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Come on really Eva? Judge for yourself who was disrespectful. All I did was be the messenger to him that he couldn't destroy Sarah's entire crusader base in one posts. For those who don't know since he edited the post he said that he sent a 20 megaton blast of fire right at the main base and that no SDI could stop it.

Go judge for yourself before jumping to conclusions:
[quote]Triyun: Mael
[02:20am] Triyun: you are aware
[02:20am] Triyun: she has SDI coverage
[02:20am] Triyun: right?
[02:20am] Triyun:
[02:20am] Triyun: you're surrounded by our territory
[02:21am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: Not in Antarctica.
[02:21am] Triyun: Yeah
[02:21am] Triyun: the Antarctica World Heritage Preserve
[02:21am] Triyun: is owned by Tianxia
[02:21am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: That's a wilderness preserve.
[02:21am] Triyun: Owned by Tianxia
[02:21am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: Do you have an sdi installation down there?
[02:22am] Triyun: 1) SDI coverage extends to all territory and all expeditionary forces
[02:22am] Triyun: 2) Yes
[02:22am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: Says what rule posted where?
[02:22am] Triyun: Says rules that have been long established and used
[02:22am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: Nope, don't work that way
[02:22am] Triyun: Yeah it does
[02:22am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: You site me the text or it's not en force
[02:22am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: I don't take your word for it.
[02:22am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: YOu don't make it up on the spot
[02:22am] Triyun: I'm not making it up on the spot
[02:22am] Triyun: we used it in the last several wars
[02:22am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: REally? Then link me to the rule.
[02:23am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: Perhaps you agreed with others to use that rule.
[02:23am] Triyun: its always been the rule
[02:23am] Triyun: further
[02:23am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: No it hasn't.
[02:23am] Triyun: I have the Indian fleet
[02:23am] Triyun: in the area
[02:23am] Triyun: all of which is SDI capable
[02:23am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: Navies have always been exposed at seas and forces have alwyas been vulnerable away from covered territory
[02:23am] Triyun: no
[02:23am] Triyun: they have not
[02:23am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: Yes, they have.
[02:23am] Triyun: Mael you've not been here for years
[02:23am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: Cite the rule or it is not a rule.
[02:23am] Triyun: this is the new rule
[02:23am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: Cite the rule or it is not the rule.
[02:23am] Triyun: I am citing the rule
[02:24am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: No you're not, you'r talking otu your mouth
[02:24am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: But not linking me to a rule.
[02:24am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: Link me to a rule that says that.
[02:24am] Old_Greg[OMFG]: this arguement again?
[02:24am] Old_Greg[OMFG]:
[02:24am] Triyun: I've foughten more wars than everyone else
[02:24am] Triyun: in the past few years
[02:24am] Triyun: gotten nuked and nuked more
[02:24am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: I don't care.
[02:24am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: Maybe on your terms
[02:24am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: We're fighting on mine if you cannot cite the rules.
[02:24am] Triyun: Mael
[02:24am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: I can cite the one where SDI covers your territory.
[02:24am] Triyun: you're nation exists on my terms
[02:24am] Triyun: I'm citing one right now
[02:25am] Old_Greg[OMFG]: That is a rule Maelstrom
[02:25am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: Yes, the one that it covers your own territory is..
[02:25am] Old_Greg[OMFG]: SDI covers anything within your territory, or covered by an SDI Capable Expeditionary Force, or Fleet
[02:25am] Triyun: ^
[02:25am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: The antarctic preserve is not Tiaxna.
[02:25am] Triyun: Yes it is
[02:25am] Triyun: Shan and I made it
[02:25am] Triyun: and have RPed it as my territory
[02:25am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: That means nothing
[02:25am] Triyun: for a long ass time
[02:25am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: But it's not your claim.
[02:25am] Triyun: so you're saying I ceded it
[02:25am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: You leave it open as wilderness.
[02:25am] Triyun: No
[02:25am] Triyun: Thats not the case at all
[02:26am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: Then why is it called a preserve?
[02:26am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: DO your terms fit your needs when it suits you best?
[02:26am] Kankou: Triyun, a preserve is on the fence, I would say
[02:26am] Triyun: Because for a while we didn't want people rerolling into it
[02:26am] Triyun: Kankou
[02:26am] Triyun: I've RPed my forces using it
[02:26am] Triyun: multiple times in the past
[02:26am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: You know.. if you're goin gto be a dick. I can just wipe this all again.
[02:26am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: I don't have to tolerate you rrules lawyerign.
[02:26am] Triyun: you can't dictate for me what my own territory is that I created and have declared
[02:27am] Kankou: yes, but frankly, I don't think anyone would say every part of the preserve would be covered
[02:27am] Triyun: Its not lawyering
[02:27am] Triyun: its a fact
[02:27am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: No, you're lieing to suit you rneeds
[02:27am] Triyun: Any protectorate or territory
[02:27am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: I'm going to go recall forbidden ice.
[02:27am] Kankou: Mael, Triyun is right
[02:27am] Triyun: is your territory
[02:27am] Old_Greg[OMFG]: Hes not lying though, it is his protectorate
[02:27am] Kankou: but the preserve might be a bit pushing it
[02:27am] Triyun: I'm not lying one iota, its mine
[02:27am] Triyun: its a simple fact
[02:27am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: It wouldn't be protected by an SDI.
[02:27am] Vince_Sixx left the chat room. (Quit: )
[02:27am] Old_Greg[OMFG]: Mael as much as I prefer you vs Triyun
[02:28am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: You have no reason to protect it like that.
[02:28am] Triyun: yes I do
[02:28am] Triyun: shooting down spy satellites
[02:28am] Old_Greg[OMFG]: Imagine the Icecaps Melting
[02:28am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: So claiming you miraculously have one down ther eis inccompetent
[02:28am] Kankou: given that it's a "protectorate" where technically no one is allowed to establish a nation in
[02:28am] Triyun: same technology
[02:28am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: What's your nation radius triyun?
[02:28am] Triyun: Doesn't matter
[02:28am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: Can you cover the entire antartic?
[02:28am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: I'm afraid it does.
[02:28am] Triyun: I conquered it
[02:28am] Triyun: no
[02:28am] Old_Greg[OMFG]: we don't use national radii to determine nations
[02:28am] Kankou: Mael, the only argument you have here
[02:28am] Triyun: ^
[02:28am] Old_Greg[OMFG]: if conquered
[02:28am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: $%&@ it, I'm gone.
[02:28am] Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]: Again.

