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Everything posted by USNA

  1. We welcome a new nation in North America. Hopefully we can open up friendly relations between our two great nations. -President Kim Pack OOC: Nice change of scenery huh?
  2. If wished the USNA could provide observers. We believe that our nation is generally neutral in this matter and have no real preference for either side. This is an attempt to avoid bloodshed and ensure the satisfaction of both parties. Secretary of State, Colon Powers
  3. As the matter of the fact is that these are not regular soldiers in the employment of any nation nor are they mercenaries in the employment of any company the Government of the United States of North America has formally decided to label this a terrorist group. All Dranaggan ships that enter our territorial waters will be searched. Any USNA warship that encounters a Dranaggan vessel will board it if it is determined that members of this terrorist group are on the vessel. We suggest that the Dranaggan government reign in this organization to preserve it's image among the nations of the world. I am sure that the rest of the world feels the same on this matter. Secretary of State, Colon Powers
  4. Our nation is rather disturbed and surprised by the sudden collapse of the New Northern Empire Government. It's even worse that in a region in very close proximity to our nation a "company" has taken over and annexed the land. We condemn these actions as it seems to be just blatant expansionism. Neighboring nations could have been given the ability to administer regions after the governments collapse until a stable government is formed rather than a nation on an entirely different continent. Secretary of State, Colon Powers OOC: So your nation is a company now right? So people can hire you to do stuff?
  5. For some reason I just noticed this. The new forum layout is a bit confusing to me still. USNA-USNA (Leader is Kim Pack) Is the tech database still around here?
  7. Embassy Application Form Nation Name: United States of North America Nation Leader: President Kim Pack Type Of Government: Republic Number Of Embassy Staff: 30 Ambassadorial Staff Number Of Security Personnel: 10 Marines Attitude to the SRC: Warm Relations with Colstream before. No contact with current government Would you like to sign any agreements with the Colstream Government?: Yes If Yes, what agreements do you wish to obtain?: NAP/ODP to start out. Trade & Transit Agreements. Any Requests?: None really
  8. We would support a Superhighway as we believe it would be beneficial to all participant North American nations. However, we do remember the last time it was proposed the project fell apart before it even started. Secretary of State, Colon Powers
  9. "I regret to say that there are some old friends on the opposite side of Slavorussia and we'd rather not get involved with that. If however, the war spreads to New Northern Empire Territory we will get involved. We could probably get some forces to Greenland very quickly if necessary. I believe that we should be able to deploy special forces groups on some fronts in Slavorusssia as well but it will be one of those denied operations things or so General Merrill told me."
  10. "Seems like a deal then. There is much our two nations can gain from great relations. We generally don't want to become involved in offensive operations unless it is deemed vital to the security of either of our nations. I think an Mutual Defense/ Optional Aggression Pact would be good. We do understand having a war forced upon you as we have been the subject of several of those ourselves."
  11. "Standard Trade Treaty tariffs for most imports in our nation are under 1%. Most exports don't even have tariffs. My government has also asked me to put the offer of a mutual defense pact on the table if you're interested. We feel that it is important for our own security to make sure that our neighbors are safe and stable."
  12. "Well, our economy is somewhat socialist in several areas but more geared towards capitalism and we don't mind working with communist nations unless there's a reason not to like them. We'd be willing to work with a communist government but our economy works well right now so unless something drastic happens it doesn't really seem like it will change. The opening of trade relations would be a mutual benefit for both our nations."
  13. We are sorry to say the President is unable to attend but we shall send Secretary of State Colon Powers. -Department of State
  14. Due to personal reasons the President has not been able to travel abroad recently. He will be able to attend this event along with several advisers. We will bring some examples of the cutting edge medical technology currently being developed in our nation along with some other exhibits. Arrangements will need to be made for security and accommodations. Secretary of State, Colon Powers
  15. We hope that this means the Northern Empire will regain stability and will recognize this new government soon as there is no signs of major discontent or instability. We wish your nation well in its endeavors. Secretary of State, Colon Powers
  16. The United States of North America feels concerned over this whole issue in our western neighbor but we will be willing to recognize this new form of government given a little more time to observe it's stability and ability to govern. We genuinely hope that regardless of what political ideology is chosen it works out in the end. Secretary of State, Colon Powers ***CLASSIFIED*** ALL USNA FORCES ARE TO RAISE READINESS LEVELS TO DEFCON 3 FOR THE TIME BEING. IT IS DOUBTFUL THE SITUATION WILL CONTINUE ANY LONGER BEYOND 48 HOURS BUT REGARDLESS ALL COMMANDS ARE TO REMAIN ON ALERT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.
  17. The end of the relocation and reconstruction of the United States of North America is officially at an end. A new Capitol Building has been created to house Congress as well as a new Presidential Mansion and Supreme Court Building. In addition to this announcement the government is initiating some sweeping reforms. MILITARY The USNA Military has also announced that progress on extensive border fortifications are at 30% completion. They have also announced an expansion program for 60,000 soldiers as well as an increase of 600 tanks and several hundred other armored and support vehicles. The Navy has also announced that several new vessels are nearing completion and will be revealed within a month.
  18. The United States of North America supports the current government as it seems to be working out well and a radical change like this could be destabilizing to our western neighbor. Nevertheless we hope it works well either way. Secretary of State, Colon Powers
  19. Our nation would like to ask whether we could have an arrangement for the use of Gebivian air and sea space for both military and civilian vessels, although we will settle for just civilians if you do not wish to grant our navy passage. We do remember we came to an agreement some time ago with Gebiv. Our nations have never had problems or quarrels with each other. We hope that we can conclude this matter in the best interests of both our nations. Secretary of State, Colon Powers
  20. USNA

