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Joint Statement

Mergerberger II

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Back in the war...

It seemed to be an ironic twist of the destiny that Martenshaven would - this time - avoid getting nuked, while other Major Cities would fall painfully. Millions of deaths, but also, millions of art, destroyed, forever. The world would smile as Roma, the Eternal, would narrowly avoid destruction. The Christians said that God protected Rome, the Nordlanders said that Odin protected Martenshaven in turn. However, many other major cities were completely destroyed and this would enrage the Soldiers and Population, with anger and tears every piece of damage made them only more determinate to destroy the enemy.

The Forward Units that had been deployed were having rather than a battle, simple fun on killing grounds as they had been able so far to inflict by minimal deployments, major damage to the Enemy Troops, although this was primarily due to the ensuing confusion, due to the radiation, and the EMP-side effects. The deployed enemy tanks were only good as static cover.


OOC: Modified due to the finalized dice rolls

Edited by Kaiser Martens
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Maelstrom watches the tragedy unfold on the world news. "No.. surely not..."

His aid told him that project Mogul had confirmed the detonations.

"It is a good thing we are here.. and not in Europe. Inform Dragon Airlines to stop all airline flights to Europe, Asia, and Northern Africa. Recall ALL international personnel. Lock the nation down from travel abroad. Inform the citizens to stock additional supplies in case the global situation gets worse. Have our ventilation sensors activated to watch for biochemical and radiation fallout."

He got on the hot-line to the UFE, "Any new requests yet Commandant of the Feederites?"

The Dragonisian Fleets had stationed themselves at 10 degrees N Lat. 60 degrees and 65 degrees east longitude.

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A squad of Heer infantry patrol a Prussian road near the German border

The Prussian Freikorps, out of fear from the current chaos in Europe have mobilized to the western border regions to assure the safety of Prussia and her assets.

The Luftwaffe has begun to scramble across the Baltic and over the nation in order to remain on full readiness.

The Kriegsmarine has shut off Prussian waters and all craft are currently in emergency procedures.


All nuclear technicians have been called into bunkers, and intelligence analysts have begun scanning the border region for any sort of unrest.

In the Heer, all soldiers are on full alert. GROM units have been placed at heightened readiness.

Prussia is locked down.

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Maelstrom sent a gift bascket to #1. "Welcome new and old neighbor. Hope you're doing well. Aren't you glad you're not underneath northern hemisphere Jet Streams right now?" it was loaded with apples, oranges, and assorted nuts.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Naboo North Africa:

With the recent spate of nuclear explosions relatively nearby, people were in a scramble. Radiation pils were widely available fortunately however it would still take several days for any radiation to reach them by the wind. Civilians scrambled into ships and planes for evacuation. Planes brought people one way, and returned with supplies - air filters, suits, radiation pills and all that was needed for the soldier population to survive for now. The area, once a resort for Naboo citizens would be abondoned.

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All Federacion military units deployed to the Gebivan theater are hereby ordered to NBC Condition 1 (Full MOPP gear, no patrols longer than 30 minutes, hourly radiation badge checks). Measurement equipment near the front does not detect significant fallout (Perhaps the prevailing winds are going north?), though this may change as weather conditions change. Pray for rain to take the radioactive material out of the atmosphere.

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Slavorussians are shocked as images of the nuclear devastation flash across their television screens. Almost instantly the general population, which had in the past been in favor of a war against Gebiv, changed their opinion. Now there was an overwhelming fear the Riga, Minsk, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Rostov or any other major Slavorussian city could be next. But their fear would quickly turn to anger, and their anger would turn to resolve. Any respect Slavorussians had for Gebivans was exhausted by the evil General Mannelig’s actions.

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Slavorussians are shocked as images of the nuclear devastation flash across their television screens. Almost instantly the general population, which had in the past been in favor of a war against Gebiv, changed their opinion. Now there was an overwhelming fear the Riga, Minsk, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Rostov or any other major Slavorussian city could be next. But their fear would quickly turn to anger, and their anger would turn to resolve. Any respect Slavorussians had for Gebivans was exhausted by the evil General Mannelig’s actions.

Wait I'm confused. Weren't all the cities that were destroyed were Gebivan cities? How is there no pity for the Gebivan citizenry that are living near these zones, destroyed by Dutch and German nuclear devices. Both parties are at fault, nuclear war should end seeing the absolute destruction coming to the citizenry from these attacks.

