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Could it be probable... hell, even slightly possible... that I said that intentionally? Maybe as a way of showing how ridiculous your post is?

But no. You live in a magical world where I'm not your intellectual superior. A magical fairy world where I haven't actually considered offering GGA a unilateral treaty just to spite you and Bob Sanders and show you how far stretched your assumptions are about who would attack them. A world where you think your "point" would ever stand a chance, much less actually being "backed up" against me.

Whether it was intentional (which I assume it was) or not is irrelevant. I am however very interested in knowing how you making a swipe makes my point ridiculous in any way. Please do enlighten me :rolleyes:

Get over yourself, seriously. I haven't mentioned anything about GGA getting attacked but that seems to be the focus of all your replies to me.

If you want me to even bother replying to your posts in the future get rid of the crappy rhetoric and actually use some of that 'superior intellect' you hold over me.

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If we had some more GGA members post up, we would hit 50 pages in less then half that time

1 at a time is best though. I don't wanna miss the laughs if they all post at the same time and move it too quickly.

I predict we will see another GGA expulsion before we hit 50 pages though. This one I'd actually hail them for though.

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I'm sorry Pez, you are incorrect in your assessment here. We have seen numerous examples of Alliances with larger NS totals and higher degrees of prominence than the GGA be dismantled by the bloc and MADP system. The simple fact remains that even mighty Pacifica would be hard pressed if it found itself in a situation where they were standing alone against the bloc system. Not that they would have to, but in a hypothetical sense.

These 'larger alliances' also didn't have the allies GGA have/once had. Those alliances also were stronger economically and militarily but mostly died from your allies, not the GGA itself. GGA oppressing green was done because they themselves couldn't hold the color down, the use of their allies were their main weapon, not their CMs or troops. In a sense, I call it political strategy, but on another hand GGA has always been in Pacifica's shadow. This is not an insult to either alliance, I am merely stating when I think of "GGA", I think of "NPO", when I think of alliances like TOP, GOD, STA, MK, Pacifica, etc...I think of them, not another alliance they are shadows of. Shane did what he felt was right, he believed GGA wasn't an alliance anymore because of these factors, which coincidentally is an opinion many believe in. If GGA can recooperate and straighten up, all the power to them, but if not...there needs to be a time to let go. I doubt IronC will allow this to occur, though I am really not fond of GGA because of my past with Grämlins and our dealings with them..I wouldn't wish to see GGA disband in the sense where it is a 'home' many still go to.

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Wow this thread was a fun read after a long drunken night, I almost though I was imagining it for a second and was ready to check to see if I had suffered from alcohol poisoning before I realized it was real.

Once upon a time I was a member of the Grand Global Alliance, since I left the GGA I have spent a great deal of time and energy defending them in back channels and endorsing them as treaty candidates while trying to convince others of the quality that remained in GGA despite what most thought of them.

Today I finally realize that I was a fool to do that. The GGA is not even an alliance at this point they are an empty husk, too afraid of their own shadow to even allow their government to govern. Shaneprice saw this and attempted to fix it and for that he was forced out and branded a heretic.

Congratulations Shaneprice, you are better off being away from that pathetic mess I am sure you will enjoy being in a real alliance now.

I would also like to apologize to the alliances of TORN the Gremlins and the VE along with any other alliances that I may have advised to sign a treaty with the GGA.

Edited by KingSrqt
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Whether it was intentional (which I assume it was) or not is irrelevant. I am however very interested in knowing how you making a swipe makes my point ridiculous in any way. Please do enlighten me :rolleyes:

Get over yourself, seriously. I haven't mentioned anything about GGA getting attacked but that seems to be the focus of all your replies to me.

If you want me to even bother replying to your posts in the future get rid of the crappy rhetoric and actually use some of that 'superior intellect' you hold over me.

In making the intentional swipe at GGA, I was indirectly speaking against your comment that we are opportunists who merely try to take a swipe at GGA at every turn. I was, in a joking manner, claiming that if we truly were opportunists we could probably do a lot more damage, and more specifically I chose my joke to be ironic. Like saying "oh, I'm a smart buyer. My credit card bills are too high for me not to be." Enlightened?

We could not care less (I use the term "we" here loosely... I don't speak on anyone's behalf, but I have a good idea of intentions I think). Your comment to Shaneprince was a cheap attempt at making "our side" (I believe Bob Sanders used that term... or something similar) look like we're out to hurt GGA, whether it is physically (in game) or on the boards.

