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A Pact in Faith, For the People, By the People


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Pact of Faith

We, the undersigned nation leaders of Planet Bob, do solemnly swear that:

-We shall not sentence people ourselves to EZI should we ever obtain the power or position available to do so

-We shall not betray the people whom we have found out to be an EZI player, if their new character earns a right to be attacked so be it

-We shall not provide IPs or anything that can identify a current nation leader as anything other than what's readily available in-game

-We shall not imply re-roll status on any character unless that person deems it worthy to bring forth their previous characters experience

This is a cut-and-dried moral issue. Stalking someone via their IP through forums and IRC is *creepy*. It shouldn't be done by anyone, much less by any adult with a brain in their head.

Unlike most "You're taking this game too seriously" commentators, I don't think that reading the forums, hanging out on IRC, or caring about your alliance is unreasonable. Stooping to such obviously wrong behaviour, however, definitely does mean that you are taking the game too seriously.

Check it out all you alliance leaders and toadies who do this: You are creeps. You might as well be sneaking around and looking in people's windows for the kind of moral sense you show in doing this.

So I'll sign this, even though I think it's stupid and shameful that such a thing needs to be proposed in the first place.

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Firstly, it's a personal document not an alliance one (the ZIPP is a place for alliances to sign). And secondly, to make a statement that it is your long-standing policy? Many of the people who signed are long time opponents of EZI. I don't really understand your objection or your purpose in posting it here.

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While TPF has been historically anti-E-ZI/P-ZI, I can't see us signing this document. Why would we sign something that has been our long-standing policy?

Curious post. If it has been your long standing policy and is going to continue to be in the future, why wouldn't you sign such a pact?

Edited by Aimee Mann
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I, Asriel Belacqua, long standing member of CyberNations and person of no great interest to all but a few, do solemnly swear to all the above conditions, as these have always been the rules I have abided by.

This pact now has one more name to add.

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Curious post. If it has been your long standing policy and is going to continue to be in the future, why wouldn't you sign such a pact?

Because he feels that it's redundant would be my guess. That's why TOOL didn't sign ZIPP, for example. However, I don't think Slayer's saying TPF members can't sign this, just that they as an alliance won't sign it. :)


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Because he feels that it's redundant would be my guess. That's why TOOL didn't sign ZIPP, for example.

Thank you so much for your guess but I do not understand your reasoning at all. If you or your alliance are so in agreement with the principles of the pacts, why not sign it? It doesn't take a lot of effort, it does no harm to anyone (?) and it would not be a redundant act at all because you'd be putting your weight behind the cause (a cause which you profess to agree with since you say you practice the same principles that it promotes). It really doesn't matter if you've been anti-PZI or anti-EZI for longer than the pacts because it's never been a competition to see who's been not ZI'ing for the longest... it's just a group of alliances coming together to share a stance on a practice which they find repugnant.

Not signing something because you think it's pointless even though you support the principles behind it is a poor show in my opinion, and rather undermines the campaign. If redundancy is really your reason for not signing then you obviously do not support the principles of ZIPP or anti-ZI pacts as much as you say you do, since you're happy to refuse your signature on such spurious grounds. In fact it's such a weak reason for not signing that I have to ask: Is redundancy really your only reason for not signing this? Be honest.

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