I will let you know right now, before you drink anymore Kool-aid, that it is poisoned. It was about controlling the red sphere all along.

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WOW! That just made me laugh really really hard. I was actually on the floor. If you think being "magnanimous" had anything to do with it, then I will let you know right now, before you drink anymore Kool-aid, that it is poisoned. It was about controlling the red sphere all along.

The red sphere has also flourished. It saddens me deeply when personal prejudice clouds the reason of some people.

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The red sphere has also flourished. It saddens me deeply when personal prejudice clouds the reason of some people.

It truly saddens me to see someones deep sycophancy cloud their thoughts.

The NPO is doing nothing to benefit the world, only themselves. They have always been about one thing. What is best for the Order, and subsequently is best for the rest of us (by their own logic).

It has nothing to do with benefiting other spheres of influence or giving peace to anyone else. Their mantra is protectionism of their ideals and holding them above all others. What was it, to go against the order is inherently wrong (or something like that).

The Revenge Doctrine has two purposes. Provide complete domination of the senate and subsequently control over sanctions, and to protect NONE nations so that they have more trade opportunities and the occasional combat training exercise. They do not do these things to make the rest of Bob safer or to make you feel all rosy inside. They are done with direct motivation of control and power. In essence, they will play at your house, but you can't come to theirs.

Are they wrong in doing such things? Personally I don't think so, but there are limits to the efforts that are made in protecting ones ideals. One can go too far in this effect, and I think many see the NPO as doing such.

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The Revenge Doctrine has two purposes. Provide complete domination of the senate and subsequently control over sanctions, and to protect NONE nations so that they have more trade opportunities and the occasional combat training exercise. They do not do these things to make the rest of Bob safer or to make you feel all rosy inside. They are done with direct motivation of control and power. In essence, they will play at your house, but you can't come to theirs.

Frequently I see this mistake made.

The NPO holds to two doctrines which affect their relationship with Red nations. Both are named after the emperors that instituted them.

The older doctrine is the Moldavi doctrine. This doctrine forbids other alliances from forming on red, and asserts the NPO's claim to total control of the team senate. (Note: The Moldavi doctrine defines what constitutes an alliance for its purposes. Some organizations that others would refer to as alliances have existed using mainly Red team nations, but most have not qualified as an alliance under the terms of the doctrine.)

The newer doctrine is the Revenge doctrine. This is the one about protecting unaligned Red nations from unprovoked attacks.

Do not confuse or meld the two. It's possible to support one without supporting the other, although of course the NPO in its modern form supports both.

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I look forward to the day when the rest of us don't have to educate ourselves in the vagaries of NPO bureaucracy and terminology in order to have an intelligent conversation. Who really cares what "doctrine" does what? NPO has certain very well known policies regarding the red team. Who really cares what they are called? FFS that stuff gets tiresome.

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Because Pacifica, being the magnanimous organization that it is, was caring enough to aid those within its own sphere. You cannot have it both ways; Pacifica cannot be derided as evil and told that it is too controlling and then simultaneously be asked to watch over the entire world. The other spheres are the responsibility of the alliances in those spheres. Pacifica is doing its part in creating for us all a safe world-- what have your alliances done?

At first I thought you were being sarcastic but then I wondered to myself "Who would have the cajoles to make such a statement?" and surely enough; I saw your alliance affiliation and realized, sadly, that it wasn't sarcasm at all. Then I had a drink. That is how low the Global Alliance has sunk.

As for the Pacificans who are denying this so-called "Peanut Gallery" (a term one of my grade school teachers liked very much to use); your emperor obviously cared enough about what the Peanut Gallery had to say to unconditionally withdraw your troops from abroad and to abandon an occupational government in GATO. Or was it all the treaty cancellations that did it?

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No more carried away than the hyperbolic vitriol I see coming from the extremists. I respect Pacifica and contributions it has made to our world; my only goal is to provide the uninformed with the other side of the argument.

The content you attribute to "extremists" is what most of us with critical thinking skills call the facts and realities of planet bob that have been proven over the last 3 years to hold true.

Your goal of educating the uniformed is admirable, but you will reach these people better by working from the inside since you have the access needed to educate the "uninformed".

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As for the Pacificans who are denying this so-called "Peanut Gallery" (a term one of my grade school teachers liked very much to use); your emperor obviously cared enough about what the Peanut Gallery had to say to unconditionally withdraw your troops from abroad and to abandon an occupational government in GATO. Or was it all the treaty cancellations that did it?

Thats one way of looking at it but as we have learned over the past few days from GATO the ending of the viceroy and the PIAT were on the table before Blacky even posted his thread. One could easily argue that Vox and Friends(ie. balcky) were in their last minute desperation trying derail the process and screw GATO over for their own sycophantic cause.

Edited by GTTofAK
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Thats one way of looking at it but as we have learned over the past few days from GATO the ending of the viceroy and the PIAT were on the table before Blacky even posted his thread. One could easily argue that Vox and Friends(ie. balcky) were in their last minute desperation trying derail the process and screw GATO over for their own sycophantic cause.

Yes, "Vox and Friends" attempting to derail the freeing of GATO seems very likely. Conspiracy theories apparently aren't just for the peanut gallery.

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At first I thought you were being sarcastic but then I wondered to myself "Who would have the cajoles to make such a statement?" and surely enough; I saw your alliance affiliation and realized, sadly, that it wasn't sarcasm at all. Then I had a drink. That is how low the Global Alliance has sunk.

So low that it has resorted to supporting its allies?!?

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