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This Thread is About Electron Sponge

King Srqt

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They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but this could go on for a while and flattering you isn't particularly high on my to-do list at the moment so I'll cut to the chase. The only thing more annoying that the constant 'derails' are the people that don't stop complaining (and then make threads) about the constant 'derails'. All threads such as this one do is add to the general headache.

Then maybe you should convince your allies to stop derailing threads constantly, they apparently have things they feel are important to say I am giving them a place to say them without having to post stalk Sponge and derail every thread. But I guess they dont really want a legit place to say those things do they? they don't really have an interest in discussing anything they really just want to try and make every thread into a sponge bashing fest with no intent of actually having a real conversation about it.

I made a thread for people to actually discuss something that they have been trying to post all over the place. that is bad why?

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Ivan could beat Sponge in a fight.

I could crush them both at the same time.

On the seventh day the almighty Admin sat back and marveled in all that was Ivan, and he noticed, that Ivan was lonely so he reached down and plucked a rib from the Ivan and cast it to the ground thus creating the Electron Sponge, and he saw that this was good.

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Seeing as though a certain group of people are determined to make every thread about Sponge and I am sick of every thread that remotely interests me being derailed I decided to make this thread in order to discuss the same tired points that are being spread around the forums like a virus.

1st point: "Vox Populi allowing Sponge into their organization causes them to lose credibility."

- This one really baffles me, in order for you to think Vox lost credibility wouldn't they have had to have had credibility to start with? That seems to go against what has been said about Vox since day one which in turn kind of makes you lose credibility don't you think?

2nd point: "Sponge hasn't changed and is only using Vox to try and re-gain power."

-How the hell do you know that? Sponge went through an experience in this game that could easily change his perspective on things and your questioning of his motivations have no more basis than anyone's theories that he has in fact changed.

3rd point: "Sponge is irrelevant and doesn't really have any spies anymore"

-Then why the hell do you talk about him to the point that I am motivated to make this thread in a (most likely vain) attempt to stop the constant talk of him in threads that have nothing to do with him.

If I missed any of the party line points please feel free to bring them up.

4th point: Spongebob apologists will create a thread celebrating his "change" and deriding those that disagree.

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4th point: Spongebob apologists will create a thread celebrating his "change" and deriding those that disagree.

That is not actually a point that is more of an observation or prediction. I am also not really an ES apologist either I have had my share of IC hate toward him but I can recognize the possibility that he may have changed unlike some people who have an agenda to push that does not allow them to be objective.

This thread also is not designed to celebrate or deride anyone it is a place to discuss things that you have been trying to push in pretty much every thread on OWF except this one that is actually designed for you to discuss it in.

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4th point: Spongebob apologists will create a thread celebrating his "change" and deriding those that disagree.
You have a point. Belittling your opponents by calling them silly names based on cartoon characters is rather trite and unoriginal. It's a good thing you pointed that out or I might never have realized it.

Oh hello.

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I agree with this. If there weren't roles people played and people being different, this game would be boring.

Could you perhaps enlighten us as to why the NPO insists on eternally warring said RPer's?

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Sponge adds to this game on so many different levels.

He is bright, cunning, manipulative....everything you want in an arch enemy.

He keeps folks on their toes for sure.

I have no idea if he has changed or not.

Seems he said he hasn't, really, he just gave up on trying to tow the party line.

Methinks there is much yet to come from this one.

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Sponge adds to this game on so many different levels.

He is bright, cunning, manipulative....everything you want in an arch enemy.

He keeps folks on their toes for sure.

I have no idea if he has changed or not.

Seems he said he hasn't, really, he just gave up on trying to tow the party line.

Methinks there is much yet to come from this one.

I like you.

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OMG, ES was viewing this topic LIKE 12 SECONDS AGO! Damn, I'm honored to have been in the same topic with the man... ironically, in a topic about him XD.

Seriously, who really cares how he acts. He's got a thread in the OWF talking about him... and yet he's irrelevant? Pretty much every single member in CN that was around after GWIII and up to the Second Great Patriotic War owes their excitement and geeky political pleasure to this man. Without it, a massively dramatic war would have never happened, and likewise, Slayer99 wouldn't have his name repeated so often in reference to Sponge. Electron Sponge has defined the game, and whether you like it or not, you play be the rules and the politics he set down. (At least quite a few of us do.)

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Can't have a game without war. It's fine and dandy to criticise the NPO IC but they serve an important purpose otherwise.

I have nothing against war, it's eternal war I'm against.

And there we have it folks, show's over everybody can go now.

Lies! Get back to work. :P

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Here I brought you some chapstick. Your lips must be mighty chapped kissing sponge's $@! THIS much.

Oh yeah, because the NPO forums don't have threads like "We <3 Moo-Cows."

Come off it. Besides, if you read the OP, you'd see why he made the thread.

Edited by MegaAros
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Here I brought you some chapstick. Your lips must be mighty chapped kissing sponge's $@! THIS much.

So because I like sponge more then anybody within the NPO I'm automatically labeled as an "$@!" kisser? Someone's quite obviously jealous here. :rolleyes:

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I've had no dealings with ES, but I am definitely among those who have become annoyed at the way various threads have turned into attacks on him. (And the attacks aren't even original. It's the same poor one-liners over and over.)

He must be handsome to have so many stalkers. But of course the stalkers will say he's just "asking for it" by acting in such a provocative manner.

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When i was getting ZI'ed n the GATO-1V war i aslo served as a diplomat and one of the few people willing to talk me at the time was ES, i will never forget how polite and willing to talk he was..in short my own dealings with him have been courteous and he is fine upstanding gentlemen (in addition to him being uber-handsome) B)

Edited by Cataduanes
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