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I've got to say I lean towards Mael's post a bit.

A lot of the hate and cheating needs to stop before the RP can get truly entertaining, but in the mean time, in my opinion, you just have to fight agaisnt the crap. Unlike many, I am completely pro-OOC when it is needed (Though sometimes the arguments do need their own thread, clutter is irritating). I also have to say, half of the crap is coming from a group of unnamed people (One of whom is definitely getting better, another of whom is getting much, much worse) who seem to do nothing but whine and cry about what other people do, try to ruin everyone's RP, claim rules in regards to other people's RP, while godmodding furiously in their own who need to be regulated. What we need is to let people have a say, cut back on some rules, and keep godmodding under control, which requires some changes to how the GMs do things, but once again, I won't be specific.

I personally go back and forth between wanting to quit, and wanting to stay (As a hand full of you know, amid a massive godmod storm back in December that also seemed to culminate when I had a lot of other crap going on on top of it, I briefly rage quit, and honestly, I missed a lot of people here, and got some ideas straight ). I am really only being held here now by the conflict, and the desire to get my ideas out. It is refreshing to debate with people around the world, and it's been benificial to my understanding of politics to be here (Except when I make references to CNRP events and confuse the crap out of other people).

Long and the short of it: I may get to where Mael is now soon, but I really think we need to make some changes, and try to do what the title of this topic says, respect each other (and many people should remove their heads from their own anuses, frankly, myself occasionally included)

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I've got to say I lean towards Mael's post a bit.

A lot of the hate and cheating needs to stop before the RP can get truly entertaining, but in the mean time, in my opinion, you just have to fight agaisnt the crap. Unlike many, I am completely pro-OOC when it is needed (Though sometimes the arguments do need their own thread, clutter is irritating). I also have to say, half of the crap is coming from a group of unnamed people (One of whom is definitely getting better, another of whom is getting much, much worse) who seem to do nothing but whine and cry about what other people do, try to ruin everyone's RP, claim rules in regards to other people's RP, while godmodding furiously in their own who need to be regulated. What we need is to let people have a say, cut back on some rules, and keep godmodding under control, which requires some changes to how the GMs do things, but once again, I won't be specific.

Bet you think its me. Eh, no hard feelings.

On the bold, I would love the input please.

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Have any of you tried have a chat with the people who you think are disrespectful, poor rper, godmodders, ooc too much, ect? If someone doesnt know that they're doing wrong then you can't blame it all on them. If I was yapping in ooc too much, or godmodding I would like to know.

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Have any of you tried have a chat with the people who you think are disrespectful, poor rper, godmodders, ooc too much, ect? If someone doesnt know that they're doing wrong then you can't blame it all on them. If I was yapping in ooc too much, or godmodding I would like to know.

Yes, I have Justinian. Sadly, none of them listen.

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Yes, I have Justinian. Sadly, none of them listen.

Horray, i'm not on the list.

I mean, for the first few times, you can be patient, but when people start just trying to plow through, you get fed up, well....

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It's hard to respect people when they use it as a weapon against you. Honor died because the honorable got back stabbed.

How can you RP fairly when the other side metagames and creates an OOC !@#$ storm when you try to bring up the fact that they metagamed? Or when they say "take it to PM" and proceed to ignore you when your posts are no longer out in the open? It's become a dog-eat-dog CNRP and I only seriously trust a few people.

@Mael: I have had no problems with any of your RP's except the lizardman one, because that was simply sheer impossibility. I have nothing against making monsters or aliens and such, but it matters on the context of the RP. CNRP is not the place for such things. If you remember correctly I RP'd meeting the 1st Dragonesia before the whole "there are only humans" rule.

If you want to leave or not, it's your choice, but I can assure you, rage-quitting leaves only regret.

Edited by BaronUberstein
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I'm not going to Uberstein. I'm over that, and that's far from sufficient to knock me out of CNRP. There some other stuff that is far more personal and assaults on people's characters and integrity that have been being flung around. Acts of ooc bullying. Some really ugly garbage that borders on actual evil and I am making my thoughts known on it. If anything, I'm going to probably take at least a break from intense rp and do some other things a few days.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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There are a few people here (im not going to name names) that I think are essentially walking around with giant chips on their shoulders and spend a lot of their time either venting OOC dislike through IC, or simply being rude in general through OOC. Ultimately I think its this attitude that has really come to destroy any sense of respect or trust as these individuals are more or less making it impossible to really treat them simply as players (but rather are forcing those they have animosity towards to treat them as... enemies). Moreover its this sort of attitude that really makes it impossible to respect the whole OOC IC division. In order for this game to really work people need to be able to let things go once their character is destroyed and move on to a new slate entirely. In that regard the entire community really should remember that this simply a game, and that true dislike over things that happen IC shouldn't have any place here.