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Yup, your lawyering ran me out. Glad we've affirmed exactly what I've already said. Have fun with your SDI in no man's land that you've never rp'd before in absolute wilderness with no real infrastructure. Oh my goodness you're such an excellent RPer Triyun. *gasps* Anyway, enjoy your world your way, fella. PS, I recoil in the face of the stupidity is a good chunk of why I'm leaving.. and wow.. an SDI in a wilderness that has never been established and has no infrastructure support.. has to be way up on the list of stupid.

Go SDI Godzilla's breath, it'll be Epic my son.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Triyun, I hope you realise you are putting words into my mouth... Sadly, though you feel adressed, you, once again, seem to feel unduely accused by my post. In your case, I wonder... Can't one just let Sarah and Mael handle this? I remember Sarah as a person that can pan out storylines herself and I do not think it is necessary to beat RP dead with citing rules over rules like this. I consider Maels RP something of a cooperative storywriting, something to be encouraged. I consider Sarahs war with him somewhat cooperative storywriting, but this is a way to approach this RP in a competitive stance that normally can be seen in all wars nowadays, wars that are not cooperative but just a larger power trying to throw out a smaller RPer, discouraging diversity and creativity. I'd understand if you'd cite the logs of Mael and Sarah not being able to plan this out themselves, but you citing rules won't convince me to not say that this is the wrong approach for the RP. It is however the thing to be expected after months of "Let's go dragonhunting" on IRC. Maels land is of almost no worth, his RP isn't hindering anyone, yet you have to behave like this is the kind of competitive warfare to the end, where we have to get rid of RPers. I hope you can let Sarah fight her wars herself in the future, I think she's a grown-up individual that has shown in the past that cooperative wars are possible and that she can do it, that she doesn't necessarily need help from you everytime she gets countered and honestly, while she can be aggressive, I think she has still more respect for RPers than you.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1343038800' post='3013547']
Come on really Eva? Judge for yourself who was disrespectful. All I did was be the messenger to him that he couldn't destroy Sarah's entire crusader base in one posts. For those who don't know since he edited the post he said that he sent a 20 megaton blast of fire right at the main base and that no SDI could stop it.

