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Raiding & Non-Raiding Nations and Alliances: A Plea for Assistance

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IRAN (Independent Republic of Armed Nations) allows raids under the following conditions:

1. Raids are forbidden to be conducted against any member nation of an alliance with which IRAN maintains treaties or accords, or against any member nation of one of our protectorates. There are no exceptions.

2. Raids upon any nation residing in the Red Sphere are expressly prohibited. There are no exceptions.

3. Raids upon any member nation of an alliance containing ten or more nations, or upon any member nation of an alliance that is treatied with other alliances or is a protectorate of another alliance are expressly prohibited. There are no exceptions.

4. Any and all raids must first be approved by a Triumvir, the Minister of Defense or the Deputy Minister of Defense. There are no exceptions.

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The Patriotic Union of Kalashnikov Enthusiasts allow tech raiding. Our rules are simple: The President can approve offensive action against any target. So technically, we could allow tech raiding of any sized alliance, but I am not stupid.

We rarely raid in practice, but I would have no problem approving targets assuming they meet my own criteria for raiding.

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Could you clarify that? It seems that you're saying that any aligned nation over 10,000 nation strength is fair game. Even if you meant to say under that size, attacking an aligned nation of any strength range risks an alliance war.

Any alliance worth its salt will protect all of its members no matter what size.

The attacked nation certainly shouldn't be expected to abide by some kind of looters' chivalry that the victim should show self-restraint just because the aggressor "only" used ground attacks.

We sure as hell wouldn't.

Any aligned nation over 10k NS in an alliance of 10 members or under which does not have a protectorate treaty or mutual defense treaty is fair game.

The practice of sending only ground attacks is not only intended to encourage de-escalation and peace offer acceptance, but also to limit damage to the raidee's nation. Those who are raided are welcome to attack back and make it a full scale war - we love war as well as looting. :)

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Avalon does not allow raiding, but we do allow piracy suppression against unaligned raiders. meaning we are allowed to attack unaligned that raid other unaligned.

Arrrg! So, ye be trying to remove us scum from the seas. We'll hang you from the poopdeck and shiver your timbers for talk like that. Poison Clan views these open waters... It be a good day for a battle.

Yo, ho! Yo, ho!

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Any aligned nation over 10k NS in an alliance of 10 members or under which does not have a protectorate treaty or mutual defense treaty is fair game.

The experience gained from that sort of thing would be so useful in a major war.

The practice of sending only ground attacks is not only intended to encourage de-escalation and peace offer acceptance, but also to limit damage to the raidee's nation. Those who are raided are welcome to attack back and make it a full scale war - we love war as well as looting. :)

Well, there are some alliances the same size or larger than yours that might be happy to accommodate you.

GGA only allows raiding on unaligned nations that do not reside on red team and will provide absolutely NO assistance to the raider.

There are a number of unaligned nations that have friends who know each other in RL and might help each other. What happens then?

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NADC sorta allows tech raiding. Our members can only attack unaligned players that are inactive 15 days or more. Also, only one raid per month.

Correct me if I'm wrong but after 11 days inactive don't attacks only destroy tech/land and not raid it? If so, what is up with the bass awkwards policy?

Edited by Captain Flinders
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