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Nukes per Member - 28/02/09

Changes this week:

- Qualification for table A now includes both top 50 by score and top 50 by nuke count.

General Comments and Weekly Progress

- Great work by Mushroom Kingdom, who posted the largest gain by a long way as expected - more than doubling their nukes/member with an increase of +1.89 to a current value of 3.7. NpO are gradually tapering off but continue to increase steadily with a gain of 0.38 to place them above 4 nukes/member, putting them in third place among the sanctioned alliances behind Fark and TPF. Strong gains also this week by three medium/small alliances: Aircastle (+0.64), Poison Clan (+0.54), Vanguard (+0.43).

- The only alliance to drop significantly was MCXA, with a loss of -0.68 taking them down to 1.8. This will not come as a surprise since they lost a larger proportion of high level than low level members.

- The group of alliances with >10 nukes/member has increased significantly to fifteen (See table B ). Congratulations to Boards Alliance Of Protectorate States and Nemesis who have both qualified for the first time. In addition, Vanguard have pulled themselves back above the line while Order of the Black Rose have requalified by default by passing 20 members. Finally the newly formed Sweet Oblivion qualify comfortably.

- The Grämlins maintain their lead, slowly but surely closing in on the magic 20 nukes/member.

- Nice going also by Aircastle who not only have far more nukes than would be expected from their average NS, but are also now in the top 50 by nuke count despite being 123rd in score.

- Mean nukes/member of pool considered: 3.52

- Sanctioned alliances with above average* nukes/member: TPF, Fark, IRON, NpO

- Sanctioned alliances with below average* nukes/member: New Pacific Order, Sparta, Ragnarok, MCXA, TOOL, ODN, MHA, VE

- Global average nukes/player increased again this week by +0.16 to 2.23.

- The 83 alliances considered in the main list together comprise 55% of the global membership, and hold 87% of the global nukes.

- The fifteen alliances to have >10 nukes/member together comprise 3.3% of the global membership, and hold 21.4% of the global nukes.

A final note: The global average nukes/member has been increasing steadily week on week. This means that any alliance consistently sitting still is effectively getting weaker. Fluctuations will occur especially in small alliances, but there is no good reason for an organized alliance to consistently stay still unless they're taking on lots of low level members which is indicative in itself.

* Mean of total member pool considered; not global mean which would be misleadingly low due to the many extremely new and unaligned players; nor mean of individual alliance averages which would be misleadingly high due to the many small but high-end alliances.

Table A - All Top-50 Alliances by Score and Nukes

Alliances are sorted in descending order by nuke count, the initial value is their Score rank to use as comparison. Bold value is nukes/member ratio. Value in brackets is change from last week; any change of less than 0.05 is not shown.

Red: >15 nukes/member

Orange: 7.5 - 15 nukes/member

Blue: 4 - 7.5 nukes/member

Green: 2 - 4 nukes/member

2) Independent Republic Of Orange Nations - 4.6 (+0.1)

1) New Pacific Order - 3.5

6) The Order Of The Paradox - 16.5 (-0.1)

11) The Grämlins - 19.0 (+0.2)

15) FOK - 5.4 (+0.1)

5) Mostly Harmless Alliance - 2.9 (+0.2)

14) The Phoenix Federation - 6.2

10) New Polar Order - 4.0 (+0.4)

7) Fark - 4.4 (+0.2)

3) Sparta - 2.5

19) Valhalla - 8.9 (+0.3)

35) Umbrella - 17.1 (+0.2)

13) Viridian Entente - 3.3 (-0.1)

4) Multicolored Cross-X Alliance - 1.8 (-0.7)

41) Poison Clan - 17.4 (+0.5)

9) Ragnarok - 2.4

12) The Order Of Light - 3.0 (+0.3)

42) Global Order Of Darkness - 10.4 (+0.1)

24) Echelon - 6.8 (+0.2)

47) The Order Of Righteous Nations - 10.6 (-0.2)

8) Orange Defense Network - 1.5 (+0.1)

23) Greenland Republic - 3.8 (+0.2)

48) Vanguard - 10.4 (+0.4)

32) RnR - 4.5 (+0.1)

46) Nusantara Elite Warriors - 5.5 (+0.2)

34) Random Insanity Alliance - 3.8 (+0.1)

63) MOLON LABE - 15.1

31) LOSS - 3.6 (-0.2)

56) The Sweet Oblivion - 14.4

29) World Task Force - 4.7

17) The Democratic Order - 1.0

30) M*A*S*H - 3.5 (-0.1)

