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How do land locked nations have navies


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I think you thier should be a land locked option. it would be like peace mode. you can't be navally engaed, buy a navy or be blockaded. it return you can't have a harbour. so you must delete before. also i forgot who said it but being able to blockad others in peace mode is a good idea. that way they will have to be land locked and in peace.

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It was the same wizard who built your harbor.


also, to make this post worthwhile, why would you want to become landlocked? There is no way it would be worth not being able to be attacked Navally, to lose a trade, which is way more than the 5% of your income you might lose from a Blockade.

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It was the same wizard who built your harbor.

Why do we have to assume a harbor is in a body of water?

Harbor can be defined as "any place of shelter or refuge". So my harbor could be a shelter for foreign refugees fleeing disaster in another country. MY nations willingness to harbor other nations people in the event of a natural disaster improves my standing on the international level, which makes them more willing to trade with me and thus increases my trading partners by one.

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OOC: The same way the A.C.T. (Australian Capital Territory) has access to the coast despite being surrounded on all sides by New South Wales, the federal government simply annexed part of NSW closest to ACT on the coast ages ago and made that part of the ACT, so the home of federal government has naval access :P

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Does your land have lakes, and rivers, and waterways, and swimming pools, and ponds, and puddles? Why, there are plenty of oppotunities for constructing a navy. Be ingenuitive with these kind of things.

Nope, sadly I am in the desert. Water is not even one of my trading resources. My people getting their water supply from drinking wine.

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Why do we have to assume a harbor is in a body of water?

Harbor can be defined as "any place of shelter or refuge". So my harbor could be a shelter for foreign refugees fleeing disaster in another country. MY nations willingness to harbor other nations people in the event of a natural disaster improves my standing on the international level, which makes them more willing to trade with me and thus increases my trading partners by one.

There is more than one definition for harbor. It is pretty clear that harbor in the game uses this definition

A sheltered part of a body of water deep enough to provide anchorage for ships.

If you were using it to just shelter refugees why would it give you an extra trade? The reason you gave doesn't really fit that well to be honest seeing as though it increases your physical capacity for trade and not your ability to secure a trade.

Edited by KingSrqt
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Nope, sadly I am in the desert. Water is not even one of my trading resources. My people getting their water supply from drinking wine.

Sounds like a great country :P

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Nope, sadly I am in the desert. Water is not even one of my trading resources. My people getting their water supply from drinking wine.

Then when I attack a landlocked nation, I WILL DRAG MY SHIPS ACROSS THAT DESERT TO SHOW THEM MY WRATH!!!

Seriously, it's a naval maneuver referred to as a "portage". While it would be difficult to engineer for a modern nuclear aircraft carrier, it would nevertheless be possible.

The tunnel system I'll have to dig to use my submarines is gonna be a pain, though.

Alternatively, just pretend that all the ships have cool sets of wheels on the bottom and they can fight on land like an OGRE. (Those who gamed back in the day will know what I'm talking about. For the rest, there's Google.)


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Seriously, it's a naval maneuver referred to as a "portage". While it would be difficult to engineer for a modern nuclear aircraft carrier, it would nevertheless be possible.

I laughed hard at the image of a carrier's crew portaging it across the desert.

EDIT: Possessive, not plural

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Then when I attack a landlocked nation, I WILL DRAG MY SHIPS ACROSS THAT DESERT TO SHOW THEM MY WRATH!!!


On-topic: A landlocked option is a horrible idea, as is the idea of being blockaded while in peace mode. Blockades are a form of military intervention (as you have to be in a state of war in-game, and could start a war in RL), so it doesn't really fit.

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You know, if we're bringing geography into this, my nation is all in the water. How do I have an army or tanks? Or infrastructure for that matter?


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