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Rotavele, Sargun is the owner of #cnrp channel. It is HIS channel. It is not a democracy. The ops level, the ban lists are all his domain. He is not beholden to explain himself to you. If you find yourself unable to communicate through #cnrp, go use other channels like the #rpg. Being more and more vitriolic is not going to help you get inside #cnrp.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299034600' post='2649100']
Ok so Sargun what are your reasons on banning me now? Please include logs.

I don't like you.

You cause nothing but problems and arguments and it's a lot easier to ban you for an extended period of time than level out small temp bans and kicks and lack of voice. You earn it all.

Edited by Sargun
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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299034678' post='2649101']
lol dude, stop whining and get over it. He banned me too and I honestly don't care. #CNRP is seriously unneeded. It's a convenience, but not needed.

You haven't been banned for weeks, stop lying.

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[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1299022352' post='2648751']
Is a bad idea to test about 20 nuclear ICBMs on the moon? Just wondering.
I see that it is okay to test nukes/space rockets on the moon. I hope that no one has a moon base on it, or doesn't mind a multi dozen/hundred billion dollar damage with some gruesome deaths.

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[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1299035937' post='2649132']
I see that it is okay to test nukes/space rockets on the moon. I hope that no one has a moon base on it, or doesn't mind a multi dozen/hundred billion dollar damage with some gruesome deaths.
It wuold be a really bad idea.
If it damages any assets of Sri Lanka - especially if done without warning - it'll be seen as highly aggressive act and DoW and have appropriate repercussions :v:

(It's relatively well-known ICly that Sri Lanka has a moonbase)

Edited by Lynneth
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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1299034752' post='2649106']
I don't like you.

You cause nothing but problems and arguments and it's a lot easier to ban you for an extended period of time than level out small temp bans and kicks and lack of voice. You earn it all.

All you are is a problem. When you were GM, CNRP was a ghost town now that your gone people have came back. Ive recieved several PMs where people would ask what your problem is and I just respond with, Thats what everyone says. Your ownership is over. You are done and hold no power here anymore. When you were a GM you were nice to keep your position and you just become a complete tool when you leave. Back in the old CNRP days some people did like you but when they saw your bad side they left CNRP because you considered yourself as the owner of the RP. Your ego is still out of control but now you have no power except in the channel

You banned me from trolling and your hypocrisy stands far in the way of that:

Adzzz, New player at this time asks who owns Nigeria, you responded:

[quote][12:02] <+adzzz[TNG[G-6]> and is Sargun rly the owner of nigeria
[12:02] <+Kitex> John Boenher (spelling ?) is the Speaker of the House
03[12:03] * Razgriz2K9 (Mibbit@coldfront-5C470AB6.mgm.bellsouth.net) has joined #cnrp
[12:03] <+michigans_own[NoR]> bohener
[12:03] <+michigans_own[NoR]> ew
[12:05] <+adzzz[TNG[G-6]> lol
[12:07] <~Sargun> I don't own nigeria, dumbass[/quote]

You flame people OOCly when they are misguided from an RP:
[12:39] <~Sargun> I know what's in the files because I beat the security
[12:39] <+Zoot> PER file
[12:39] <~Sargun> no
[12:39] <+Timmy|OcUK|> And no roll to cover your tracks
[12:39] <+Zoot> yes
[12:39] <~Sargun> Centurius just said
[12:39] <&Centurius> zoot that's not how files are secured
[12:39] <~Sargun> god you're a dumbass >_<[/quote]

When I created the League of Africa, You said:

[quote][21:02] <~Sargun> Rotavele, half the world doesn't like you
01[21:02] <+Rotavele[MCXA]> I was talking about Africa
[21:02] <+Voodoo> Rota
[21:02] <~Sargun> the only reason you're still in Africa is because I left
[21:02] <~Sargun> :<
01[21:02] <+Rotavele[MCXA]> but in the World...
01[21:02] <+Rotavele[MCXA]> Thats a different story xD
[21:02] <+Voodoo> I have no connecting border
[21:02] <+Voodoo> then again
[21:02] <+Voodoo> I have missiles
[21:02] <+Voodoo> lots of them
01[21:03] <+Rotavele[MCXA]> :D
01[21:03] <+Rotavele[MCXA]> I like Missles :)
02[21:03] * +michigans_own[NoR] (chatzilla@coldfront-CC95580D.phil.east.verizon.net) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.13/20101203075014])
[21:03] <~Sargun> in fact the only reason you're even in africa is because I left
[21:03] <~Sargun> that's all my former land :(
[21:03] <+Voodoo> It's time to bring PAC back
[21:03] <~Sargun> I regret leaving now. the only people who have benefited are F****** and muslims, and the latter is just as bad as the former

The Homophobic words have been edited to F******

This is just a minor example of your asshatry in CNRP. Face it your days here are numbered. The only reason you have friends in CNRP is because of your ownership of #CNRP.

This isn't a cry for help. This may be a BAWW thread but its just to let you know my opinion. I dont care if you care or not. Im just simply proving your a Hypocrite and eat your own words. Your a cry for attention and it has led you no where but to being hated by the majority of the community when you once had the CNRP Community under your arms.

