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Oh hello iconvenient logs of completely unsupportable words:

Yup, I'm sure that supporting one who made such remarks gives you all kinds of warm fuzzies.

Shuuuuuuuuuuuut uuuuuuuuuuuuup.


And this clearly gives you the moral highground here. Guess you have your members that are way over the top as well.

<The_Chief[Vox]> if I was Moo I'd drop Zhadum like a rock

<The_Chief[Vox]> if I was Moo I'd also hang myself

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And this clearly gives you the moral highground here. Guess you have your members that are way over the top as well.

I see your log dump and raise you mine.

<HeinousOne[sTA]> They [NPO] wanted me silenced because I was willing to jump into arguments with you guys and go down to your level.

Truely, silencing people for their opinions is wrong, is it not?

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And this clearly gives you the moral highground here. Guess you have your members that are way over the top as well.

OOC: Talking about IC characters in IC is different than saying "If I am going to be banned [ie, OOC], bla bla." /OOC

Edit: Seems you are aware of this as Schattenmann points out lower you do it yourself. Guess you're just trying to distract then.

Edited by West of Eden
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And this clearly gives you the moral highground here. Guess you have your members that are way over the top as well.

Wow I expected that Geoffron would not understand but the Emperor?

Your dutiful member took the moral highground route in the same course that the rest oof you have with this sexism lolissue. It is never Vox Populi that claims moral highground, always NPO, and we always have to show the world that NPO is so dirty that you should be Emperor OinkPigs.

But, hey, way to take the easy ones, it's kind of fun to watch you skip all posts of substance about your udder (lol) inability to handle your "subordinant" Z'ha'dum's wild antics.

<Moo-Cows> If I had a gun I would shoot Schattenmann in the thyroid and watch him bleed out.

<Vengashii> Answer the second question


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OOC: Talking about IC characters in IC is different than saying "If I am going to be banned [ie, OOC], bla bla." /OOC

OOC: Now I'm sure you know my opinion on things, but I'm just going to point out that this argument can be used both ways. Now that you've said Chief was referring to Moo's IC character, he can in turn say that Zhadum was referring Doitzel's IC character. I'm not going to go into who did what or who was guilty of this, I'm just going to point out why it is pointless to even argue OOC attacks. Granted anyone can make a heinous OOC attack and then claim it was targeted at a person's IC character, thus making it completely pointless.

So, yeah. I'm going to ask you for the sake of us readers not to go there. Because believe me when I tell you this whole OOC argument concerning Zhadum/Doitzel/Moo/Chief/etc. It's going nowhere. It's going to become a giant round of "no u." It will be quite pointless.

Anyway, that's my two cents. Back to reading.

IC: Fascinating. I look forward to the next issue.

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wtf stuff

What a mess.

ooc: the OOC part of the Vox/NPO fight, the parts of it that really are OOC, really need to be put to bed/resolved. Most of us (I HOPE) still see this as a game where it is okay to engage in intrigues/attention whoredom or whatever in the name of political simulator drama. I don't claim any moral high ground, I've done/gotten sucked into this crap too in my past lives and I regret it.

Edited by General Specific
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OOC: Now I'm sure you know my opinion on things, but I'm just going to point out that this argument can be used both ways. Now that you've said Chief was referring to Moo's IC character, he can in turn say that Zhadum was referring Doitzel's IC character.

My last OOC ITT:

[05:35] <~Zhadum> I am going to make [Doitzel's] life one long nightmare

[05:35] <~Zhadum> If I am banned from CN, I am going to have a lot of free time

[05:35] <~Zhadum> Making [Doitzel] the most miserable $%&@er on the planet is a good use of it

It's pretty much impossible to claim that IC because..well...he's talking about being banned and doing stuff afterwords, which would of course be OOC.

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My last OOC ITT:

It's pretty much impossible to claim that IC because..well...he's talking about being banned and doing stuff afterwords, which would of course be OOC.

OOC: I'm going to say this once more: it doesn't matter. Once someone opens to the "I was referring to your IC character door" it isn't closing. I don't care who said what or what they meant. I ain't touching that. I'm just saying it is pointless to even argue.

IC: Again, this is fascinating stuff. I must say I am amused. Please go on.

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I see your log dump and raise you mine.

<HeinousOne[sTA]> They [NPO] wanted me silenced because I was willing to jump into arguments with you guys and go down to your level.

Truely, silencing people for their opinions is wrong, is it not?

That was the worst attempted at a 1 up ever.

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How nice, a thread in my honor. Haven't had one of these since before GWIII. Always nice to be so hated, to have your very existence cause spasms of uncontrollable frothing in your enemies, were I to be generous enough with my words to raise what Vox is to the status of an actual enemy. An unending stream of hatred and personal attacks, all funneled into me. Very little makes one feel more important than being the object of obsession for so many.