25) Mushroom Kingdom - 3.7 (+1.9)

27) Nueva Vida - 2.7

71) Boards Alliance Of Protectorate States - 10.3

54) Old Guard - 11.4

21) The Dark Evolution - 1.8 (+0.1)

51) Siberian Tiger Alliance - 3.1

28) Monos Archein - 2.0 (+0.2)

37) The International - 2.9 (+0.2)

20) United Purple Nations - 1.7 (+0.3)

18) Grand Global Alliance - 1.3 (+0.1)

79) Argent - 8.3 (+0.3)

22) Global Democratic Alliance - 1.7

50) Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics - 4.2 (+0.1)

26) The Legion - 1.3 (+0.1)

67) Rubber Ducky Division - 7.1

70) Alpha Omega - 7.9

58) Athens - 3.9

123) Aircastle - 12.8

45) The Centurion Brotherhood - 2.5 (+0.3)

73) The Dark Templar - 7.4

39) Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations - 2.5 (+0.3)

40) The Templar Knights - 2.7 (+0.1)

60) Zenith - 4.2

38) NATO - 1.7

64) Finnish Cooperation Organization - 3.3

75) Dark Fist - 5.1

36) Invicta - 1.7

43) The Foreign Division - 2.4

33) North Atlantic Defense Coalition - 1.6

53) Carpe Diem - 2.6

74) Majestic Order Of Orange Nations - 3.3

66) United Sovereign Nations - 2.1

65) Veritas Aequitas - 1.7

59) The German Empire - 1.6

52) Confederation Of Organized Nations - 1.6

62) The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons - 1.4

49) We Are Perth Army - 1.1

57) Orion - 1.8

123) SSSW18 - 2.3

61) OTF Alliance - 1.5

68) Genesis - 2.0

44) Ubercon - 1.5 (+0.1)

77) Christian Coalition Of Countries - 1.8

78) The Immortals - 1.6

69) United Commonwealth Of Nations - 1.2

80) Wolfpack - 1.6

55) Global Alliance And Treaty Organization - 0.6

16) Green Protection Agency - 0.3 (+0.1)

72) Global United Nations - 0.6

Quartiles: Q1 = 1.69, Q2 = 3.04, Q3 = 5.27

NB: Alliances who have previously qualified but no longer do will remain in the list for a reasonable period of time.

Table B - All listed alliances with over 10 nukes/member

Bold value is nukes/member; value in circular brackets is change from last week; values in square brackets are overall rankings for nuke count and total score respectively.

1) The Grämlins - 19.0 (+0.2) --- [4, 11]

2) Poison Clan - 17.4 (+0.5) --- [15, 41] -- Overtake Umbrella

3) Umbrella - 17.1 (+0.2) --- [12, 35]

4) The Order Of The Paradox - 16.5 (-0.1) --- [3, 6]

5) MOLON LABE - 15.1 --- [27, 63]

6) The Order Of The Black Rose - 15.0 --- [56, 86] -- Requalified (>20 members)

7) The Sweet Oblivion - 14.4 --- [29, 56] -- Newly Qualified (Just formed)

8) Aircastle - 12.8 --- [51, 123]

9) OMFG - 12.3 --- [64, 114]

10) Old Guard - 11.4 --- [36, 54]

11) Nemesis - 10.8 --- [65, 109] -- Newly Qualified

12) The Order Of Righteous Nations - 10.6 (-0.2) --- [20, 47]

13) Global Order Of Darkness - 10.4 (+0.1) --- [18, 42]

14) Vanguard - 10.4 (+0.4) --- [23, 48] -- Requalified (>10 nukes/member)

15) Boards Alliance Of Protectorate States - 10.3 --- [35, 71] -- Newly Qualified

All data as at 28/02/09 AM

Edited by Chairman Cao
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1) Independent Republic Of Orange Nations - 3,717 -> 3,769 (+52)

2) New Pacific Order - 3,187 -> 3,240 (+53)

3) The Order Of The Paradox - 3,060 -> 3,068 (+8)

4) The Grämlins - 2,295 -> 2,276 (-19)

5) FOK - 1,723 -> 1,773 (+50)

6) Mostly Harmless Alliance - 1,585 -> 1,624 (+39)

7) New Polar Order - 1,457 -> 1,559 (+102)

8) The Phoenix Federation - 1,525 -> 1,542 (+17)

9) Fark - 1,475 -> 1,520 (+45)

10) Sparta - 1,479 -> 1,499 (+20)