Edited by iamthey
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There are a few people here (im not going to name names) that I think are essentially walking around with giant chips on their shoulders and spend a lot of their time either venting OOC dislike through IC, or simply being rude in general through OOC. Ultimately I think its this attitude that has really come to destroy any sense of respect or trust as these individuals are more or less making it impossible to really treat them simply as players (but rather are forcing those they have animosity towards to treat them as... enemies). Moreover its this sort of attitude that really makes it impossible to respect the whole OOC IC division. In order for this game to really work people need to be able to let things go once their character is destroyed and move on to a new slate entirely. In that regard the entire community really should remember that this simply a game, and that true dislike over things that happen IC shouldn't have any place here.

You should name names, or pm the people, or the problem may not get solved.

For what you said about people needing to "let things go once their character is destroyed and move on to a new slate entirely" because of the kind of rp it is. If any people here think like I do, the point is to write about your ingame nation. My ingame nation isn’t the one I rerolled as in central Asia. It was just a placeholder while waited for the inevitable to happen, and thanks to some friends it happened sooner than I thought.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a problem with CNRP turning into a wargame and only a wargame.

I like to RP my nations development and plot its tiny path through world politics,

But since I only consider war to be a small part of my RP I am ridiculed as a poor RPer.

I do not feel the need to RP my nation as something that would make Genghis Khan step back and go "Isn't that a little excessive?".

World conquest is not my thing nor is fighting wars in general for the most part, I tried this on my previous incarnation and I did not like it as much as I thought I would, I prefer a quieter life of RPing a peaceful nation that is friends with its neighbours and sells technology.

I apologise for not being a warlord that loots and pillages his way to the top while standing on a pile of the bodies of my defeated enemies to avoid getting my feet wet from the seas of blood, but I prefer a more civilised RP and this apparently puts me in the minority and has me labelled as a poor RPer.

Not all RPs have the same style and I respect those who like a military campaign, it is just not my cup of tea, but all I ask for is a little respect for my peaceful, "boring" RPs that I happen to like.

I am working on improving my writing style, but I am not that good right now and I know it. But with practice I can improve this.

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I like writing about my nation, but some people see CNRP as wargame because, well, it's based on CN. Which is a wargame, mostly.

I don't think you're a bad RPer because you don't like to RP war. I don't like RPing it much either.

I say you keep doing what you like and ignore the pure naysayers, who don't give you any criticism.

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Agreed, i dislike wars myself. While personally i keep myself on DEFCON 1 pretty much all the time and take the happyness hit for granted, the sole reason for me to remain out of perma-PM is because, well... these things happen. One of the tuts i've read involved not paying taxes for weeks on end, but i pay and collect every day.

Does that make me a bad player? No, just a casual one. Johns and me have the same approach when it comes to leading a nation it seems, and even though Zargathia was basically a 'Monarchial junta' (as messed up as that sounds) when it was created it'll end up as a nation that shares a desire not to be attacked by its neighbours just because it happens to be across the border.

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PMJ, no need to call yourself a bad RPer because of war. Everyone has their own sort of niche in the community. Malatose, Merger, and KM normally I consider to be war RPers. Nothing against it, they just normally focus on the military aspect of the game. People like Lynneth, Maelstrom, you and a few others are construction, spending a lot of time fixing up your nation to make it shine. I on the other had am a character RPer and to be honest, I almost forget the last time I did a news report cause I'm too busy taking Sarah on adventures around the world. The good RPer is someone who is versatile in all aspects. They can construct, war, and characterize just as good as those that have a niche in that area.

But yeah, who cares what other people think if they're being negative, chances are if they're negative to you, their negative to everyone else and no one else really likes them all that much.

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I have a problem with CNRP turning into a wargame and only a wargame.

I like to RP my nations development and plot its tiny path through world politics,

But since I only consider war to be a small part of my RP I am ridiculed as a poor RPer.

I do not feel the need to RP my nation as something that would make Genghis Khan step back and go "Isn't that a little excessive?".

World conquest is not my thing nor is fighting wars in general for the most part, I tried this on my previous incarnation and I did not like it as much as I thought I would, I prefer a quieter life of RPing a peaceful nation that is friends with its neighbours and sells technology.

I apologise for not being a warlord that loots and pillages his way to the top while standing on a pile of the bodies of my defeated enemies to avoid getting my feet wet from the seas of blood, but I prefer a more civilised RP and this apparently puts me in the minority and has me labelled as a poor RPer.

