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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1325567573' post='2891274']
OK, quick question.

Has anyone been experimenting at all with cybernetic technology of any kind? I realize nations of cyborgs are banned, but that does not preclude a character or two, I would assume.

I also realize this may have been more pertinent tot he tech help thread, but this thread seems more used...

Lynneth did a bunch of cybernetic implants as Sri Lanka/Ceylon and I don't believe anyone objected to it; Lynneth's tech level is quite high though.

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[quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1325568367' post='2891284']
Lynneth did a bunch of cybernetic implants as Sri Lanka/Ceylon and I don't believe anyone objected to it; Lynneth's tech level is quite high though.
I mostly RP those 'cybernetics' as biomechanical augmentations. One can argue whether it's true cybernetics.

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I've decided to respond here out of respect for Lynneth in keeping the map thread for map matters, not your personal !@#$%*ing grounds. A few players have decided to publicly attack me without knowledge of the facts. Therefore, they will be corrected.

First, the post in question that I will be referring to: [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=107925&st=0&p=2888528&hl=+where%20+the%20+sun%20+touches%20+the%20+land&fromsearch=1&#entry2888528"]Linky[/url]
Specific Quote:
[quote]"During The past few days, I have spoken with The governors of every state in The Empire, and every protectorate. I told them they had a choice. they could remain with our new Empire, or they could continue their way of self-sufficiency until a new government rose from within. Every state, except New York, has chosen The route of self-sufficiency. We wish them nothing but The best, and will always consider them sisters and brothers. I ask that The nations of The world respect their right to self-sovereignty, and to allow new governments to spring from their lands. The governors have indicated that they do not wish to join any current government in The world. Again, I ask that The nations of The world respect that decision. If you do not, we will defend our brother's and sister's right to choose their own path, from The barrel of a gun if necessary."

"As of today, The borders of The Empire of Pravus Ingruo are as follows: The state of New York, IMB: Ireland in Scotland, IMB: CP off The coast of Canada, and Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. We will hold protectorate status over The states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Vermont. The rest of The governors are free to go. Defense There will be provided by their own National Guard soldiers and local police. All Imperial military equipment will be withdrawn within three months. The new capital of The Empire will be relocated here, to Syracuse. More changes will obviously be forthcoming in The days and weeks ahead."[/quote]

[quote name='Sigurd Odinnson' timestamp='1325628504' post='2891677']
You can have the d---ed island if you want it that bad. Also, I suggest that the East Coast of the US presently marked "Free Nation" be marked "PI Protectorate", since Pravus clearly still insists that he has control over anything white on the American continent. This whole thing with Cuba has been highly confusing and has affected the outcome of making playing CNRP a less than desirable experience.

Unfortunately, you are sadly mistaken. I do not want Cuba. If I wanted Cuba, I would have taken Cuba. I clearly stated in the post above that governments from those lands should be allowed to come forward, and that I would defend my former lands if foreign invaders attempted to come in and subvert the will of the native people. You were clearly both. I also said that it would take three months to remove all Imperial military equipment from affected areas, which obviously hasn't passed yet. So I still had my regular troops in the area, plus I have a permanent base at Guantanamo. So no, I wasn't still "controlling" things, but you certainly can't claim the area was in anarchy or that it was lawless because it clearly wasn't.

[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1325635949' post='2891776']
Its simple he downsized but still wants the land.

Again, incorrect. You have consistently said such things without knowing the facts. I'd ask that you actually get a clue about what you are talking about before continuing to go after me constantly.

[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1325637123' post='2891788']
Then the land should not be marked as free land. Free land is just that free, no one claims it so any OOC objection or rules they wish to place on that land are not valid. In this case if the white land that Sigurd claimed was in fact totally free land then it doesn't matter what anyone says about the land as only Sigurd gets to decide on who or what lives/happens there.

That's not actually the case. First off, one can't say that Ireland is fully inhabited by black people just because the land is white. Further, this isn't a normal situation. A nation didn't collapse. This was an organized drawdown, where a system of law and order still remain. The GM's have been watching the situation and raised no objections to what has happened. Everything done has been completely legal and within the rules.

[quote name='Sigurd Odinnson' timestamp='1325641936' post='2891839']

It's ok, I'm asking for the above from Canada, and they have offered it; [b][u][url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=108084"]RP[/url][/u][/b]. and I strongly suggest that PI make clear what he claims power over and what he doesn't. From what he told me, Florida and Cuba are both his.

What I control is marked on the map. I offered a solution with Cuba, you chose not to even discuss it. You took your ball and went to the great white north. Have fun. Also, I never said that Cuba and Florida were mine, so stop putting words into my mouth.

Frankly, I'm amazed that it's so difficult for people to play a nation from the place they actually are. I'm especially amazed at how hard it seems to be among the newer players (please don't take this as a blanket statement on all of you. Some of you are doing marvelously). I clearly posted I would defend my former territories from foreign invaders and no one says a thing, but then when I actually do it people raise a stink about it? Sorry, doesn't work that way. You're well within your rights as an RPer to try and take the land as a foreign invader, and I'm well within my rights as an RPer to threaten to kick your ass five ways from Sunday to get you out.

