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FOK Announcement

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Unfortunate but necessary, as obsolete treaties with no true bounds are worth no more than the ink on the paper is. When an alliance does something like this, it tells something about as their reliability as an ally, if they are not afraid to let go when there's no friendship behind the pact, no matter how obvious it is that people are going to see something bigger, lines being drawn et cetera, where there is none.

Avé FOK, avé Pacifica.

edit: dang, typos

Edited by Iosif Moldov
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This is how to present a cancellation to the world. Sometimes you find that a treaty is based on a past friendship and not a current one, and want to cancel it but remain on good terms, and this is how to go about it.

Best wishes moving forward to FOK and NPO!

On a more general note, I am pleased to see people beginning to cancel treaties when they think they are no longer representative of the relationship. The web is the mess it is because of uncancelled (or even insincerely signed, though not in this case I don't think) treaties.

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Good luck to both parties. Maybe we can go back to the trend where treaties were only signed when they were intended on being upheld. Please note, this is not a shot at FOK or the NPO, just a statement about treaties in general.

Edited by Epiphanus
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No just the only one to actually say why there canceling, others just go about it in a round about way saying noting. So its refreshing to see something open and honest for once.

That would be part of why it's the best cancellation OP I've ever read...

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Refreshingly frank. Thank you FOK.

I wonder though... you said you disagree with NPO's policy towards MK. NPO policy towards MK seems to be quite friendly as of late (at least between upper level government).

FOK clearly hates MK and is planning on attacking them :D

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