Not all RPs have the same style and I respect those who like a military campaign, it is just not my cup of tea, but all I ask for is a little respect for my peaceful, "boring" RPs that I happen to like.

I am working on improving my writing style, but I am not that good right now and I know it. But with practice I can improve this.

I agree with this statement. Besides, world conquest isn't what makes a nation great militarily or politically. For example, I can stay my current size, but roleplay the steady development of my military into a world class elite, and maintain strong diplomatic ties. It'd probably make everything more fun if the actual nation's development was more important than the war itself. Yeah, war can be interesting, but it shouldn't be the mainstay of CNRP.

On another note, you're a good base roleplayer, but, like you said, your writing could use some tweaking. Hell, so could mine, come to think about it.

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I'd appreciate it if you could keep your Out of Character disputes off these boards. I've been told there is an IRC channel for this subsection of the forums, take your arguments their or to private channels. There's absolutely no reason to go around derailing threads and accusing others of having biases. I enjoy watching you roleplay, it is like a book that updates every hour. Unfortunately, when the book is filled with notes from the author telling the co-authors mean things, it gets annoying and occasionally breaks the rules.

You could say the mods police the boards. We don't have time to take out of our actual modding to deal with the relatively unimportant things that go on in this area. Most of the roleplay mods (other than HK47, Stormcrow and myself) tended to stay away for this reason, and you can see a noticeable lack of other Mods here. Those of us who do take the time to mod here usually are squeezing in extra time that we would like to save. For this reason, HK47 started the GM system. There have been complaints that GMs are using their own personal views to influence their decisions, and unfortunately those complaints are not directed at those who can actually do something but continue to manufacture themselves with varying degrees of accuracy.

So, what exactly am I posting and why? I'm telling you right now that this attitude has to stop. At least in Alliance Politics or the Boiler Room heated attitudes have some sort of basis, but the level of out of character hate here is astounding. The lower the stakes, the more vicious the fighting, eh?

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I'd appreciate it if you could keep your Out of Character disputes off these boards. I've been told there is an IRC channel for this subsection of the forums, take your arguments their or to private channels. There's absolutely no reason to go around derailing threads and accusing others of having biases. I enjoy watching you roleplay, it is like a book that updates every hour. Unfortunately, when the book is filled with notes from the author telling the co-authors mean things, it gets annoying and occasionally breaks the rules.

You could say the mods police the boards. We don't have time to take out of our actual modding to deal with the relatively unimportant things that go on in this area. Most of the roleplay mods (other than HK47, Stormcrow and myself) tended to stay away for this reason, and you can see a noticeable lack of other Mods here. Those of us who do take the time to mod here usually are squeezing in extra time that we would like to save. For this reason, HK47 started the GM system. There have been complaints that GMs are using their own personal views to influence their decisions, and unfortunately those complaints are not directed at those who can actually do something but continue to manufacture themselves with varying degrees of accuracy.

So, what exactly am I posting and why? I'm telling you right now that this attitude has to stop. At least in Alliance Politics or the Boiler Room heated attitudes have some sort of basis, but the level of out of character hate here is astounding. The lower the stakes, the more vicious the fighting, eh?

/me laughs.

*Cough istartedthegmsystem Cough*

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You could say the mods police the boards.

I would like to say that :v:, i tend to not fully trust non-cn moderators as "gms" because they also play as roleplayers, i feel like there might be some "conflict of intersts" (and being Italian, i know what it means). My opinion is that someone appointed by His Majesty the Web Admin himself, should actually rule the RP boards, but i realize you don't have the time to baby sitt us all the time. When i joined CNRP we barely had a map, actually.. we didn't have any map at all, we ruled the RP community by ourself and things were just fine.

Then something changed, i don't know what, but sometimes i miss the old times :v:

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When i joined CNRP we barely had a map, actually.. we didn't have any map at all, we ruled the RP community by ourself and things were just fine.

Then something changed, i don't know what, but sometimes i miss the old times :v:

I blame the map. Someone finally got a good look at the world and said "Look at all that open territory!"

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I think its "Popularity" and "Naughty and Nice". Popularity of a RP board/type/area makes more users join that roleplay, which of course brings in many people. With the increase of people, fellow RP'ers either don't have the time to make bonds, don't want to, or there are just too many to try to make good bonds with.

IMO, I think its better for a RP to stay small so all the involved players are friendly to one another and get to know each other. With a large RP board, there are just too many people to try and make bonds with. Very akin to a video game...

Edited by JerreyRough
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I blame the map. Someone finally got a good look at the world and said "Look at all that open territory!"

It went from CNRP to CNRP War edition. Everyone comes here to RP war, or to get the land they want.

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