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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='01 July 2010 - 09:51 AM' timestamp='1277992268' post='2356577']
ooc: Yar, but he was trying to build a database to single out the origins of the nuke.. so his investigation hadn't concluded yet that I was aware of.

It said results were in, so I figured those were the results and the database was started as a result. :P

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So if anyone can use any weapon that a real world military has considered using or developed, but most likely never implemented because of impractically, can I RP flying saucers? Because real world militaries did research their development... like 50 years ago. If they continued the project, by 2020 we would surely have flying saucers.

Psyops too. Real world militaries took that !@#$ seriously, but they gave up. They obviously didn't try hard enough, but the scientists in Canuckistan have much greater will power.

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Well Sal, the problem with the flying saucers is that even though they were most likely developed and are flying around right now, they are still secret, so their exact capabilities (not to mention even their method of propulsion) are right now the subject of speculation and developing such aircraft in CNRP would basically be a free pass to make things up to fill in those gaps in our knowledge.

Edited by Vedran
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[quote name='HHAYD' date='30 June 2010 - 09:11 PM' timestamp='1277957471' post='2356227']
Same thing with missiles and bullets. Wouldn't one of those low-maintenance flexible concrete fare better in taking damages? I know they have a much higher tolerance of pressure before breaking than the traditional stiff ones.
[quote name='The Flying Scotsman' date='30 June 2010 - 09:27 PM' timestamp='1277958430' post='2356251']
Or I just begin my invasion by precision artillery strikes to cut a hole in your concrete and foam defenses, and then make my way across through the rubble while napamling the forest on the other side. :)
[quote name='HHAYD' date='30 June 2010 - 09:55 PM' timestamp='1277960138' post='2356278']
Then I will return fire with larger artillery guns, missiles, and railguns (a few completed, most aren't) that have longer range. The flexi concrete can take more punishment without turning into shards of concrete pieces. Did I forget to mention that the flexi concrete are also reinforced with steel rebars?
HHAYD...no matter how well concrete is made, how well it is reinforced, it's not going to stand up to more that a few good hits...only one hit screws up the whole puprose of the liquid thing.

And the other defenses you had with it protected it to a ridiculous level.

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[b]some advice[/b]
DONT call it colony
DONT claim a huge ammount of land
DONT fill it with soldiers
DONT Send your colonials in military ships or aircraft

[b]expect the following[/b]
diplomatic pressure to leave
international condemnation
missiles fired at the transports as a warning
threat of war from the nations Native to antarctica
threat of war from those not native to antarctica but have territory there

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='01 July 2010 - 07:59 PM' timestamp='1278032355' post='2357234']
[b]some advice[/b]
DONT call it colony
DONT claim a huge ammount of land
DONT fill it with soldiers
DONT Send your colonials in military ships or aircraft

[b]expect the following[/b]
diplomatic pressure to leave
international condemnation
missiles fired at the transports as a warning
threat of war from the nations Native to antarctica
threat of war from those not native to antarctica but have territory there

Missiles fired? I admit I haven't paid much attention to Antarctica but when has that happened?

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[quote name='Vedran' date='01 July 2010 - 08:02 PM' timestamp='1278032550' post='2357238']
Missiles fired? I admit I haven't paid much attention to Antarctica but when has that happened?
I believe they fired them at Zoot once when he was heading towards it. I'm not sure.

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[quote name='Fizzydog' date='01 July 2010 - 08:01 PM' timestamp='1278032463' post='2357235']
So what can I do? I have a rp planned and I don't want to lose UI just for a tiny bit of Antartict land. Should I call it a small research zone?

You can set up your colony next to my nation in Antartica. It is right on the left at the bottom of the world map. The yellow one. I won't mind.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' date='01 July 2010 - 05:20 PM' timestamp='1278030017' post='2357202']

Go over the foam.
I assume since you quoted no one and your post came after mine, the comment was directedat me? But...I have no clue what point you might be trying to make.

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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' date='01 July 2010 - 02:13 PM' timestamp='1278011609' post='2356920']
HHAYD...no matter how well concrete is made, how well it is reinforced, it's not going to stand up to more that a few good hits...only one hit screws up the whole puprose of the liquid thing.

And the other defenses you had with it protected it to a ridiculous level.
Even if the concrete slope is roughened, the liquid can still flow over it and it would still give my soldiers a height advantage.

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[quote name='HHAYD' date='01 July 2010 - 11:57 PM' timestamp='1278043031' post='2357383']
Even if the concrete slope is roughened, the liquid can still flow over it and it would still give my soldiers a height advantage.

Then ill just drop one or two ground penetrating bunker busters on your concrete :P

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[quote name='The Flying Scotsman' date='01 July 2010 - 11:18 PM' timestamp='1278044291' post='2357411']
Then ill just drop one or two ground penetrating bunker busters on your concrete :P
How much money does it cost to buy depleted uranium? Just wondering...

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[quote name='Vedran' date='01 July 2010 - 12:08 PM' timestamp='1278011280' post='2356915']
Well Sal, the problem with the flying saucers is that even though they were most likely developed and are flying around right now, they are still secret, so their exact capabilities (not to mention even their method of propulsion) are right now the subject of speculation and developing such aircraft in CNRP would basically be a free pass to make things up to fill in those gaps in our knowledge.

So I can RP flying saucers then? Sweet.

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Actually, some old saucer designs used turbofans for lift. There are pics of them. Technically he COULD rp them... as long as he figures a way to compensate for the flight control issues with an acceptable idea.