Good luck on deflating your ego and attempting to repair lost relations.

In before Zoot replies with "LEAVE SARGUN ALONE"

Edited by Rotavele
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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299036159' post='2649135']
Face it your days here are numbered. The only reason you have friends in CNRP is because of your ownership of #CNRP.

"I'm not well liked so I'm going to cry about the popular kid"

All I see is selectively edited and out-of-context logs that you are attempting to spin. The first example was so butchered that my words lose all their meaning. The second example is how me and zoot normally interact with each other on a daily, common basis - our relationship is based on insults. The third example was me clearly trolling, because if you knew me at all you'd know that I frequently kick those that attack michigans_own for his homosexuality and that I have respect for peaceful practitioners of all religions.

You don't know me at all.

If you absolutely insist on attacking me as a person, do it to my face. Don't come out in public, manipulate logs, and then try to make me look like some sort of despotic overlord. I may be despotic, and I may be an overlord, but damnit I'm not a despotic overlord.

Edited by Sargun
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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1299036554' post='2649141']
"I'm not well liked so I'm going to cry about the popular kid"

All I see is selectively edited and out-of-context logs that you are attempting to spin. Grow up.

I edited them? Anyone in #CNRP knows you do this !@#$ 24/7 I have no reason to edit them. Tell me which ones are edited and what the true logs say then? Your such a hypocrite and truly a disgrace to the CNRP Community. Name one person who likes you, Ill be glad to tell you what they say about you when you aren't looking. No one cares for you here. You tell me im not well liked? Your done Sargun. Due to your ownership of the CNRP channel people tolerate you. Your lucky for that one.

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[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1299036931' post='2649146']
Jesus Crap, guys. You're making CNRP look like it's made up of a bunch of whining Nancy girls on these boards. Cut it out. I'm actually feeling embarassed.

Exactly how I felt when Sargun was a GM. Hence why I left the first time.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299036969' post='2649149']
Exactly how I felt when Sargun was a GM. Hence why I left the first time.

No no, I mean it. At first, your insistence and earnestness was endearing, now its becoming troublesome. Should the defacto CNRP channel on IRC be under the total control of some random guy? No. Do I butt heads with this person occasionally? Yes. Do I openly attack this person's OOC life? No. This is mean spirited, and not sporting.

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[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1299037153' post='2649154']
No no, I mean it. At first, your insistence and earnestness was endearing, now its becoming troublesome. Should the defacto CNRP channel on IRC be under the total control of some random guy? No. Do I butt heads with this person occasionally? Yes. Do I openly attack this person's OOC life? No. This is mean spirited, and not sporting.
This isnt his OOC life, It is his Hegemony over the CNRP since day one. Its kind of funny to me. Its true and so far im basically the only one to go all the way of saying it. Apologies to all offended by the above messages.

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How about we leave and ignore each other alone?

[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1299036069' post='2649133']
It wuold be a really bad idea.
If it damages any assets of Sri Lanka - especially if done without warning - it'll be seen as highly aggressive act and DoW and have appropriate repercussions :v:

(It's relatively well-known ICly that Sri Lanka has a moonbase)

Are there bases on Mars as well?...

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1299038241' post='2649170']
From what I believe, the general ban on space weapons also applies to space warfare (barring satellites and ICBMs), but I don't have any links to back it up.
A nuclear ICBM can hit a target outside of Earth if the engine system is replaced with a much more powerful and longer lasting one and the guidance system upgraded/replaced. I don't plan on leveling Lyth's or someone's bases. I plan on testing a new rocket to see how it operates in the outer space and a nuclear bomb at the same time. If the rocket sputters, then the nuke is ignited as long as its far away from Earth or moon to avoid EMPing a random country.

Kill two birds with one stone as long as the stone doesn't fall short...

Edited by HHAYD
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[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1299038401' post='2649174']
A nuclear ICBM can hit a target outside of Earth if the engine system is replaced with a much more powerful and longer lasting one and the guidance system upgraded/replaced. I don't plan on leveling Lyth's or someone's bases. I plan on testing a new rocket to see how it operates in the outer space and a nuclear bomb at the same time. If the rocket sputters, then the nuke is ignited as long as its far away from Earth or moon to avoid EMPing a random country.

Kill two birds with one stone as long as the stone doesn't fall short...

The EMP effect will occur if it's within lunar orbit due to the fact that the earth's magnetosphere traps the ionized particles and disperses them.. additionally.. there is no atmosphere to inhibit the emp burst in space and so the energy propagates until it hits something that will absorb it. That said there will be some degree of EMP effect within lunar orbit. It just lessens the farther out you are and the effect area though it is weakened is greater, not lessor.

In fact the best place to detonate a nuke is approximately the altitude of the van allen belts from my understanding.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Manwe' timestamp='1299041435' post='2649230']
There is absolutely no reason this thread should be devolving to personal attacks. Stay respectful or receive a warn.

Thank you, Manwe for not warning already. I dont know what came over me, I just felt like being a meanie pants.

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