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Everything posted by roymustang

  1. And thus all pretense of separation is gone. See you on the battlefield mates.
  2. Oi Oi Oi! I'll be along to introduce myself to a million AAs shortly.
  3. There was zero need for this DoW except for the bloodlust of Oculus, and the entire world knows it. Even if you take 150% for granted that TPF comes to our defense (much love for you guys, btw!), you can't possibly tell me a bloc with the sheer NS of Oculus couldn't have handled that counter. And then there's the part where in a war where there will never be enough slots for the offense, you've got NPO nations specifically hitting TPF nations... seriously, how many other nations could you have sent in against TPF instead? Plenty, you just clearly give no shits. Cool.
  4. Look at that, someone who isn't a member of MI6 hasn't been informed of talks between MI6 and Sengoku. Is that... not how that's supposed to go?
  5. You couldn't resist us for long, Galv :P Good to see this come to fruition!
  6. Wait I thought Chim was supposed to be the worst person ever! I'm so confused...
  7. I think we gave him credit for the suit. I mean really, I'd wear that suit, it's great.
  8. [quote name='Likish' date='11 June 2010 - 10:40 PM' timestamp='1276310388' post='2334303'] OOC: Who else thinks this kid is like 10? Anyone anyone? [/quote] Agreed. [quote]History is inherently flawed, and the winners write the history books so i hope you read sources from 5-6 countries and not just 1.[/quote] That's less true today than it was in the past. Much less so.
  9. [quote name='Lamuella' date='11 June 2010 - 09:56 PM' timestamp='1276307754' post='2334210'] oh my god. Rebel Virginia is on my side about something. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC WHAT HAVE YOU DONE [/quote] This thread is legitimately making my night right now. I've never laughed openly at a CN thread before.
  10. [quote name='Islamic Republic' date='11 June 2010 - 09:40 PM' timestamp='1276306786' post='2334185'] I consider this to be like Troy where 1 million Persians where killed with 300 Spartans loss. Its one of those rare events where even though you lose, you won simply because you beat the million to 1 shot. [/quote] No, you still lose. The term is "Pyrrhic victory", and it means that the victors won with staggering losses. The only way for the loser to turn the battle into a victory is to win the war. You, my friend, will not win the war.
  11. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='11 June 2010 - 09:32 PM' timestamp='1276306330' post='2334175'] [color="#0000FF"]Everything I say in time proves correct.[/color] [/quote] If you're throwing your weight behind this fool, prepare to have your streak broken.
  12. [quote name='Beefspari' date='11 June 2010 - 09:17 PM' timestamp='1276305410' post='2334156'] Are you challenging us to a declare-off? [img]http://cngoons.com/Board/Smileys/CN%20Emotes/clint.gif[/img] [/quote] I just might be.
  13. [quote name='Islamic Republic' date='11 June 2010 - 09:06 PM' timestamp='1276304796' post='2334136'] The way you guys think you can bully, harass and stalk new players online for your own pleasures. And are shocked when they do something about it, try this in real life, see how far you go before you get a broken nose, or a restraining order. Ive got so much rage over the things youve said, the way you acted, the fact you refuse to stop this behavior, the only thing that seems right to me, is the burning to the ground of your alliance. Ill fight for my right to be unmolested, i wont stop, youll see more of me soon, i promise, and now i actually understand the war system so you watch and see what i can do, if you think doing over 120x my nations value in damage was bad, wait till you see what i do next. [/quote] Should I be taking that as a threat from you to the alliance of my very dear friend, Chimaera? Because I would take that threat seriously... actually not at all but I would be completely willing to let GGA nations argue with GOONS nations for the right to roll you when a slot opens. [quote]He's got so much rage. [/quote] Quick get the Sith in here, we must turn him immediately!
  14. [quote name='Islamic Republic' date='11 June 2010 - 08:38 PM' timestamp='1276303107' post='2334096'] My feelings arent hurt im just irritated by there constant harassment. Which provoked me to go into a suicidal war to shut them up and leave me the hell alone. [/quote] There are remedies for that that would avoid you getting turned into a mockery... which you've done pretty well to yourself. So forgive me if I just laugh at you now, for your useless symbolic actions (and to a lesser extent laugh at RV for thinking this has anything to do with GOONS - they're hired guns, nothing more).
  15. [quote name='Islamic Republic' date='11 June 2010 - 08:30 PM' timestamp='1276302635' post='2334087'] Warned on the OWF? try banned 3 times by the same person as well as being constantly harassed both in game and the forums, all i wanted was a 5 letter Sorry in private(no witnesses). What happened more IAA harassment and laughing. You will feel my wraith for your bad behavior i will not tolerate your alliance members behavior any longer, as this war proved. And voodoo nova was hardly the only one, just the first and most important. [/quote] Bad behavior! They need to be punished! Because my feelings are hurt and waahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Get over it. Didn't anyone ever teach you that "sticks and stones" crap? Or something similar? If words get to you this easily, you are not long for this game.
  16. This is actually hilarious. IR, why don't you just out and tell us why you were fighting IAA? I'm pretty sure I know of the circumstances but I want to hear you say it.
  17. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' date='01 June 2010 - 01:04 PM' timestamp='1275411843' post='2319286'] What a novel concept, I'm going to have to say I agree. [/quote] As do I, surprisingly enough.
  18. [quote name='Andre27' date='31 May 2010 - 03:15 PM' timestamp='1275333320' post='2318026'] You should have offered extra burgers at the annual GGA members BBQ [/quote] That option is fully available to anyone who wants to suck up to this year's grillmaster (me)
  19. Go me. Promotion (sorta). Also you all can stop speculating now. Also if people need unbanning on IRC, query me (Roy_Mustang[GGA]) and I'll see what I can do. Spam will lead to perma-banning, though.