You and Bob can keep up the charade to make the rest of Planet Bob look like the bad guy while you make GGA believe that they'd be hunted down if they ever left your ever so gracious wing of protection. The fact that you guys think we give a rat's $@! about hitting GGA only speaks volumes on your own character and how you would act in such a situation, because I can assure you that the only targets on GGA's back at the moment are the cheap forum one-liners that are often too much to resist.

As you can see, I started with "You and Bob". You two had different approaches, but you were going after the same idea; that the GGA should fear us, in one way or another. This can not be further from the truth. As Bob Janova said earlier.... most people are probably too busy laughing to care about who GGA is allied to, if anyone at all. Now of course, this is also a joke, as nobody is truly THAT busy laughing (well... maybe not), but the intention is all the same... even after all the people GGA screwed over in the past thanks to arrogant leadership, most people don't care enough about GGA now to bother plotting revenge.

Maybe it's because we pity GGA, or maybe because we're not vengeful pricks (not naming any names here), but we enjoy where we are now, regardless of what happened before we got here.

My later comment about a unilateral treaty to spite you and Bob is just that; an act of spite, just to prove you're wrong, and to show that in essence you guys only judge people based on what you see in yourself.

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The pack mentality in this thread is disturbing. GGA is awful, we get it. They have been awful for years. Is this a shocker to anyone?

You know, you have a gag order :awesome:.

This thread wouldn't have reached this kind of length if GGA members didn't give us fodder. Valhalla is really the only alliance that have backed them up. Moo didn't even realize they hadn't actually switched forums, and openly admits to being in their private channels. IRON is nowhere to be seen. MCXA is probably fixing themselves from the TSO split still. Echelon has no real members posting much, so that's no surprise. ODN is nowhere to be seen. TPF is nowhere either. TORN hasn't said anything, although bigwoody is usually known for giving posts that usually wrap up everything quite nicely, but I doubt he could fix this PR mess. Finally, you've got GDA, who, have also said nothing.

There are tons of allies of GGA that could be coming into this thread to help them. It's just even more hilarious that after all this time, Valhalla is the only one that has. The pack mentality could easily dissipate, but the people that would destroy it aren't being the "good allies" that they are, and posting. Course, the only way to not make yourself look foolish on defending this mess is to posture, and that in turn, would only make you look foolish.

Edited by MegaAros
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You know, you have a gag order :awesome:.

This thread wouldn't have reached this kind of length if GGA members didn't give us fodder. Valhalla is really the only alliance that have backed them up. Moo didn't even realize they hadn't actually switched forums, and openly admits to being in their private channels. IRON is nowhere to be seen. MCXA is probably fixing themselves from the TSO split still. Echelon has no real members posting much, so that's no surprise. ODN is nowhere to be seen. TPF is nowhere either. TORN hasn't said anything, although bigwoody is usually known for giving posts that usually wrap up everything quite nicely, but I doubt he could fix this PR mess. Finally, you've got GDA, who, have also said nothing.

There are tons of allies of GGA that could be coming into this thread to help them. It's just even more hilarious that after all this time, Valhalla is the only one that has. The pack mentality could easily dissipate, but the people that would destroy it aren't being the "good allies" that they are, and posting. Course, the only way to not make yourself look foolish on defending this mess is to posture, and that in turn, would only make you look foolish.

At this point, I would be embarrassed to be an ally. I can understand the silence for that fact alone.

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In three years I have been playing this game, I have never witnessed a public meltdown of these proportions.

To be a member of the GGA today is to live in shame.

I agree to a point, i've seen similar phail threads but they are usually from some N00B alliance or nation. Not from a 3 year old alliance that was once sanctioned and a "major player" in politics. But i'm not surprised considering who we are talking about.

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In making the intentional swipe at GGA, I was indirectly speaking against your comment that we are opportunists who merely try to take a swipe at GGA at every turn. I was, in a joking manner, claiming that if we truly were opportunists we could probably do a lot more damage, and more specifically I chose my joke to be ironic. Like saying "oh, I'm a smart buyer. My credit card bills are too high for me not to be." Enlightened?
That doesn't make my point ridiculous, so no I'm not enlightened. Try again
We could not care less (I use the term "we" here loosely... I don't speak on anyone's behalf, but I have a good idea of intentions I think). Your comment to Shaneprince was a cheap attempt at making "our side" (I believe Bob Sanders used that term... or something similar) look like we're out to hurt GGA, whether it is physically (in game) or on the boards.
No my comment to Shaneprice was not a cheap attempt at anything. It had no hidden meanings. I meant exactly what I said; this affair with Shaneprice is just a way for you guys to take swipes at the GGA.

