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I'm stealing that Nintenderek's idea


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This is a few days overdue, but I hereby order all of planet bob to stop what they are doing and celebrate Pittsburghistan's 1,000-day milestone. This is not an option, and any caught not demonstrating a raucous and celebratory attitude whilst dancing for joy in the streets shall be beaten about the neck, face and crotch with a frozen trout.

Like Nintenderek, I was able to collect my taxes for the thousandth time with a sense of smug satisfaction. Paying the bills, however, is something I haven't done in over 100 days. This is because I choose to live as such, and any propaganda you've read or seen to the contrary is a lie; there are no American tanks in Iraq is no bill lock in Pittsburghistan!

All hail Pittsburghistan!

All hail Opethian!

All hail the PPF!

Now begin celebrating...

or else!

Edited by Opethian
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Do you actually live in Pittsburgh, if so congratulations. If not, well congratulations anyway, but with less confetti and baloons

No, I do not. I lived in Pittsburgh for a while (McKee's Rocks specifically), but I've lived in western PA my whole life.

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Damn it, I had another holiday scheduled but I guess "cure cancer and save 10,000 puppies" day will have to be canceled in order to properly honor Opethian of Pittsburghistan.

Congratulations and keep on being excellent.

People will still have cancer tomorrow. Some of them; and by then there will be some new ones anyway.

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Damn it, I had another holiday scheduled but I guess "cure cancer and save 10,000 puppies" day will have to be canceled in order to properly honor Opethian of Pittsburghistan.

Congratulations and keep on being excellent.

I blame Random for cancer and the death of 10,000 puppies.

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