  20. Hm. Unexpected, but interesting. StarFox, we may need to have a chat in the near future.
  21. [quote name='Andre27' date='21 March 2010 - 08:38 PM' timestamp='1269218278' post='2232586'] @ Roy Mustang: If you feel that questioning the need for or reasoning behind the announcement is "trying to make you look stupid" then i point you to this post: Do not forget that you set your own high standard by removing the previous GGA government and making claims you could do better. You chose to step into the spotlight and now you complain when the attention you graved and now get is not all hails and positive? There is certainly constructive advice in this topic so use it. [/quote] I have no problem with the question being asked once or twice. I have a problem being asked three or four times per page of the thread, even after it's been answered multiple times. After a point, the question isn't being asked out of legitimate criticism but out of a desire to make us look stupid. I'm fully aware we've set a high standard, and I happen to think we're living up to that standard right now. Again, about the criticism, I think it'd serve everyone better if it wasn't posted publicly... only leads to the critic being attacked, as you've seen, and leads to us trying to walk an increasingly narrow line.
  22. [quote name='Andre27' date='21 March 2010 - 07:04 PM' timestamp='1269216234' post='2232556'] With all due respect dementual instead of diving into the trenches with the "GGA v.s Critics (or even less flattering names)" attitude you should look at some of the advice given here. With a few exceptions those who criticize actually wish the best for the GGA [i]and / or[/i] have walked several miles in the shoes the current GGA gov is trying to fill. Take the advice and make the GGA prosper again or be stubborn and watch the GGA decline even further. [/quote] Then fire me a PM. Visit us on IRC. Pay us even the smallest sliver of respect (not just you, Andre, but the others who know who they are). Stop trying to make us look stupid because we did something that wasn't completely earthshaking in a positive manner. Feel free to tell others to stop trying to cast everything we do as the worst thing we could possibly do. I'd have loved it if people who thought they had ways to fix things had stuck around, but that ship has sailed. All I can ask now is that instead of creating a big fuss over everything we do, you let us actually do our jobs (which, yes, include keeping an eye on GGA threads on these forums - to ignore them would be foolish at best, horribly incompetent at worst.)
  23. [quote name='tiddles' date='25 February 2010 - 05:17 PM' timestamp='1267136486' post='2203667'] I do not possible see how you can say this coup is anyway a major difference then the one that was voted down. and i for one read it after you guys explained how you were going to make GGA so much better. so yes there are some that read it with your explanations. so there you go with your lies. you guys pretty much said u were going to make programs that were mandatory for members to participate in that the current leaders/ministry people were trying to get people to sign up for. hence nothing new except you were making it mandatory. so stop calling everyone that doesn't agree with your coup and lair. [/quote] Because what was voted down wasn't a coup? Because what was voted down involved less people, and different positions? Because, surprisingly enough, people seemed to be coming around to our point of view around the time the thread was closed (or, if they weren't agreeing with us, they were at least discussing things rationally rather than spouting off the same old tired points, as Andre did)? Because you're making a big deal out of something that isn't that big a deal (the personnel)? I don't think any of us have stated we intend to run the GGA by fiat, and Shane and I have, at various points, considered stepping down from these positions we currently hold if that is a sticking point? Because honestly, if you really just have an issue with me, then I will gladly step down. I am in the position I'm in because I want to save the GGA from up and dying. If the way for me to do that is to step down, then I will do it in a heartbeat. [OOC: I could be spending the time I've spent on the GGA sleeping, or working, or being with my girlfriend, or any number of things. I don't want power, I don't care about power, and I certainly don't need power, or it's attendant headaches. For me, the game ceases to be fun with too much power. And when this game ceases to be fun for me (again), I will quit (again). It's a certainty.] [quote]Sorry DM, RM and whoever else, if you believe a coup will save the GGA you are sourly mistaken. In fact it has already driven away those few remaining active members.[/quote] Andre, at least we will be able to say we did not stand by idly while everything burned down around us.
  24. [quote name='Momonishiki' date='24 February 2010 - 08:32 PM' timestamp='1267061775' post='2202350'] There is nothing inaccurate about Simon's statement at all. A coup was put to a vote of the membership and it was overwhelming voted down. While the pieces and personalities have changed slightly, if the membership voted the coup down when it had the chance, how do you expect them to like it more when it is foisted upon them by force?[/quote] No such thing happened. What was put forth was a reorganization of the government. A change in structure, and leadership. Most notably a change to the Triumvirate system. It's worth noting that although it was indeed voted down by the membership, the majority of those votes were cast before those members even read the various explanations, but rather only saw the establishment's ad hominem attacks against Dementual and myself. Also, had the proposal been approved by the membership, it then would have also needed to be taken up by the Triumvirate, as the Charter stipulated. Nothing about the proposal that you and simon refer to could possibly be construed as a coup. There was no violence involved, and absolutely everyone was given a say, even if it was laughably unproductive (as yours was). As for the pieces, I'd charge that maintaining a Triumvirate is completely different from establishing a powerful Head of State. I will, however, admit that our original proposal shares the name of this announcement. Despite that, that does not make them one and the same, as you seem to think they are. [quote]This tendency by the coup promoters to call their critics "liars" is a curious one. It makes it seem like you are all reading from the same bubble gum package "how to" guide on coups. [/quote] I speak only the truth, and you know it Momo. Were the old forums available (their removal was not our doing, either), I would gladly demonstrate as much. But then again, perhaps you too are misremembering?
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