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Issues With GOD

Kaiser Martens

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Get off your high horse Doitzel and stop trying to start controversy.

How is it so amazing that Slayer changed his mind?

Fine, I can play that game too. Doitzel, you were once in NPO and now you fight against them. How could you go from being with them to being against them?!?!?!? :rolleyes:

The difference is that Doitzel didn't seemingly overnight change his views on NPO. There is a pretty well documented (via threads on the OWF/AP) of the change in his view of NPO and his decision to fight them. Slayer has a well documented history of absolutely hating KM and seemingly overnight seems to have forgiven him and even advocated for his release.

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LOL, did you read the first 12 pages where you all continually claim to not be threatening or aggressive or interested in KM in the slightest way...smooth :rolleyes:

No I didn't read any of this thread. I was replying to my ally informing me that GOD has no intention of negotiating terms for a nation they added as a perma zi target over a year and half ago. If they didnt take action while he was a member / leader of many alliance prior, I wonder if he will take action now against Zenith.

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No I didn't read any of this thread. I was replying to my ally informing me that GOD has no intention of negotiating terms for a nation they added as a perma zi target over a year and half ago. If they didnt take action while he was a member / leader of many alliance prior, I wonder if he will take action now against Zenith.

Xiphosis has no intention of negotiating with you. You're not directly involved.

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No I didn't read any of this thread. I was replying to my ally informing me that GOD has no intention of negotiating terms for a nation they added as a perma zi target over a year and half ago. If they didnt take action while he was a member / leader of many alliance prior, I wonder if he will take action now against Zenith.

You are grossly misinformed.

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Xiphosis has no intention of negotiating with you. You're not directly involved.

This reminds me a terrible lot of GOD/Andromeda beating down some guys because they fought back in a tech raid a year prior. My ally asked for our advice and xiphosis doesn't want to get into a little group talk about this. Perhaps he'd prefer to plot more wars and talk the big game. I'm getting tired of getting new xiphosis logs every week.

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I believe we are directly involved. Thanks for playing.

Because you directly involved yourselves.

This reminds me a terrible lot of GOD/Andromeda beating down some guys because they fought back in a tech raid a year prior. My ally asked for our advice and xiphosis doesn't want to get into a little group talk about this. Perhaps he'd prefer to plot more wars and talk the big game. I'm getting tired of getting new xiphosis logs every week.

I should have dropped you when I had the chance.

Also: I tire of seeing new Continuum logs every week, chief. ;)

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This reminds me a terrible lot of GOD/Andromeda beating down some guys because they fought back in a tech raid a year prior. My ally asked for our advice and xiphosis doesn't want to get into a little group talk about this. Perhaps he'd prefer to plot more wars and talk the big game. I'm getting tired of getting new xiphosis logs every week.

I'm pretty sure he'd just prefer to have talks moderated by a neutral party. That seems pretty fair.

I agree that that LoFN beat down was utter crap, and GOD has pulled some pretty iffy moves in the past, but I don't think this one is so ridiculous.

Accusing someone of plotting wars is pretty serious - evidence?

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This reminds me a terrible lot of GOD/Andromeda beating down some guys because they fought back in a tech raid a year prior. My ally asked for our advice and xiphosis doesn't want to get into a little group talk about this. Perhaps he'd prefer to plot more wars and talk the big game. I'm getting tired of getting new xiphosis logs every week.

Edit2: Hell, screw my post, the link is 1000x better.

Edit: As evidenced by this: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=48550 lol

Edited by Delta1212
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This reminds me a terrible lot of GOD/Andromeda beating down some guys because they fought back in a tech raid a year prior. My ally asked for our advice and xiphosis doesn't want to get into a little group talk about this. Perhaps he'd prefer to plot more wars and talk the big game. I'm getting tired of getting new xiphosis logs every week.

Somebody here is talking a big game.... despite the foot in their mouth.

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No I didn't read any of this thread. I was replying to my ally informing me that GOD has no intention of negotiating terms for a nation they added as a perma zi target over a year and half ago.

Umm I would get a new source.... http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=48550

Edit: Delta your too quick ;)

Edited by KaitlinK
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I find it ironic that TPF (many members and government members) are now strongly advocating for allowing Kaiser Martens to be allowed freedom on Planet Bob.

If you take a quick look at our gov list, hardly any of our current gov members were around back then.

Edited by mhawk
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