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The news of the nuclear war, despite the efforts of the Ministry of Public Relations, reached Byzantine homes. Almost overnight, there was panic in Byzantine cities, towns, and villages as citizens rushed underground to their cellars, basements, or somewhere where they would be safe against the dangers of nuclear attack and fallout. At first, the Government tried to discourage this by having the Gizli Polis arrest several hundreds, but it eventually relented.

Meanwhile, thousands of soldiers remained in their fortifications and bunkers, of where they would be largely protected from being vaporized instantly (materials protecting against radiation were in short supply, and only a fraction of them reached the Army), but the risk of radiation sickness were simply far too great. In an attempt to control panic, the Government introduced martial law in many parts of the country.

Meanwhile, all over the country, somewhere in the mountains or in the plateaus, silos were being opened and missiles contained inside were readied and prepared. The SDI and its mechanisms were fully ready and functional, ready to minimize the nuclear threat to Byzantium. Never before had the National Party given so much thanks and appreciation to the former Government for purchasing, establishing, and maintaining the SDI as it is today. In addition to the SDI, it was perhaps a good thing that most of Byzantium (or more like the central areas and Georgia) were EMP-proofed, although work in Greece and the Stavropol Republic were progressing rapidly (although far from completed) as millions of funds were rerouted into national defense and military production.

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Wait I'm confused. Weren't all the cities that were destroyed were Gebivan cities? How is there no pity for the Gebivan citizenry that are living near these zones, destroyed by Dutch and German nuclear devices. Both parties are at fault, nuclear war should end seeing the absolute destruction coming to the citizenry from these attacks.

If the maniacal General Mannelig had not authorized the use of nuclear weapons against the Dutch and Germans then there would have been no retaliatory attacks. While there is certainly pity for the Gebivan citizens there is no respect for their government. Perhaps the Gebivan citizens will take this opportunity to reclaim their country from the depraved General Mannelig.

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**Public Statement**

The Imperial Union is shocked by these attacks and while feeling sorry for Gebivian citizens they are at fault.


"Viceroy what are your Order?"the Imperial Envoy of Defense asked.

"Full Deployment prepare all WMDs for firing inform the Submarine Fleet to prepare for a First Strike and commence Operation Homeland Defense"


At 11 AM this morning the Imperial Union went to DEFCON 1 and has commenced evacuation of all Civilians to Bunkers it is expected within 24 hours there will hardly be anyone left above ground except Soldiers.


With the Nukes on Hot Standby and the Submarine Fleet ready the leadership moved to Vault 101 the safest place in the Imperial Union as it was made for these cases maintain control of the Military when Nuclear Attacks have been detected.

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Statement from the Kingdom of Molakia

All Molakian Armed Forces are to go to DEFCON 1 and await further orders. Any nation that uses Nuclear Weapons against Civilian targets, whether they were hit first or not, is UNACCEPTALBLE. By invading Gebiv, you invited retaliation. You brought this war to europe, accept that the nuclear attacks were your fault. That being said, the Gebiv should not have attacked with nuclear weapons, but what choice did they have? The Francoist Empire should have stayed out of European Affairs.

We are stepping up all Evacuations, and are now including priceless art and documents from any city we can get too. Why should culture suffer under the boot of the Francoist?

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Sevan Naum, President of the Socialist Republic of Zurran, watched the unfolding war in Europe from his office at the General Assembly. His mouth curled with disgust at the images of the nuclear holocaust that was being unleasted across the continent. Were those fools trying to rid Europe of Maternism or all human life? He shock his head.

"Idiots," he mumbled to himself, "they're going to leave Europe a smoking crater if they continue this."

He was very aware of the fact that his country was bordered by nations whose leaders were unhinged enough to wipe the SRZ off the face of the world in a similar way if he gave them a fraction of an excuse. Thus he sat and watched, not even willing to put the armed forces on alert as war raged.

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Public Broadcast of the Administrator

"It has come to my attention that the German homeland has been struck by weapons from the Rebel Army. We find this to be an increasingly more prominant problem.

No longer do nations simply wish to defend their own soil from foreigners. They feel they must do unto others to the letter. Now we will be activating our MDP with the German Empire as well as the Ordinance for the Grand Army of Europe. The Union of Eastern Soviet Republics declares war on the belligerents aligned against the Greater German Empire and the Dutch Empire."