Also, you said you're not out to hurt GGA on these boards. What then are you doing? :huh:

As you can see, I started with "You and Bob". You two had different approaches, but you were going after the same idea; that the GGA should fear us, in one way or another. This can not be further from the truth. As Bob Janova said earlier.... most people are probably too busy laughing to care about who GGA is allied to, if anyone at all. Now of course, this is also a joke, as nobody is truly THAT busy laughing (well... maybe not), but the intention is all the same... even after all the people GGA screwed over in the past thanks to arrogant leadership, most people don't care enough about GGA now to bother plotting revenge.

Maybe it's because we pity GGA, or maybe because we're not vengeful pricks (not naming any names here), but we enjoy where we are now, regardless of what happened before we got here.

My later comment about a unilateral treaty to spite you and Bob is just that; an act of spite, just to prove you're wrong, and to show that in essence you guys only judge people based on what you see in yourself.

Lol. So I was saying that the GGA should fear you? I'm seriously wondering if you even read my post.
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Wow this thread was a fun read after a long drunken night, I almost though I was imagining it for a second and was ready to check to see if I had suffered from alcohol poisoning before I realized it was real.

Once upon a time I was a member of the Grand Global Alliance, since I left the GGA I have spent a great deal of time and energy defending them in back channels and endorsing them as treaty candidates while trying to convince others of the quality that remained in GGA despite what most thought of them.

Today I finally realize that I was a fool to do that. The GGA is not even an alliance at this point they are an empty husk, too afraid of their own shadow to even allow their government to govern. Shaneprice saw this and attempted to fix it and for that he was forced out and branded a heretic.

Congratulations Shaneprice, you are better off being away from that pathetic mess I am sure you will enjoy being in a real alliance now.

I would also like to apologize to the alliances of TORN the Gremlins and the VE along with any other alliances that I may have advised to sign a treaty with the GGA.

About time, you were defending them as a member of the Gramlins (I at the time was FCC), when they were rattling their swords over CTC and trying to push around the Gramlins on Green. I'm glad you came to your senses but that you didn't get it when they were threatening your own alliance, will probably always stick with me.

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Going on information from this thread GGA has been somewhat unstable for some time, so in an effort to stabilize the situation a GGA Triumvir namely Shaneprice took it upon himself to discuss leaving 1V not with 1V alliance leadership, nor his fellow triumvirs but Greenland Republic.

If this had happened to any other alliance this would be written off as an incredibly inept member of government making a cluster $%&@ but as it is GGA and they do have so many fans on Planet Bob everyone jumps on the GGA bandwagon. If a member of any other government did this I suspect said government member would be thrown out of government, maybe even the alliance and possibly even ZIed for being so ridiculous they make GPA's peace negotiation party look like political hawks.

But since it is GGA lets dig the knife in. I can see why VE made this thread as surely a simple IRC chat with the other GGA triumvirate members informing them that Shaneprice is now a VE member would not have sufficed, instead this circus was needed and VE appears the hero on the world stage for "saving" someone that has proven himself to be a fool. For the next logical step in VE / GGA foreign relations may I suggest Shaneprice be allowed to run for Green Senate and thirdly can we rename Shaneprice "Free Quebec"? Im sure my suggestions would fit in nicely with VE's longstanding desire and actions to create a united Green Sphere.

Also for the vultures :)

Edited by bill n ted
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About time, you were defending them as a member of the Gramlins (I at the time was FCC), when they were rattling their swords over CTC and trying to push around the Gramlins on Green. I'm glad you came to your senses but that you didn't get it when they were threatening your own alliance, will probably always stick with me.

I have a tendency to allow old friends too much leniency in my opinions of them and it at times blinds me to the truth. This however is just too much to not be able to see.

Edit; really BnT? You are going to question VE's intentions for the green sphere while defending the alliance that single handedly did more damage to the sphere than anyone else.

shane was not a member of VE when this was posted, VE agreed to give him a single nation protectorate and announced it (something they and other alliances have done in the past) shane than decided to join VE so yes the trhread was needed and no there was no nefarious intent,

Edited by KingSrqt
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40 pages for this?

Man you people are bored.

