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[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1285461519' post='2464716']
We need some happy beats. Too much madness has gone on here.

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4d7Wp9kKjA"]*spins some happy beats*[/url]
Not happy enough.

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzNT1jph8pY"]Try this[/url]

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[quote name='Il Terra Di Agea' timestamp='1285446400' post='2464522']
Just to begin, my country has a coat of arms, it's a crown, a shield, and an axe wielding lion. Does that mean that my country has to be ruled by a giant crown hovering over a lion that can somehow operate a large, heavy weapon? No.

With that out of the way, allow me to go to some real content.

I'll be waiting..

Alright, you have a man who uses science more absurd than that that originally created the dragon man to take the form of his former leader, along with his full memories, in order to let him live on despite his earlier death. There may be no literal rising of the dead, but it certainly seems to be resurrection in every other possible sense. Dead, now alive again, even if in a different, but also essentially identical, body.

Not his full memories, in fact he came out of it amnesia tic.. more proof you didn't read. The objective of the cult and those behind the coming rise of a new nation is to get as close to it as possible, but while it will be an approximation it will not make it to an imitation level. The cult will argue that it doesn't matter, that he carries the spirit of the long dead Maelstrom but that the travels between the spirit realm and life have taken their toll on all aspects of him.

No, I actually stepped down for a few reasons, none of which involved bias. I was, and am, having some trouble finding time to commit to CNRP, and I felt that, if I could not keep up reading threads, I should leave, an uniformed GM will inherently be a bad one. Secondly, I have, of late, felt the need to take a step back from CNRP, due to the fact that I feel I am more-or-less on my way out, and being a GM made me feel that I couldn't start to pull away. Lastly, there was no respect for GM moderation; I had no power as a GM, no one respected GM rulings because they were inconvenient, and I had no purpose being in the position if I had no power.

Here I actually agree with you. Which is why I wonder why no one is respecting the moderator ruling made previously. I think the disrespect goes beyond the GMs and I think that you are unfortunately showing that you do not have time to make an informed decision because you still seem to be misinterpreting the content of my Virus thread.

Added to your real point there, I read your RP, I reacted to what I read. You resurrected a character (Albeit without technically raising him from the dead) so you could get him back. If you want to call me biased, go ahead, I couldn't give half of a rat's hindquarters either way, it's not my problem anymore if people think I'm biased. This is a debate (Not really, more of a rambling argument, but I digress), and people are biased in a debate. Added to that, I can see that your idea of bias is anyone who does not expressly agree with your actions, so really, I care even less. I am reacting to your actions, I can guarantee that if anyone else tried to resurrect a character like this, I'd be equally against it (See Malatose's attempt to rewrite his own history to make Visari a wonderful person who was forced to nuke everything and be killed).

Then you need to work on comprehension. Never was it implied he got all Maelstrom's old memories back. Old Maelstrom's memories are not being kept safe by the New Maelstrom's mind, they're being protected and organized by the cult, part of which are old Dragon Empire Psy-Ops members... and taught to the New Maelstrom.

Mael, the reason people always get mad at you when you start doing stuff like this is that you always have a way of coming out of the woodwork, writing a few posts about magic, and god, and mystical creatures and completely made up science, and then, when people start to argue against you, you just rudely suggest that they go and cry to themselves because you must be right. Look at the start of your Dragon cult stuff, the Sea Crawler arguments, your bloody space planes, the first time you made your little dragon man, every time you do something like this, it creates a big stir only because you cross your arms and say that you will be doing it anyway, regardless of how valid any argument against you is, or how silly your actions and ideas are. It's arrogance that gets people riled up, and you seep the stuff like a gunshot wound seeps blood.

As an aside, all this arguing about grammar, that brings everything to a whole new level of stupid.

It is my RP, I am right about it. After all, I am its author. If I don't explain what I'm doing.. and you don't spend the time to actually read and comprehend it.. how will you ever know what I'm doing?

As for the Grammar argument you can blame Sal for that. Saying I insulted him and then denying that he started it claiming he was insulting an argument and not persons. I will contest those who lie about their own statements.

That said, you've just perpetuated the same thing you're complaining about after I'd pretty much dropped the issue so... yeah.. good work there.

Also, hate to tell you this, but half the content of your posts have already been iterated at some point during the previous 3 pages of this thread.

Can we move on to something new now?

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Personally, I find the arguments amusing and they certainly don't ever stop me from doing what I want. So why should I care?

Jerry, stop being a wimp, get Diberia back so we can do the zombie war again. This time I got even more bombs to blow up Zombies with. I never did get a chance to see the Hammer of God from shadowsage.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1285682600' post='2466829']
Personally, I find the arguments amusing and they certainly don't ever stop me from doing what I want. So why should I care?

Jerry, stop being a wimp, get Diberia back so we can do the zombie war again. This time I got even more bombs to blow up Zombies with. I never did get a chance to see the Hammer of God from shadowsage.
That isn't the only reason why I'm not RP'ing anymore. I'm also very tired of zombies so I'm likely not starting that up again.
[size="1"]But I might change my mind after I establish the island nation that I'm intending on making next week.[/size]

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