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Maybe I'm just not very smart...but I see no reason for NPO nor IRON to "yell" at GGA for releasing JB and Chickenzilla. Seeing as how I believe they are both on their EZI lists...that's just...pointless. GGA letting them off doesn't effect NPO nor IRON's lists at all. Both people are still generally barred from playing the game as themselves.

Public unity, I would assume.

The reason I'd be pissed if I were NPO/IRON is because One Vision acts with one purpose and one agenda. Anyone stepping outside of that agenda without alerting the other members exposes disunity and weakness is the bloc.

Edited by Fallen_Fool
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Sadness. There's a very good reason that your allies rejected a treaty with them GR.

Edited by Penlugue Solaris
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Why ignore it when they could actually learn something from this?

What could be learned from this that they already haven't figured out through ironchef/others they respect in backchannels? The most they could've gotten is that they should indeed stay close to NPO because half of CN wants to declare on them for no reason other than staying close to NPO. I'm not saying GGA comes out of this looking good by any means, but at least wish them the best of luck in improving off this mistake, however big it might be.

Meh, I'm chasing my (very small) tail now...I'm out for now.

Edited by DJPenguin
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So what is exactly is the big deal? SP didn't like 1V so he left. Is there some huge conspiracy behind it all?

For once GGA showed they had a spine. One time, they did something that wasn't necessarily the safe route. They had a chance to take an entirely different direction, to reverse their past mistakes. And they got beaten down for it by their "allies". We've seen too much of this crap, and I'm tired of it, and I know a lot of other people are tired of it as well.

Edited by Vilien
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You speak as if you know all sides to the issue.

Well. I know my side.

I know your members' side.


I know your leadership's side.

Dear Planet Bob,

I come to speak with an opinion on this here thread. Although many a bright mind have posted their own strong opinions about shaneprice's leaving of the Grand Global Alliance, and then the open trolling and dissing of said alliance, there are reasons that such a member left. Do not think that he was "kicked out" under "stupid reasons". He was let go for he committed a vile act. Shaneprice was convicted of speaking out against the New Pacific Order and also suggesting that the Grand Global Alliance "leave" OneVision. Now one may think that these reasons are "pathetic", but put your alliance in the shoes of the Grand Global Alliance. How would you take it if a member of leadership were to speak out against an ally who has stuck by your alliance since it's birth, or in this case "rebirth"? With that said, shaneprice was given the option to either leave with a partial good note, or be kicked. I, as Chancellor of the Grand Global Alliance, stand by the decisions of our leadership. Shaneprice nearly brought war to the Grand Global Alliance with his little "outburst". Think about it.

~Dephire, Chancellor of the Grand Global Alliance.

I know your allies' side.

*crickets chirping*

There are no unknowns left!

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For once GGA showed they had a spine. One time, they did something that wasn't necessarily the safe route. They had a chance to take an entirely different direction, to reverse their past mistakes. And they got beaten down for it by their "allies". We've seen too much of this crap, and I'm tired of it, and I know a lot of other people are tired of it as well.

While it may bother a lot of people that GGA will stick with their allies regardless of the PZI thing I don't see how it can be any concern of anyone outside of GGA, NPO, and IRON. If people in GGA don't like it I'm sure they'll leave through the same exit as SP. If they are loyal to their alliance they will stay and help work through anything. What anyone else gains by trying to exploit this is beyond me.

Mistakes are made. We are all human here. Kicking people while they are down used to be frowned upon by some people who claim to have a higher moral standard than those they choose to chastise. Quite frankly I think they're more full of !@#$ than anyone.

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Public unity, I would assume.

The reason I'd be pissed if I were NPO/IRON is because One Vision acts with one purpose and one agenda. Anyone stepping outside of that agenda without alerting the other members exposes disunity and weakness is the bloc.

One Vision has long since served its purpose in my opinion. MCXA, NPO and IRON have a much more politically active bloc that they are all a part of, and strong influence in world affairs, with GGA and Echelon hanging on as declining outcasts.

