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Joint TOP/TSO Announcement

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A protectorate has never meant mutually obligated defence, has never meant a protectorate.

If you intend to misuse words then it is not the fault of those who point it out. You would expect that after this long some people would have taken the time to learn the difference between a protectorate and an MDP.

TSO shall also be required to seek the approval of her protector before signing any further treaties or engaging in any conflicts.

Doesn't sound like your standard MDP.

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Of course that won't stop people from complaining about this despite it having nothing to do with the majority of the people doing the complaining.

I've expressed my concerns with this a few posts above the one which you quoted and it explains in more depth why this dissapoints me. Also this is a matter of concern to quite a few of us either those with friends in the MCXA, those who sympathise with the MCXA, or those who were wronged by the MCXA of old which were lead by those which broke away and created TSO. So yes, it does have something to do with us in some cases more than others.

Does it matter what TSO and TOP choose to call their treaty? Not really, but I guess some here need something to pointlessly complain about all day.

Ofcourse not. The name of the treaty is not my real concern. However it's contents were only brought up when questioned as to why TSO needs protection if they are on such good terms with their former alliance and the rest of digiterra. This was either not very well thought out or a very calculated and divisive move.

Doesn't sound like your standard MDP.

Perhaps not in the wording of the treaty. But otherwise yes, it's pretty standard.

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Ofcourse not. The name of the treaty is not my real concern. However it's contents were only brought up when questioned as to why TSO needs protection if they are on such good terms with their former alliance and the rest of digiterra. This was either not very well thought out or a very calculated and divisive move.

Perhaps the same could be said of all treaties.

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Heh, Obama you had a humour failure there :awesome:

As I explained earlier, the treaty has features typical of an MDP and features typical of a protectorate. To call it either would be fair enough, and so arguing about it is silly. If you think it is a bad thing for other reasons then okay, there are valid reasons out there, but the fact that they call it a protectorate is not one of them :P

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Very good. I like when my argument is so sound that a goon is forced to act like one and attack my character rather than address the argument.

Call me what you want dude, I honestly don't mind. Just as an aside, I find your weekly revelation threads to be immensely amusing, fwiw. They serve to create some drama and make the place lively, keep it up.

As to my remark, I just think it's a little bit rich for you to go on about how you are a model of truth, honesty and integrity when you've been somewhat remiss in showing it. I'd have a hell of a lot more respect for you and what you are claiming if, say, you were honest with everyone here on the OWF about why you were expelled from TOP (for just one example). C'mon, you've got enough chutzpah and the cojones to disclose other people's secrets in public here, why not share your own if you really "desire truth, openess [and] honesty"?

Edited by Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz
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Heh, Obama you had a humour failure there :awesome:

As I explained earlier, the treaty has features typical of an MDP and features typical of a protectorate. To call it either would be fair enough, and so arguing about it is silly. If you think it is a bad thing for other reasons then okay, there are valid reasons out there, but the fact that they call it a protectorate is not one of them :P

I fully agree.

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You guys are falling for our plan.

We made the treaty half-MDP and half-protectorate on purpose. Due to the controversial nature of this thread we needed to find a way to lessen the amount of arguing in the thread, or at least divert it. For many nights the greatest minds at TOP and TSO spent all their time trying to figure how to avoid the trolling. We came up with one thing - The only thing people on the OWF care more about than ridicule and arguing is e-lawyering. Now you are all confused about whether this is a MDP or a Protectorate and are forced to e-lawyer this thread to death rather than focus on the nature of the treaty.

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For many nights the greatest minds at TOP and TSO spent all their time trying to figure how to avoid the trolling.

You should have just asked me I could have given you the answer in 10 seconds flat.

Drop the treaty.

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You guys are falling for our plan.

We made the treaty half-MDP and half-protectorate on purpose. Due to the controversial nature of this thread we needed to find a way to lessen the amount of arguing in the thread, or at least divert it. For many nights the greatest minds at TOP and TSO spent all their time trying to figure how to avoid the trolling. We came up with one thing - The only thing people on the OWF care more about than ridicule and arguing is e-lawyering. Now you are all confused about whether this is a MDP or a Protectorate and are forced to e-lawyer this thread to death rather than focus on the nature of the treaty.

Should have included a tech deal section. OWF readers love that !@#$! :awesome:

If I were MCXA, I would have problems with this whole ordeal, but if they don't want it to be anything, than it's fine by me. Good luck to everyone involved, and may drama be found elsewhere.

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If I were MCXA, I would have problems with this whole ordeal, but if they don't want it to be anything, than it's fine by me. Good luck to everyone involved, and may drama be found elsewhere.

if i were MCXA i would feel exactly the same..... er wait? :unsure:

tbh i dont even know if 1/2 our membership has a problem with top rewarding tso for what they have done so i guess i may be in the minority but i hope my govt surprises me and we stop this passive attitude and make both of these *censored* eat their treaty with one another.

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not at all, i thought top had honor when i applied.

not accepting my app was a blessing as you dont know how to treat your allies.

gotta love how you handle your FA.

Hmm, looks like our application decision was good, hindsight being 20/20. I still like MCXA, but people like yourself try your best to undo that.

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Hmm, looks like our application decision was good, hindsight being 20/20. I still like MCXA, but people like yourself try your best to undo that.

yeah, by rewarding AAs that splinter off from your allies and recruit from within and are caught spying...... i can feel the love bro

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not at all, i thought top had honor when i applied.

not accepting my app was a blessing as you dont know how to treat your allies.

gotta love how you handle your FA.

I am sorry you feel this way. I asked one of your Co-Chancellor's about this and he told me that we could drop the protectorate, extend the protectorate or whatever and that it didn't matter and that he just wanted to move on.

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I am sorry you feel this way. I asked one of your Co-Chancellor's about this and he told me that we could drop the protectorate, extend the protectorate or whatever and that it didn't matter and that he just wanted to move on.

Looks like the actual MCXA may disagree with the Co-Chancellor.

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