11) Valhalla - 1,295 -> 1,324 (+29)

12) Umbrella - 1,304 -> 1,319 (+15)

13) Viridian Entente - 1,257 -> 1,246 (-11)

14) Poison Clan - 1,147 -> 1,174 (+27)

15) Multicolored Cross-X Alliance - 1,199 -> 1,172 (-27)

16) Ragnarok - 1,135 -> 1,088 (-47)

17) The Order Of Light - 1,034 -> 1,057 (+23)

18) Global Order of Darkness - 989 -> 992 (+3)

19) Echelon - 879 -> 891 (+12)

20) The Order Of Righteous Nations - 914 -> 872 (-42)

21) Orange Defense Network - 846 -> 862 (+16)

22) Greenland Republic - 779 -> 800 (+21)

23) Vanguard - 736 -> 757 (+21)

24) RnR - 740 -> 756 (+16)

25) Nusantara Elite Warriors - 673 -> 718 (+45)

26) Random Insanity Alliance - 683 -> 698 (+15)

27) MOLON LABE - 686 -> 695 (+9)

28) LOSS - 691 -> 649 (-42)

29) The Sweet Oblivion - 609 -> 635 (+26)

30) World Task Force - 609 -> 612 (+3)

31) Mushroom Kingdom - 414 -> 593 (+179)

32) The Democratic Order - 577 -> 581 (+4)

33) M*A*S*H - 566 -> 566 (=0)

34) Nueva Vida - 559 -> 555 (-4)

35) Boards Alliance Of Protectorate States - 540 -> 545 (+5)

36) Old Guard - 525 -> 526 (+1)

37) The Dark Evolution - 509 -> 511 (+2)

38) Siberian Tiger Alliance - 470 -> 486 (+16)

39) Monos Archein - 458 -> 476 (+18)

40) The International - 449 -> 465 (+16)

41) United Purple Nations - 396 -> 463 (+67)

42) Grand Global Alliance - 443 -> 456 (+13)

43) Argent - 417 -> 423 (+6)

44) Global Democratic Alliance - 409 -> 420 (+11)

45) Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics - 402 -> 420 (+18)

46) The Legion - 405 -> 418 (+13)

47) Rubber Ducky Division - 386 -> 390 (+4)

48) Alpha Omega - 387 -> 388 (+1)

49) Athens - 373

50) The Centurion Brotherhood - 350 -> 358 (+8)

51) Aircastle - 357

2,000) Ska Robot Army - 20 -> 20 (=0)

Biggest Gainer:

31) Mushroom Kingdom - 414 -> 593 (+179)

Biggest Loser:

16) Ragnarok - 1,135 -> 1,088 (-47)


New Polar Order passes The Phoenix Federation

New Polar Order passes Sparta

New Polar Order passes Fark

Fark passes Sparta

Valhalla passes Umbrella

Poison Clan passes Multicolored Cross-X Alliance

Echelon passes The Order Of Righteous Nations

Vanguard passes RnR

Nusantara Elite Warriors passes LOSS

Nusantara Elite Warriors passes MOLON LABE

Nusantara Elite Warriors passes Random Insanity Alliance

Random Insanity Alliance passes LOSS

Random Insanity Alliance passes MOLON LABE


The Sweet Oblivion passes World Task Force

Mushroom Kingdom passes The Democratic Order

Mushroom Kingdom passes M*A*S*H

Mushroom Kingdom passes Nueva Vida

Mushroom Kingdom passes Boards Alliance Of Protectorate States

Mushroom Kingdom passes Old Guard

Mushroom Kingdom passes The Dark Evolution

Mushroom Kingdom passes Siberian Tiger Alliance

Mushroom Kingdom passes Monos Archein

Mushroom Kingdom passes The International

Mushroom Kingdom passes Grand Global Alliance

Mushroom Kingdom passes Argent

United Purple Nations passes Grand Global Alliance

United Purple Nations passes Argent

United Purple Nations passes Global Democratic Alliance

United Purple Nations passes The Legion

United Purple Nations passes Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics

Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics passes The Legion

Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics ties Global Democratic Alliance

Rubber Ducky Division passes Alpha Omega

The Dark Templar is removed

Athens passes The Dark Templar

Athens passes The Centurion Brotherhood

The Centurion Brotherhood passes The Dark Templar

AirCastle Added(1 away from TCB so why not?)

Comments: Great Gains by some, big falls by others. Shout out to Poison Clan for passing their 4th Sanctioned Alliance.

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