And, Jesus Tapdancing Christ, I explained the entire situation before my post, which makes this whole little cry-fest even more infuriating.

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The main problem I see in this? The fact that PI asked the lands to be labeled "Free land for new nations", which basically seems to say there would be no interference. It's like saying something is free while you've attached a condition in fine print which is on some separate document. I say we change the label to something more accurate like say, "PI administration [New nations]".

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1325685219' post='2892266']
The main problem I see in this? The fact that PI asked the lands to be labeled "Free land for new nations", which basically seems to say there would be no interference. It's like saying something is free while you've attached a condition in fine print which is on some separate document. I say we change the label to something more accurate like say, "PI administration [New nations]".

To me that adds unnecessary text to an already loaded map, but that's my personal opinion. If Lynneth chooses to do so, I will not complain. The point is, there is no room to !@#$%*. Previous RP justifies my actions, and I'm not going to allow people to slam me simply because I am following through with my RP, especially because it is only through my own generosity that such an amount of prime real estate was opened up in the first place.

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Check the map thread. I've tried some new labels for PI's "protectorate that is not a protectorate" lands.

EDIT: I love bunnies. Do you love bunnies?


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The issue is not that it is illegal for the land to not be labeled a protectorate, the issue is that it is confusing when you are effectively claiming a protectorate but you want it to be labeled as free land. I honestly don't see why it is problem for you to have it labeled on the map as a protectorate in order to avoid confusion.

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[quote name='freakwars' timestamp='1325717787' post='2892692']
The issue is not that it is illegal for the land to not be labeled a protectorate, the issue is that it is confusing when you are effectively claiming a protectorate but you want it to be labeled as free land. I honestly don't see why it is problem for you to have it labeled on the map as a protectorate in order to avoid confusion.

It's to allow for new RPers to form nations there, presumably from natives to the area. SMH protects it from foreign governments (i.e, established RPers). If someone makes a nation with foreigners or people who PI believe to be foreigners, it is simply following RP to go against said nation.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1325688621' post='2892295']

EDIT: I love bunnies. Do you love bunnies?

By Charlotte, that was random... Why would someone post such things here of all sorts?

But well, I had rabbits once. So I think I'm ok with [u][b]REAL[/b][/u] bunnies.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1325725811' post='2892857']
OOC: Cut the OOC there is no IC restrictions on space weaponry.


That depends on your definition of a weapon.

Triyun above you state that there is no restrictions on space weaponry IC however, in Lynneth's map thread it states in the technology section in the OP that no space weapons are allowed. Does this mean this restriction has been removed?

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No. Triyun apparently forgot there is a mod ban on Space-based weaponry, for the most part. Mostly because of abuse of the concept of Rods from God.

Unless HK-47 overturned that in his recent ruling?

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1325752895' post='2893227']
Triyun above you state that there is no restrictions on space weaponry IC however, in Lynneth's map thread it states in the technology section in the OP that no space weapons are allowed. Does this mean this restriction has been removed?

No, the resatriction is there and it will stay there however until now there was no IC justification for it. This provides one, the guidelines also don't fully cover preplanned roleplays where such weapons are in fact used.

[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1325758778' post='2893256']
No. Triyun apparently forgot there is a mod ban on Space-based weaponry, for the most part. Mostly because of abuse of the concept of Rods from God.

Unless HK-47 overturned that in his recent ruling?

Mod rules were overturned a while back and GMs became the final authority on CNRP matters, we had a few polls to determine such things as space-based weapons, lasers, etc.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1325773199' post='2893319']
No, the resatriction is there and it will stay there however until now there was no IC justification for it. This provides one, the guidelines also don't fully cover preplanned roleplays where such weapons are in fact used.


Mod rules were overturned a while back and GMs became the final authority on CNRP matters, we had a few polls to determine such things as space-based weapons, lasers, etc.
OK, the restriction's there, yet it's not? Please explain.

[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1325774224' post='2893327']
No offense, but the mods rulings were never overturned, unless you can find me a post from the mods that say so. The mod rulings are a higher law even than what the GMs dsay. So, sorry, I think you're wrong on this one.
[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1325778541' post='2893343']
Space weaponery exists there are restrictions on its usage, but it can exist IC, just like more than 25 nukes and even those mothballed AT-ATs.
Anything can exist if the participants agree to its usage. That's not the issue here. Why are you even bothering to make a doctrine concerning something that is banned in completely unplanned wars?

Also, who agreed that the GM's would be the final authority? The Mods themselves? The community? Who? And link, please.

Unless it was the mods themselves saying so, it's not applicable.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1325893424' post='2894348']
I'll have enough time to do France, just that not sure I'm going to be able to do some of the other RPs which people had me slated for at a regular pace.
Just take your time. I was already in slower moving RP's...still am.

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