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Actually...Navy is very much tied to tech level...you can't even get the weakest ships until 200 tech, I believe, and Aircraft Carriers you can't get until you reach 1000 tech.

Blech, you seem to be right there, I never noticed this, I already had 4k tech when navy got introduced....

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Blech, you seem to be right there, I never noticed this, I already had 4k tech when navy got introduced....

No problem...I had just under a thousand tech when they were introduced, so I remember building up to that so I could have a well-balanced navy.

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I have a question about MDP's:

Let's say that Nation A has a MDP with Nation B, while Nation B has a MDP with Nation C. If Nation C is attacked, and Nation B activates their MDP with Nation C, will the MDP between Nation A and B also be activated?

Edited by Pikachurin
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Unless said MDP from A-B has a secret mutual agression clause, I don't think so.

I just helped Kreig because we're secretly building an unholy alliance, even though we only have MDPs with each other...don't tell anyone theough. :ph34r:

oh noes reeki you told our planz!!1!

EDIT: Called treaty lock BTW. Usually if it was in my case, whomever I disliked more, or started the violence our of aggression, I would attack.

If both nations were shouting insults and started the war mutually and not one side was guilty, then I would let it be.

And like Reeki said, SECRET MDoAPz :o

Edited by Colerich Krieg
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oh noes reeki you told our planz!!1!

EDIT: Called treaty lock BTW. Usually if it was in my case, whomever I disliked more, or started the violence our of aggression, I would attack.

If both nations were shouting insults and started the war mutually and not one side was guilty, then I would let it be.

And like Reeki said, SECRET MDoAPz :o

Then you are not fulfilling your duties as a treaty partner.

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To end this entire Nordland=Nazi matter here is an offer to anyone who believes Nordland was Naziesque.

What made Nazism what it was, was not its militarism, its nationalism, its third way economic policies, its socialist policies, its autocracy, its bureaucracy, the fact that it was a German government, or even its one party rule. All of those were repeated by many other governments that most certainly did not prescribe to nazism. What made it uniquely naziesque was the overt racism, antisemitism, and genocidal behavior as a nation.

If anyone can find any comment (a serious one) or state policy by any Nordlander (from the most recent manifestation of Nordland (the GNR)) that was similarly racist, anti-semitist, or a ethnic cleansing I will give you a reward of 3 million, and you and all your friends may go on to call Nordland racist as much as you would like. Otherwise stop the comparison because it holds no weight. (If you find one send a link to be via PM or query.

Note; none of this "cultural genocide", or "cultural destruction" the destruction of culture is hardly racism or nazism, and happens in nearly every society across the globe (Public Schooling, national holidays, social pressures, state calendars, national monuments). For awhile it was even considered something good. If that makes you a Nazi, then nearly every nation across the world has a history of nazism.

Conditions Under which I will not pay.

*If you are in an alliance under surrender terms where by accepting money would be a violation of the terms.

*If you are under ZI, EZI, or PZI where by payment would be a violation.

*If you or your alliance are presently at war.

*Anything else that would potentially result in harm to my nation by paying you.

I would prefer who ever answers be a CNRPer.

Reward offered.

3mil from Iamthey

3mil from voodoo nova

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Nord's havn't remade a bloc. Thus far there is only one Nordic Socialist government and that's Vektor.

Lol, just going with what Sitethief said, thats all!

Personnally, I'd welcome a resurgence of the "Nords" (what are Nords in RL anyway? I thought they'd be the far northern people, not germans :wacko: ).

They'd give every nation a real IC target, instead of the newest RPer that unfortunately decides to pick a dictatorship/totalitarian/authoritarian regime to RP.

Edited by Executive Minister
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Then you are not fulfilling your duties as a treaty partner.

If I had a treaty with a country that attempted to bully or expand into another country allie, I would most certainly take the side of the defender and not the aggressor, because I state in ALL my MDP+ (Exception of MDoAP) That doing so would automatically nullify our agreement. I dont seek to be friends or allies with bullies.

However if is a Mutual fight I will not interfere ant let Treaty lock take its place.

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"Cultural genocide" is a lot of difference from a bloody national holiday.

Cultural genocide is a buzz word that never really had substance to begin with. What they did was roll in and spread there culture; that is much different from the literal use of the word which would imply lining people up and murdering them for having a different culture. What they did was analogous to southern baptists evangelizing people, and putting religious symbols all over public property. Many countries around the world engage in subtle examples of this, public schools in the States require, or usually simply pressure students to pledge to the flag. History text books are often written either intentionally or unintentionally to favor the home nation. At every baseball game and sporting event the national anthem is sung. Every public building has a flag over it, and many people put flags in their yards. There are parades on the forth of July, and significant days of war. There are national holidays. Some schools in Great Britain and their outlying territories sing god save the queen. All of that is basically cultural genocide under the definition of CNRP.

That is moreover not a Nazi Policy anyway. If anything Nazi's wanted to keep their culture to "true" Germans not give all Europeans a chance to become "German" as well.

Edited by iamthey
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I have a question about MDP's:

Let's say that Nation A has a MDP with Nation B, while Nation B has a MDP with Nation C. If Nation C is attacked, and Nation B activates their MDP with Nation C, will the MDP between Nation A and B also be activated?

That's called treaty stacking. Unless there's a clause in the MDPs saying that the treaties do or do not stack, you can choose whether you want to participate or not.

I would personally not join in on a war due to treaty stacking, especially if I don't care what happens to Nation C. It's 3am and I'm sure that explanation makes little sense, so maybe someone else can explain it better to you.

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I have a question about MDP's:

Let's say that Nation A has a MDP with Nation B, while Nation B has a MDP with Nation C. If Nation C is attacked, and Nation B activates their MDP with Nation C, will the MDP between Nation A and B also be activated?

No as the activation of the MDP between B and C would be considered an offensive action by B and as such assistance is optional.

If it was a MDAP between A and B however the treaty would activate.

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They RP'd it out and no one stopped them.

He's questioning the logistics and financial capabilities - which I rather agree with him. But much bigger absurdities happen in CNRP, so who cares. I just assume they will probably not get a lot off from their trips.

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He's questioning the logistics and financial capabilities - which I rather agree with him. But much bigger absurdities happen in CNRP, so who cares. I just assume they will probably not get a lot off from their trips.

So long as the nations that are over-extending themselves, with massive resources going to maintain a frozen base, don't also try to do massive projects at home I have no problem with it.

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So long as the nations that are over-extending themselves, with massive resources going to maintain a frozen base, don't also try to do massive projects at home I have no problem with it.

This is why I haven't joined the fad yet.

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