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Trouble at the MCXA?

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How does anything point towards caring more for their pixels than the alliance? oO

I would say that if we cared more for our pixels, we would have stayed in the MCXA and prolonged the way things were going...

But if you say so *shrug*

I saw some evidence the other day that indicated that you folks were all up in arms because most of the membership wanted to stick by your treaties in the upcoming war, and most of your leadership wanted to flop to the other side. Now, your alliance has had a bit of a government shake-up, and the very folks that were talking about wanting to go to the other side did so. Very few people go to the other side if they think that side is going to lose, and MCXA leadership has a bit of a history of "choosing the winning team" in ears and whatnot, I'm gonna go with my intel rather than the sunshine and rainbows happiness you guys are throwing around here.

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I saw some evidence the other day that indicated that you folks were all up in arms because most of the membership wanted to stick by your treaties in the upcoming war, and most of your leadership wanted to flop to the other side. Now, your alliance has had a bit of a government shake-up, and the very folks that were talking about wanting to go to the other side did so. Very few people go to the other side if they think that side is going to lose, and MCXA leadership has a bit of a history of "choosing the winning team" in ears and whatnot, I'm gonna go with my intel rather than the sunshine and rainbows happiness you guys are throwing around here.

Who the hell told you that total nonsense? Oo

The MCXA signed it's treaties for a reason. In my whole tenure as High Council and MoFA I never signed a treaty I did not intend to keep.

The reason we left was purely due to internal differences.

If you really have seen that evidence, then you have seen evidence I have not seen... and I somehow doubt that.

Also... what is this coming war you speak of? Care to share some details? ;)

Edited by Dragonaspect
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Who the hell told you that total nonsense? Oo

The MCXA signed it's treaties for a reason. In my whole tenure as High Council and MoFA I never signed a treaty I did not intend to keep.

The reason we left was purely due to internal differences.

If you really have seen that evidence, then you have seen evidence I have not seen... and I somehow doubt that.

Well, then I guess only time will tell. Funny thing about that... the truth always comes out.

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I said there were overlapping reasons, however each member had other reaons for leaving. I've given out an invite to come and talk to us about the reasons for leaving. That is all I said.

OOC: Seeing as you've devoiced me in a moderated channel, I get the impression you don't want to talk to me, nor do you want to talk about anyone else who is remotely critical of your alliance.

IC: I recognize that not every member had the same reason for leaving. But you said specifically that you wanted change and so did many others. So how does the majority of the MCXA government getting up and leaving to form a new alliance constitute change?

It almost sounds like you should get an understanding of the different situations, before you start spitting out accusing and ignorant posts.

When the government of TSO starts treating their former alliance with an ounce of respect here, I will treat them with an ounce of respect. They've treated the exodus from MCXA as a joke, titling their press release as "Trouble at the MCXA?", as if it were the title of a comic book. All the while they have ignored the true reasons for leaving and fed us absolute horse!@#$ about why they have actually left.

Maybe TSO should mature, and mature fast. From the looks of things, they don't have many friends out here.

In an alliance with a democratic structure, it's not so much about what the government wants, but what its members want. If both clash and one has to leave in order to both exist, I do think that it's preferable that the minority leaves rather than kicking out the majority...

Oh, so the people who have created the alliance from nothing, who run the day-to-day, should just up-and-leave if things clash or things head south.

I love how you're trying to justify this. It's hilarious and pathetic at the same time.

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I saw some evidence the other day that indicated that you folks were all up in arms because most of the membership wanted to stick by your treaties in the upcoming war, and most of your leadership wanted to flop to the other side.

All FA decisions in the MCXA were made with a huge majority by both, the Members and the Government. I think I know that better than you.

Now, your alliance has had a bit of a government shake-up, and the very folks that were talking about wanting to go to the other side did so.

What other side? If you refer to the Citadel vs. Continuum or 1V rumors that's laughable. TOP is in both, the Citadel and the Continuum. But yeah, nice try.

Very few people go to the other side if they think that side is going to lose, and MCXA leadership has a bit of a history of "choosing the winning team" in ears and whatnot, I'm gonna go with my intel rather than the sunshine and rainbows happiness you guys are throwing around here.

<3 "Your intel"?! Awesome.