Still, it is not enough. I want more. More attention. More hatred. More outrage. As such, allow me to set a few things straight. First, I wrote most of the piece MoB has been credited with. Second, I ordered it posted. Therefore, by transitive property, I insist all the hilariously phony outrage levied against her instead be channeled to me. Yes, yes, I know, you are all absolutely shocked, SHOCKED, that a piece was created explaining Sileath was removed from our Diplomatic department over sexist remarks and subsequently left the Order and that it was noted he had had trouble in other departments. Still though, that shock would be better enjoyed over here so I ask you all to pay it forward.

Still more, I know Vox likes to harp on some logs between Doitzel and I. OOC: I note they keep forgetting when discussing the events surrounding that that Doitzel was attempting to blackmail my RL girlfriend into letting him into a channel by threatening me, but I suppose that is to be expected. IC: They always love to clamor to the moral high ground, then try to change the topic when they are demonstrated have engaged in the same conduct for which they attacked others.

Still, their hypocrisy is hardly news. Why so many dove off the Vox bandwagon as quickly as they climbed on in the beginning, they became worse than everything they claimed to stand against. What is amusing is their entire article amounts to one tech scammer, one guy who got banned from a semi-public channel for three minutes, and an article about said individual leaving the alliance after sexist remarks. What happened to the good old "the end is nigh" stuff you had going before? "Oh lawd, the NPO bank is collapsing. Oh lawd, the tech trade is breaking down". You guys used to have some really good tinfoil grade tabloid reporting. Now what are you reduced to? A three week old temper tantrum and the 10,000th aid scammer in CN?

I hope next week's is better; if your tabloid falls through I may have to devote manpower to create one in Media.

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Oh, hey. There you are. Let's try this again:

"Francoism was the founding philosophy of the New Pacific Order (NPO), and, while it has evolved since then , is still the basis of the Order's thought today."

tl;dr: Francoism evolves. That's what it says. If Francoism evolves, then how can it remain the same?

Francoism is the same because it was, is and will continue to be an objective analysis of the contemporary world. So while the analysis changes as material conditions change (evolution), francoism itself as a scientific principle and philosophy remains the same.

You could apply Francoist thought to ten different worlds, and despite the differences between analysis [plural?], they will all be the same in the sense that they take a (or rather the) scientific materialist approach. Assuming conditions differ between worlds, each will be correct within their respective worlds, but cannot be in the others. By the same principle "classical francoism" as some term it is incompatible with the modern world because the wordly conditions back then were different.

Edited by Count da Silva
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You murdered my cat.

OOC: Oh, threatened, did I? Surely any threat I could bring to bear against you I would have expended by now -- Lord knows you've fired all your cannons. The whites of your eyes are turning brown.

Ugh, I grow weary of this.

Should have thought of that before it became the latest thing you hid behind to escape responsibility for your failings.

OOC: You did. She turned you down, you retaliated by spreading around logs and doing other things, just as you said you would. Hardly my fault that was the best you could do.

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Francoism is the same because it was, is and will continue to be an objective analysis of the contemporary world. So while the analysis changes as material conditions change (evolution), francoism itself as a scientific principle and philosophy remains the same.

I think I'll just call you mini-Vlad.


"Questioning Francoism, hmmm?"

Edited by Tygaland
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An unending stream of hatred and personal attacks, all funneled into me. Very little makes one feel more important than being the object of obsession for so many.

Still, it is not enough. I want more. More attention. More hatred. More outrage. As such, allow me to set a few things straight.


Don't be greedy, you eebil IO; the rest of us want some Vox hate too.

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Francoism is the same because it was, is and will continue to be an objective analysis of the contemporary world.

That is where I stopped reading.

Francoism evolves. According to the text I provided to you, found right in NPO's wiki pages, Francoism evolves. You are correct in saying that at some point, it is(was) an objective analysis of the contemporary world. That might have been exactly what Francoism was when it was founded. But today, it could be something else - because it has evolved.

/me facepalms. Don't you get it yet? You are arguing with NPO on whether or not Francoism evolves. Even after it has been stated that it does.

I give up.

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That is where I stopped reading.

Francoism evolves. According to the text I provided to you, found right in NPO's wiki pages, Francoism evolves. You are correct in saying that at some point, it is(was) an objective analysis of the contemporary world. That might have been exactly what Francoism was when it was founded. But today, it could be something else - because it has evolved.

Francoism has not fundamentally evolved... it was and is a scientific analysis of the world. It has superficially evolved, meaning that the analysis of material conditions has changed, but not the root principles behind francoism... much like a rabbit sheds it's coat to better adapt to the conditions of different seasons. It's still a rabbit.

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Francoism has not fundamentally evolved... it was and is a scientific analysis of the world. It has superficially evolved, meaning that the analysis of material conditions has changed, but not the root principles behind francoism... much like a rabbit sheds it's coat to better adapt to the conditions of different seasons. It's still a rabbit.

You know you're representing your alliance, right?

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