Go judge for yourself before jumping to conclusions:

And yet you were going to win, but you just [i]COULDN'T[/i].. let that happen could you? God forbid you ever had to rp by someone elses rules and hope the story went the way you wished it.. that you actually trusted the other person to some degree. Of course, Sarah might not have informed you that you were destined to win and should lay back and relax..

Sarah and I had the whole RP sorted.. they were going to help her win Evangeline but it was to be a costly battle. Did you not see the ooc mentioned earlier Triyun where SARAH had made a choice on how battle was to proceed? Course, you can't now.. I nuked all the content in a fit of rage befitting my personality!

TBM, take charge, get the rules changed. Make them make sense.. when I see that they do I might return one day.

Back to Triyun, what real threat am I at half your NS and half a world away from you that your first recourse upon any threat is the rules?

Oooh.. I nuke your base.. your ground forces and the initial incursion are wiped out while Saris survived! What does it matter in the scheme of things? Don't you have billions under your rule? And how many fortresses must you have scattered around the planet... gimme a break... you're making my heart bleed for your catastrophic losses! And you've dared call me a coward? I'm not the one hiding behind a vaguely written law when I was effectively destined to win a fight.

Hey look, I'm the most powerful IC empire in the world, but I must run to OOC rules lawyering and technicalities the moment a potential concern appears. You look soo very strong right now my friend.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1343042880' post='3013581']
Everyone in this thread needs to nut up or shut up.

Oh he sounds so strong when he's being glib and short. So mature...

The game server I was going to go vent on was in maintenance :smug:

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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I steadfastly refuse to get involved with the administration of this game. It takes time away from me making crude, snide, and often absurd comments that not even I fully understand what they mean at times. The relevant point here Mael is I'd rather have a pair of angry cats shoved down my pants than be a GM.

I feel for you man, I hate it when things don't go the way that I hoped they would go. But I do think you might be having a bit of an extreme reaction to this. Step away from the keyboard man, take a break, and come back to #cnrp later on so you can bore me with more of your talk about PC games.

-Yers Truly,


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I steadfastly refuse to get involved with the administration of this game. It takes time away from me making crude, snide, and often absurd comments that not even I fully understand what they mean at times. The relevant point here Mael is I'd rather have a pair of angry cats shoved down my pants than be a GM.

Same logic. This is why nothing's going to change! But you know.. I think I'll just adopt your stance on the matter. It seems the only sensible course of action. Not the latter part, just this part.. about the making crude, snide, and often absurd comments not even I fully understand what they mean at times.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1343042880' post='3013581']
Everyone in this thread needs to nut up or shut up.
Sorry, but I'm not going to "nut up" and do any kind of attack on anyone for now. Peace terms, you know. My people value their continued agreement with Athens more than some OOC butthurt (which I don't feel right now anyway...). The days when France would have ever gone to war are in the past for now, maybe in the future if I ever have to. I'm not going to follow this "Nut up or shut up" train of thought, which is nothing but an undermining of others position, not on basis of reason, but simply on the difference in ingame stats. I'm not some primitive ignorant though, so I'll voice my opinion regardless when I see fit.If you want to $%&@ France over, do so once I unlock, maybe once you find some semi-valid CB (but Tianxia will just use the "Imperialism CB" as force can easily cover over the 50% infamy accrued...), though, I don't think I care enough to just shut up afterwards. If I want to defend my OOC opinions, I use OOC means, if I want to defend IC opinions, IC ways...

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1343042880' post='3013581']
Everyone in this thread needs to nut up or shut up.
Only Mael needs to do that, Triyun. Stop being so sure of yourself. After all, you're the one who has to BS to even come close to fighting me at any point.

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[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1343048168' post='3013616']
Look who's talking.

Ah you know what, you're right Lyn. Forget it now. I would like to know though, when did I piss in your cereal cause you've been kind of angry like this for awhile at least to me.

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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[quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' timestamp='1343055184' post='3013640']
Ah you know what, you're right Lyn. Forget it now. I would like to know though, when did I piss in your cereal cause you've been kind of angry like this for awhile at least to me.

Lyn is perpetually angry. Its the German condition :V I joke I joke.

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