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Good luck, GGA.

Looks that you need it very much...

It's not luck that they need. What they need is to set boundaries as to where their supposed "allies" can interfere with their alliances internal and foreign affairs.

They're getting the same treatment as GATO is and that's really saying something. They need competent leadership to grow a pair and tell anybody attempting to control their alliance or government from the outside to back off.

I mean you just can't have members of a foreign alliance de-masking your government officials when they disobey orders and go along with it. Something is definitely wrong there.

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It's not luck that they need. What they need is to set boundaries as to where their supposed "allies" can interfere with their alliances internal and foreign affairs.

They're getting the same treatment as GATO is and that's really saying something. They need competent leadership to grow a pair and tell anybody attempting to control their alliance or government from the outside to back off.

I mean you just can't have members of a foreign alliance de-masking your government officials when they disobey orders and go along with it. Something is definitely wrong there.

But isn't it so much easier to talk about other players not being important anymore? I mean, at least then GGA can relate. Face it, GGA needs a lot right now, and as long as people with the opinions shown in this thread by certain leaders are held, thats not gonna happen.

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Besides, I'm not sure how much more of this thread I can take.

I agree with this statement. But I think GGA's concern right now is *not* it's image to others, but it's internal woes. I wish them great luck with fixing what they want to fix internally, and being the alliance they wish to be. A gag order on a thread in CN is okay, but editing private forum posts however effective it may be will, as said above, only appear on here and keep this thread going. Kick all those anti-NPO members out, and while you're at it kick out all those members who haven't visited the forums in months and don't contribute to the GGA.

A better idea: when you switch forums, let your members know that if they are going to post once and disappear for months on end, don't bother coming to the new forums. Change your in-game AA to GGA, and then request that everyone in GGA have to register and sign an activity oath before switching to "GGA". Anyone who doesn't check the forums to see what's going on will be left on "Grand Global Alliance" and you'll be able to fix your inactivity problem. And I wouldn't worry about losing a lot of NS, that's the least of your worries.

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It's not luck that they need. What they need is to set boundaries as to where their supposed "allies" can interfere with their alliances internal and foreign affairs.

They're getting the same treatment as GATO is and that's really saying something. They need competent leadership to grow a pair and tell anybody attempting to control their alliance or government from the outside to back off.

I mean you just can't have members of a foreign alliance de-masking your government officials when they disobey orders and go along with it. Something is definitely wrong there.

Money on the appearance of change within GGA, but no realistic change occurs.

It appears foreign influences have too tight a hold on GGA, and what remains of the alliance are doomed to remain failures for the rest of their days. If the membership was unwilling to take control of their own alliance before, I don't see how this thread could make them revolt against the current leadership and foreign powers without completely destroying the alliance.

...not that I'm against destroying the alliance, I just don't really see how they can salvage this.

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C'mon guys, look at the positive things this situation brings.

At least GGA can hand out some new medals.

"Free Speech medal"

"Censorship medal"

Perhaps even some kind of award for 'Comeback of the season'?

Edited by AvengerNL
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He walked away from GGA. There was no vote.

But he did not walk away for no reason. He was obviously pressured or forced into a rock and a hard place. If he left on his own accord, this would be an entirely different conversation.

Much of what has gone on in this post is disheartening, but to be expected to say the least. Trolls and flamers need not be addressed, except to say that it is entertaining to see you all quote Ironchef's "blip" statement when in reality virtually all alliances in CN are nothing but a blip when taken by themselves.

All of you who have been playing this game for as long as you have know that dirty laundry exists in all alliances and it is ashamed when it is aired out. I am not in any sort of leadership position in the alliance, but I can say we are working through the situation as best as possible. In the meantime have your laugh, little can stop that at this point.

I'm guessing you didn't read Degenerates gag order?