At that, the assault began. The forces that had been mustered crossed the border from Serbia and Bulgaria into Macedonia, supported by tanks, APC's, and AAV's. Helicopters spilled over and harrassed border stations as fighters launched air-to-surface missiles from their side of the border.

No towns were captured as there were none of significance near the border, but several border stations were captured and converted into field HQ's. Rocket artillery was brought into the theater and set up in easily advanceable defensive positions. Towed artillery came next and in more fixed positions.

The flak guns [self-propelled] that were stationed on the Serbian side were advanced into the back lines of the new frontier, defending the new field HQ's.

Helicopters continued patrolling the outskirts of the Soviet-controlled area. There had not been many casualties for either side yet, but it would be a long drawn out battle yet.

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"..Communications in half the Country are going down.."

"..How long will it take to get them back up..?"

"..depends on the spares..and how much time.."

"..just do it.."

The Reich had been hit by a EMP strike, putting 45% of the country in the dark. All over, tech crews attempted to restore the vital systems, those being mostly Military and other systems. At home, millions of citizens were effected, but this only made their resolve even greater. On the home front, Morale soared as they now knew who the enemy really was. The Reich would strike back.


On the ground, German Troops were heavily effected by the strike. Most of their vehicles were down and out; however, they would continue on, and in some cases, even hold back, not moving forward anymore. They attempted to repair their engines, replacing them with new ones instead. In place of heavy armour, they were simply given MANPAD systems. This attack did not weaken their spirits, it only strengthened them, and before long, they would respond with their own attack.

Edited by Malatose
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Public Broadcast of the Administrator

"It has come to my attention that the German homeland has been struck by weapons from the Rebel Army. We find this to be an increasingly more prominant problem.

No longer do nations simply wish to defend their own soil from foreigners. They feel they must do unto others to the letter. Now we will be activating our MDP with the German Empire as well as the Ordinance for the Grand Army of Europe. The Union of Eastern Soviet Republics declares war on the belligerents aligned against the Greater German Empire and the Dutch Empire."

At that, the assault began. The forces that had been mustered crossed the border from Serbia and Bulgaria into Macedonia, supported by tanks, APC's, and AAV's. Helicopters spilled over and harrassed border stations as fighters launched air-to-surface missiles from their side of the border.

No towns were captured as there were none of significance near the border, but several border stations were captured and converted into field HQ's. Rocket artillery was brought into the theater and set up in easily advanceable defensive positions. Towed artillery came next and in more fixed positions.

The flak guns [self-propelled] that were stationed on the Serbian side were advanced into the back lines of the new frontier, defending the new field HQ's.

Helicopters continued patrolling the outskirts of the Soviet-controlled area. There had not been many casualties for either side yet, but it would be a long drawn out battle yet.

Byzantium would like to reaffirm its MDP with the UESR. We shall not intervene, yet. BUT should the UESR get attacked in any way, we SHALL intervene, and in full force.


Byzantine and UFE forces in northern Greece and southern Anatolia braced themselves for an attack. The National Guard were ready as thousands and even millions of citizens, wielding weapons, turned their homes into 'fortresses' and there, they shall fight. Even if parts of the country were shut down, it can be assured that the Byzantines shall fight in the dark, and they shall do so nevertheless. The enemy shall face the full might and fury of Byzantium.

The border fortifications were to styme any enemy offensive, and Byzantine troops shall fight there. They shall fight in the mountains, they shall fight in the plateaus, they shall fight on the fields, they shall fight on the streets, they shall fight in the cities, towns, and villages. They shall never give up. At that, Byzantium was now elevated to DEFCON 1 as the country and Government braced itself for war. There shall be no surprises, for Byzantium was fully prepared and alert.

Edited by JEDCJT
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Tahoe National Strategic Command Emergency Priority Order 098831A-1

Encryption Code Red

Public Key none/excised




Classification Restricted (TMI-G2 Directive)

Open File

Initiate PROTOCOL CALADBOLG for the deliverance of up to 12 intercontinental ballistic missile (type Gae Bulg II) on targets in Europe and Asia. Enhanced Radiation Neutron Warhead authorized for antipersonnel target. Stand by for target coordinates. Anti-Missile System expected.

/ end file

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