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While it may bother a lot of people that GGA will stick with their allies regardless of the PZI thing I don't see how it can be any concern of anyone outside of GGA, NPO, and IRON. If people in GGA don't like it I'm sure they'll leave through the same exit as SP. If they are loyal to their alliance they will stay and help work through anything. What anyone else gains by trying to exploit this is beyond me.

Mistakes are made. We are all human here. Kicking people while they are down used to be frowned upon by some people who claim to have a higher moral standard than those they choose to chastise. Quite frankly I think they're more full of !@#$ than anyone.

A higher moral standard? They booted one of their leadership because he dared to discuss moving away from One Vision. Don't talk to me about a moral standard.

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While it may bother a lot of people that GGA will stick with their allies regardless of the PZI thing I don't see how it can be any concern of anyone outside of GGA, NPO, and IRON. If people in GGA don't like it I'm sure they'll leave through the same exit as SP. If they are loyal to their alliance they will stay and help work through anything. What anyone else gains by trying to exploit this is beyond me.

The question isn't if GGA's members are loyal to their alliance, but if the alliance is loyal to its members. Internal censorship isn't the sort of thing that I consider loyalty.

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Well. I know my side.

I know your members' side.


I know your leadership's side.

I know your allies' side.

There are no unknowns left!

This is seriously one of the best posts in this topic.

Okay, it's one of the best posts in this topic if you only count posts with intelligence. :P

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What could be learned from this that they already haven't figured out through ironchef/others they respect in backchannels? The most they could've gotten is that they should indeed stay close to NPO because half of CN wants to declare on them for no reason other than staying close to NPO. I'm not saying GGA comes out of this looking good by any means, but at least wish them the best of luck in improving off this mistake, however big it might be.

DJ, I think I love you.

GGA has a nice internal mess to sort out, and hopefully they will succeed in doing so.

And I believe DJ made the point that GGA should ignore 95% of posts here because most are coming from people just jumping on the "haet GGA" bandwagon out of spite, and not for the sake of constructive criticism ;)

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I'm baffled that anyone would care who is and is not on the ZI list of others, so long as the ZI targets aren't in their alliance.

Well, if someone requested that we add someone to Invicta's ZI list, and then removed that person later without bothering to tell us, I'd be a bit annoyed.

(No it's never happened. Either one. :) )

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Well, if someone requested that we add someone to Invicta's ZI list, and then removed that person later without bothering to tell us, I'd be a bit annoyed.

(No it's never happened. Either one. :) )

It depends. They didn't exactly hide the removal of those members from the ZI list. Maybe you mean it would be better to notify before making a public announcement on it?

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The question isn't if GGA's members are loyal to their alliance, but if the alliance is loyal to its members. Internal censorship isn't the sort of thing that I consider loyalty.

That's not a question anybody but the membership of GGA has to ask.

Also Mega I didn't read the thread. I haven't been around much lately. Don't have the energy to go through this pile. Seems I got the gist of the situation anyway. A lot of people commenting on things that don't concern them in the least etc. etc. ie The usual.

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Well. I know my side.

I know your members' side.


I know your leadership's side.

I know your allies' side.

There are no unknowns left!

Do not be so arrogant to assume that all of it matches up; do not be so arrogant to assume that you know the real story. Not that anyone posting argumentatively against me in this thread will believe that there is more to the story, but I should say that you can not hope to assume that there was nothing said in the logs before what you have seen, or nothing said in other logs that you have seen.

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Is this what an alliance which once belonged to the brotherhood of the World Unity Treaty has fallen to?

I am disappointed by these several, well-documented breaches of honor and upright character. A once great alliance is shamed today, repeatedly..and all I can do is shake my head.

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And I believe DJ made the point that GGA should ignore 95% of posts here because most are coming from people just jumping on the "haet GGA" bandwagon out of spite, and not for the sake of constructive criticism ;)

There's a lot of that "GGA haet" going around huh? It's ok, I've been a GGA hater since '06, I'm old school GGA hatin ;)

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