I hate to interrupt this little discussion with facts, but:

#1. GGA recently moved their forums off of Bilrow's servers. Bilrow hosted their forums long before he joined the NPO; in case you forgot he led the alliance after Prodigal Chieftain was removed. The NPO never had access nor wanted access beyond diplomatic status on GGA's forums.

#2. I am in their channel by invitation; I have been asked several times to leave when they discuss sensitive issues and I do. If they do not want me there I will gladly leave. I am sure the same is true of DM.

I, at least, am in no way suggesting forum ownership and channel presence is in any way the cause of the issue, it's only the symptom.

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Recently returned Pacifican stooge ironchef has taken to censoring GGA members' posts. What was it that they were talking about?


(Image edited to obscure scatological profanity and original post time.)

NO FREE THOUGHT ALLOWED. Sheesh, don't those members pay attention? They're going to get themselves voted out of the alliance.

... GGA aren't just scraping the barrel of incompetence here. It's as though they've gone through that particular barrel and into the ground below, where they've stumbled upon an old antique barrel, and they're now scraping the bottom of that.

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Hahahaha. I miss the days of a GGA run by Prodigal Chieftain and myself.

Those were the good ole days.

And wow, this thread went insane.

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GGA is not, and has never been, in Continuum. They could easily have a One Vision channel though. Admitting to having foreign officials in your governmental channels really just makes you even more laughable (though we knew it already from posts earlier in the thread). No other alliance in CN does that voluntarily as far as I know, with the possible exception of protectorates who are only debatably independent alliances – like GGA, apparently.

No known protectorate actually does this, and this is me speaking as someone who signed a lot of protectorates.

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Jealous doitzel? one day when your not on the losing side maybe you can be invited too! :)

I think he's on the winning side in this thread, along with the rest of Planet Bob. Out of curiosity, do you still find your sig funny? I most certainly do.

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No known protectorate actually does this, and this is me speaking as someone who signed a lot of protectorates.


I've signed several myself, I've never been present in any of my protectorates government channels. We made seperate joint-gov channels for such situations. As I understand, it is the norm.

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I've signed several myself, I've never been present in any of my protectorates government channels. We made seperate joint-gov channels for such situations. As I understand, it is the norm.

That was and is still TPF's policy towards their protectorates, I believe our(when I was MoFA of TPF) protectorates stated they need to talk to TPF before signing any major treaties, but most protectorates have something similar.

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Too much to reply to here. That said, I am shocked that an alliance would voluntarily surrender it's sovereignty so fully. GGA is not a conquered alliance... Honestly, it's a bit hard to believe.

You mean being in the same situation as GATO willingly isnt normal?

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NO FREE THOUGHT ALLOWED. Sheesh, don't those members pay attention? They're going to get themselves voted out of the alliance.

... GGA aren't just scraping the barrel of incompetence here. It's as though they've gone through that particular barrel and into the ground below, where they've stumbled upon an old antique barrel, and they're now scraping the bottom of that.

It was not removed because I didnt like what was said it was removed because of opsec. We cant tlak about some things in our members area because we have a spy and it would be posted here. Members are free to say what they like. you are just not free to see it.

An alliance forum is like a home. Your family is there. They laugh together, they cry together, and they fight with each other.

When did it become an excepted thing on PB to go into someone’s home and take pictures of their family and post them on the OWF?It’s an invasion of ones privacy of the worst kind.

When did the members of PB start to feed on thing of this type like hungry dogs?

When did tabloid journalism become a good thing?

There are alliances out there I think of as the enemy and want nothing more that to see them gone. But never, would I wish for their home to be invaded and pictures of their CN family be plastered all over these forums.

I say to you members of CN to stop encouraging this type of behavior. To think it’s funny that one’s family home has been violated is wrong. Get your heads on straight and stop with the mob mentality.

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Well, after reading the first 30 pages all I have to say is wow GGA, just wow. I really can't think of anything else to say that hasn't been said, but GGA is really not in control of its own affairs.

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