I could start a discussion now, and outline every single reason of why the MCXA chose what side in what war, but that would kill the thread, and honestly it is a waste of time. If you however would like to discuss it then query me on IRC.

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That changes daily. It's all speculation at this point.

Words of wisdom spoken, it was so much easier in the old days, we had good vs evil, now it's spectrum of hey insert alliance here is cool they just need to get rid of insert evil dictator. Of course then we have all the backstabbing and forum drama that gets viewers like me tuned in :P

Edited by Freelancer
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OOC: Seeing as you've devoiced me in a moderated channel, I get the impression you don't want to talk to me, nor do you want to talk about anyone else who is remotely critical of your alliance.

IC: I recognize that not every member had the same reason for leaving. But you said specifically that you wanted change and so did many others. So how does the majority of the MCXA government getting up and leaving to form a new alliance constitute change?

When the government of TSO starts treating their former alliance with an ounce of respect here, I will treat them with an ounce of respect. They've treated the exodus from MCXA as a joke, titling their press release as "Trouble at the MCXA?", as if it were the title of a comic book. All the while they have ignored the true reasons for leaving and fed us absolute horse!@#$ about why they have actually left.

Maybe TSO should mature, and mature fast. From the looks of things, they don't have many friends out here.

Oh, so the people who have created the alliance from nothing, who run the day-to-day, should just up-and-leave if things clash or things head south.

I love how you're trying to justify this. It's hilarious and pathetic at the same time.

You have to understand that the press release was discussed with MCXA government, and was agreed on by both... ;)

If I had other reasons I could offer you other than internal differences, then I would give them to you. I can reiterate 10000 times and nothing would change in my argument because... duh... There is nothing else behind it :P

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2.) It seems you don't realize the mistake in your thinking. When we decided to leave we were not looking for power, we were looking for friendship and a smaller community. We left the MCXA in order for both, the now members of the MCXA and ourselves to exist happily. Personally I am having a lot more fun with the game now then about a month ago, for example ;)

Yes, DA is correct, they left looking for friendship and a smaller community. What was happening internally was simply a difference in generation between really old members and middle aged members and we have all agreed this split is the best solution to the problem.

Let me say a few things, the thread title and first post were discussed with MCXA leadership and they allowed us to make the joke.

(I wasn't contacted and wouldn't have agreed with the joke, but i cannot speak for Dr. Fresh or Gopher. Although ive never thought they were ones to take something this controversial lightly.)

My Comments in RED.

Edited by Jimmy2e
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You have to understand that the press release was discussed with MCXA government, and was agreed on by both... ;)

If I had other reasons I could offer you other than internal differences, then I would give them to you. I can reiterate 10000 times and nothing would change in my argument because... duh... There is nothing else behind it :P

I'm sure it was.

Ahh...internal differences. Such a broad word. You wanted more power, the membership was whining too much about something, you weren't getting your 'respect'.

Internal differences. You can say that, I'll call it a cop-out.

edit: Thank you Jimmy2e.

Edited by El Pilchinator
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If we wanted power we would have kicked out every single member in the MCXA that annoyed us and then said "Now the MCXA is truly ours!"

Would that have been morally right? You bet it wouldn't.

I'm sure you did it out of morality and not the mere fact that trying to weed out members is quite difficult, much less on a large scale, given peoples tendency to simply ghost once they've been removed. e46058.gif

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This has been a long wait.

Some members have been a little mouthy, so let me try for better:

For those in MCXA who pushed for change and won--Good job. Governments should be afraid of their people.

For those who left: You came very close to making this a huge, ugly mess, but your sense came around and you've walked away with as much dignity as can be mustered in this sort of situation. Some people might call sour grapes on leaving, but as for me I say we all know that your alliance affiliation is your vote of suport. If you no longer supported MCXA, then it is only right that you left, and it is only right and to be expected that MCXAers that supported you in the rowe have left with you.

For those booing, you'll note that the majority of NS loss is not accounted for by the ~30 that are in TSO . . .

Edited by Schattenmann
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Gopher was and Gopher fullheartedly agreed on it. Sorry, if you didn't agree with it. :(

Gopher found the concept amusing and agreed to let you use the MCXA name if you so desired. I would hardly characterize my support as "fullhearted".

Please do not attempt to put words in my mouth - I can assure you that am more than capable of speaking on my own behalf.

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