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Tough guy? you must not know me too well :)

Anyway, it is more of "all these posturings are crap" persona.

-> And didn't GGA gov issue a gag order about 20 pages back?

and what does this say about me towing the party line?

Really I am speechless....I have to agree with hizzy

I don't know if you're brilliant or mildly retarded....

I'm leaning to the latter as opposed to the former.

Edited by AirMe
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They don't let just anyone get a WRC. You have to earn the rank first. Otherwise you'd have all those people outranking their Regent just by purchasing a Wonder, and wouldn't that be ridiculous!

Ahh, of course!

I had them pegged all wrong.

o/ GGA. Masters of their own destiny.

Honestly? Slow day at work :)

otherwise I do mean what I say when i said shane does belong to this cesspool of a thread...

laters :)

;);) Yeah.... bye now. ;);)

P.S. It would be hilarious if GGA booted him for this.

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That's just crazy. If I took a swipe at GGA every time the opportunity presented itself I'd be worn out before I even had breakfast.

You and Bob can keep up the charade to make the rest of Planet Bob look like the bad guy while you make GGA believe that they'd be hunted down if they ever left your ever so gracious wing of protection. The fact that you guys think we give a rat's $@! about hitting GGA only speaks volumes on your own character and how you would act in such a situation, because I can assure you that the only targets on GGA's back at the moment are the cheap forum one-liners that are often too much to resist.

I dare say that GGA will find herself attacked by her ex-allies if she left One Vision long before anyone else even turned their head towards her.

Next time come back with a clue, leave the generic insults and half-assed justifications at home.

you know, the only part of this post which bares any relevance to my post is the first sentence.

ironically that sentence was a swipe in itself; thus backing up my point ^_^

You're really not as good at this as you like to pretend.

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I was under the impression that owning a WRC got you tarred and feathered in GGA.....

I do look forward to the medal that they do come up with for this achievement.

P.S. It would be hilarious if GGA booted him for this.

I'm guessing there's one medal designer over at GGA hoping for precisely the same thing.

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This thread would be complete if that were to happen.

Won't happen. They bribed Dephire back just to avoid losing more face from appearing to boot another member. No way they're going to risk the mockery that would come with booting out their only WRC. Ecoli is safe and he knows it.

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you know, the only part of this post which bares any relevance to my post is the first sentence.

ironically that sentence was a swipe in itself; thus backing up my point ^_^

You're really not as good at this as you like to pretend.

Could it be probable... hell, even slightly possible... that I said that intentionally? Maybe as a way of showing how ridiculous your post is?

But no. You live in a magical world where I'm not your intellectual superior. A magical fairy world where I haven't actually considered offering GGA a unilateral treaty just to spite you and Bob Sanders and show you how far stretched your assumptions are about who would attack them. A world where you think your "point" would ever stand a chance, much less actually being "backed up" against me.

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No Delta, that is not the point you were making. Your point was directed towards a one on one conflict, it's a couple posts up if you need to refresh your memory. Ironchef's post was addressing the incontrovertible fact that so far no alliance in CN has been able to overcome a bloc disadvantage.

I'm not so sure you know what point he was making better than him.

I can tell you that the military power of an alliance does matter or better said has some influence over the political one. If i were given a choice to choose between treaty'ing GGA and MK for example you know who i'd choose in a CN when they'd have equal political backup. Point is it's natural for people to tend to ally themselves to the bigger badder guys than to the weaker ones.

Idk why i chose MK for the example oddly enough given that they were politically isolated by NPO a few months ago out of have while GGA is pretty much policitally isolated nowadays out of "love"

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It's nice that at least one of GGA's allies has made a point to stick up for them a bit, to be honest.

Kudos to Valhalla. Where are all of GGA's other friends?

Probably facepalming somewhere.

By the way, you got my vote of confidence (see sig).

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you do know your government issued a gag order on you right?
Well, he does have GGA's only Weapons Research Complex. That's worth something, right?

First he ignores the wonder guide and buys a WRC...then he ignores the gag order?

WRC or not, I'd say he's just about one free thought away from "choosing to leave" :v:

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Well, this thread turned out to be an interesting read. Congrats to shaneprince on finding a new alliance, you'll probably be better off in VE anyways. I offer my condolences to those still in GGA, good luck fixing things as it seems you have a difficult task ahead.

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In three years I have been playing this game, I have never witnessed a public meltdown of these proportions.

To be a member of the GGA today is to live in shame.

Well hello there old friend.

I couldn't agree with you more.

I'm surprised I haven't seen more members of GGA start walking way from the mess their government is creating for them. The next thing is the wonder of how many allies of GGA are re-evaluating their ties to them.

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