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What about Psyops? Governments took it seriously; millions of people believe in psychic powers; police departments sometimes hire psychics to help find missing persons. It is certainly as much in the realm of possibility of a lot of the theoretical weapons I read on these forums. And as far as impracticality goes, it beats an absurdly elaborate multi-layered defense perimeter over thousands of miles that by-the-way-it-does-this-too on command. All you need is a room of steely-gazed mystics and a box of spoons.

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/me readies a Battalion of cranks capable of killing goats by staring at them.

@HHAYD, mate, what do you aim to achieve with this moat structure? What is the size of this concrete "defense" you are creating? What is its angle, and what is its angular length (for a cross section).

You do realize that for the time and expense required to build these, you could have strengthened your borders in many better ways? Also do you seriously think this is going to stop or even slow down any invasion other than by causing the enemy immense discomfort due to too much laughter? This would not even need bunker busters. Heard of helicopters? They can drop soldiers on the other side of this moat. Also heard of something called APC or MBT? They would truly love a sloping surface like these, would be unaffected by this fiery liquid and can wrench huge chunks of concrete out of this slope with their tracks.

Also height advantage? This is not the age of castles and keeps. A modern invasion does not work in the manner of a massive army arrayed outside the castle's moats in the Lord of the Rings fashion. It invariably starts with massive air strikes and artillery bombardment where your static defenses would offer turkey shoot possibilities to a mobile force. You say you have bigger guns? Usually the bigger the gun, less mobile and less rate of fire. By the time your 200mm+ artillery fires a few heavy rounds a few extra kilometers away, lighter 155mm guns can deliver more rounds upon your guns, if they are outranged, MRLS can, if still higher they can always shoot, shoot and scoot, which your heavy guns wont be able to do, because of them being heavier, :D

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[quote name='HHAYD' date='02 July 2010 - 12:30 AM' timestamp='1278045028' post='2357420']
How much money does it cost to buy depleted uranium? Just wondering...
What on earth would I need depleted uranium for, I dont know of a bunker buster that uses depleted uranium.

You would probably have to buy it from someone with nuclear weapons, and they could set whatever price they want.

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[quote name='king of cochin' date='02 July 2010 - 04:52 AM' timestamp='1278064359' post='2357577']
/me readies a Battalion of cranks capable of killing goats by staring at them.

@HHAYD, mate, what do you aim to achieve with this moat structure? What is the size of this concrete "defense" you are creating? What is its angle, and what is its angular length (for a cross section).

You do realize that for the time and expense required to build these, you could have strengthened your borders in many better ways? Also do you seriously think this is going to stop or even slow down any invasion other than by causing the enemy immense discomfort due to too much laughter? This would not even need bunker busters. Heard of helicopters? They can drop soldiers on the other side of this moat. Also heard of something called APC or MBT? They would truly love a sloping surface like these, would be unaffected by this fiery liquid and can wrench huge chunks of concrete out of this slope with their tracks.

Also height advantage? This is not the age of castles and keeps. A modern invasion does not work in the manner of a massive army arrayed outside the castle's moats in the Lord of the Rings fashion. It invariably starts with massive air strikes and artillery bombardment where your static defenses would offer turkey shoot possibilities to a mobile force. You say you have bigger guns? Usually the bigger the gun, less mobile and less rate of fire. By the time your 200mm+ artillery fires a few heavy rounds a few extra kilometers away, lighter 155mm guns can deliver more rounds upon your guns, if they are outranged, MRLS can, if still higher they can always shoot, shoot and scoot, which your heavy guns wont be able to do, because of them being heavier, :D
Ever heard of AA missile launchers and 40mm cannons? Stack plenty of them that any helicopters flying over it would get shot down. As for the APC and MBT, they still need traction to keep on going. Ever seen one trying to climb up a slope covered with deep mud? How did that work out? Not so well. I am not believing that tanks can climb up a smooth surface with no freaking traction.

Air strikes: They get to have fun dealing with the sheer number of AA missiles being fired from missile launchers, flechettes from rail guns, powerful light generating explosive missiles to stun/blind enemy pilots, and of course, my aircraft. Plus, some of their missiles and bombs would get shot out of the sky with the 40mm defensive turrets.

Artillery strikes: Given the amount of shells they are firing from the same place, their location can be tracked and be met with counter-artillery and missiles. My fortification might take a beating, but they will lose a majority of their artillery guns.

My artillery: I won't be solely using large artillery guns, I mentioned that there would be 20mm, 40mm, 80mm, and 120mm cannons, including rocket/missile launchers. Plus, the higher height allows my men to see farther and engage the enemy earlier. Its still a valuable tactic to camp on the high ground or buildings to shoot your enemies out of their range. Ever wonder why when a battle is taking place in a valley that the weaker army camping on top often brutalizes the stronger one that is sitting on the bottom of the valley floor? Because you can aim down with the gravity on your side and the enemies have to aim upward (which is harder) and the gravity is against them.

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[quote]In hand to hand combat, with regular soldiers, they stand a chance. But punching GLP soldiers equipped with power-suits who have artificially higher strength, speed, and tolerance with damages would be a bad idea, especially when a soldier is punching a GLP Juggernaut soldier (forms less than 0.1% of the infantry) who have the ability to throw cars. [/quote]


I dont know about anyone else but im voicing this now.
EVERYTHING your doing, is either a godmod, impossable or downright ridiculous. and i dont care about your wall of text development posts, because frankly, my opinion will still be the same.
The ammount of bollocks you put into your wars is unreal and its pissing alot of people off.
Everybody else sticks to realistic stuff apart from you, all your crap is prototype stuff that may or may not be ready for 2020, regardless, prototypes do not work properly, that is why they are prototypes.

Call me a troll, call me disrespectful but honestly, ^ that is the only way I could think of successfully articulating to you, the idiocy of your your tech, development or not pal.

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