It's less the OP and more this:

Dear Planet Bob,

I come to speak with an opinion on this here thread. Although many a bright mind have posted their own strong opinions about shaneprice's leaving of the Grand Global Alliance, and then the open trolling and dissing of said alliance, there are reasons that such a member left. Do not think that he was "kicked out" under "stupid reasons". He was let go for he committed a vile act. Shaneprice was convicted of speaking out against the New Pacific Order and also suggesting that the Grand Global Alliance "leave" OneVision. Now one may think that these reasons are "pathetic", but put your alliance in the shoes of the Grand Global Alliance. How would you take it if a member of leadership were to speak out against an ally who has stuck by your alliance since it's birth, or in this case "rebirth"? With that said, shaneprice was given the option to either leave with a partial good note, or be kicked. I, as Chancellor of the Grand Global Alliance, stand by the decisions of our leadership. Shaneprice nearly brought war to the Grand Global Alliance with his little "outburst". Think about it.

~Dephire, Chancellor of the Grand Global Alliance.

If it was just the OP, I'd agree that this would be rather ridiculous.

Going on information from this thread GGA has been somewhat unstable for some time, so in an effort to stabilize the situation a GGA Triumvir namely Shaneprice took it upon himself to discuss leaving 1V not with 1V alliance leadership, nor his fellow triumvirs but Greenland Republic.

If this had happened to any other alliance this would be written off as an incredibly inept member of government making a cluster $%&@ but as it is GGA and they do have so many fans on Planet Bob everyone jumps on the GGA bandwagon. If a member of any other government did this I suspect said government member would be thrown out of government, maybe even the alliance and possibly even ZIed for being so ridiculous they make GPA's peace negotiation party look like political hawks.

But since it is GGA lets dig the knife in. I can see why VE made this thread as surely a simple IRC chat with the other GGA triumvirate members informing them that Shaneprice is now a VE member would not have sufficed, instead this circus was needed and VE appears the hero on the world stage for "saving" someone that has proven himself to be a fool. For the next logical step in VE / GGA foreign relations may I suggest Shaneprice be allowed to run for Green Senate and thirdly can we rename Shaneprice "Free Quebec"? Im sure my suggestions would fit in nicely with VE's longstanding desire and actions to create a united Green Sphere.

Also for vultures :)

First, no I wouldn't kick him out of the alliance or ZI him if it happened to me. Depending on the situation, I might not even try to kick him out of government. Although to be honest, I can't see anyone making it into government that wanted to break away from my current allies that much, just because of the relationship we have with them.

Second, do I really need to point out the irony of dredging up something from the Viridicide to make it seem like VE is trying to undermine Green unity?

Edit: Incidentally, shaneprice was unaligned when this announcement was made and only later actually joined VE, so your point really doesn't make any sense.

Edited by Delta1212
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Going on information from this thread GGA has been somewhat unstable for some time, so in an effort to stabilize the situation a GGA Triumvir namely Shaneprice took it upon himself to discuss leaving 1V not with 1V alliance leadership, nor his fellow triumvirs but Greenland Republic.

If this had happened to any other alliance this would be written off as an incredibly inept member of government making a cluster $%&@ but as it is GGA and they do have so many fans on Planet Bob everyone jumps on the GGA bandwagon. If a member of any other government did this I suspect said government member would be thrown out of government, maybe even the alliance and possibly even ZIed for being so ridiculous they make GPA's peace negotiation party look like political hawks.

But since it is GGA lets dig the knife in. I can see why VE made this thread as surely a simple IRC chat with the other GGA triumvirate members informing them that Shaneprice is now a VE member would not have sufficed, instead this circus was needed and VE appears the hero on the world stage for "saving" someone that has proven himself to be a fool. For the next logical step in VE / GGA foreign relations may I suggest Shaneprice be allowed to run for Green Senate and thirdly can we rename Shaneprice "Free Quebec"? Im sure my suggestions would fit in nicely with VE's longstanding desire and actions to create a united Green Sphere.

Also for vultures :)

Actually no. it is the job of a Trium, MoFA, or any other form of leader with control over FA to seek out treaties and to discuss this with other alliances. you may disagree with the direction he wanted to head, but that is his right as a trium, and frankly its the alliances fault for putting him there in the first place if he wasn't qualified. More GGA fail in that case.

If the majority of the alliance disagrees with this action, the most that should have been done was the removal from office, which is the right of any people (I would argue even in authoritarian governments), but not threats and removal from the alliance and to be treated like a criminal.

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I've quite literally read all 40 pages of this topic. I'm not going to flame the GGA, but let me just say this. (I know most of you are "lolMisring" already)

You are a collective group of nations brought together under one AA. What does that mean to you? Does it mean every move you make are predestined by external forces? Does it mean that certain people dictate how your alliance operates? If so, who truly rules your alliace? Them, or you? There's something wonderful and patriotic in standing in an alliance and defending it and its ideals because they're your ideals. Right now your alliance appears to not understand that concept. And if you fail to grasp it, then you will never be a true alliance.

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