    A New Home

    It would be good for both of our nations to start diplomatic relations. We're open to exchanging ambassadors. ***SECRET DOCUMENT*** NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT STATUS Every aspect of the nation seems to be normalized. Homelessness is down from even pre-war levels. Unemployment is at a low 1.6%. Industry is beginning to get geared up but most factories have been completed. Regarding military status it is up to pre-war levels. Adequate facilities are available for military needs. All suggestions delivered in the national defense network report are currently underway. Mandatory military service will be announced and implemented soon as well as forming the necessary agencies and processing capabilities.
  21. Our nation was a member of the original World Congress. Truth be told we probably haven't withdrawn from it yet. The United States of North America would like to join the Second World Congress and we hope it will work better than the first. ~United States of North America President Kim Pack Secretary of State Colon Powers
  22. USNA

    A New Home

    ***SECRET DOCUMENT*** NEW NATIONAL DEFENSE NETWORK This paper is the groundwork for a new static national defense network. With the loss of most secure defense networks as the result of the Saborian (now Canada) invasion the USNA must rebuild it's military infrastructure immediately to be able to counter another invasion. Such an invasion would, in the short term, most likely come from Canada. It is important that the eastern border be fortified to a level much higher than the previous eastern and even southern border fortifications. A minefield four miles in depth is proposed to start half a mile from the border. One mile after will be the main defense network with man made rugged terrain and fortifications. Air defense and artillery emplacements will be required to provide added measures of protection. The building plans enclosed are projected to withstand a full Canadian assault for at least one week allowing time for reserves and the national guard to mobilize. Given the relatively small amount of beaches that can accommodate large amounts of military forces an amphibious invasion is not as likely but not impossible. It is recommended by this commission that as many anti-ship emplacements as possible be constructed on various inlets and islands. Each site must accomodate at least one battery of anti-ship missiles and a defense company in order to defend against attempts to sabotage the sites. Expansion of light missile armed patrol ships is also being considered. While not really capable of stopping a whole enemy fleet it ought to provide some measure of harassment against enemy landing attempts. Measures against air and cyber-warfare must also be initiated. While the Air Force has the main mission of defending our airspace it cannot always be relied upon to intercept enemy bombers and ground attack aircraft, especially in the face of heavy hostile fighter cover and enemy anti-aircraft weapons. A three layer national air defense system is proposed to be completed as soon as possible. Radar coverage will extend over the entire nation as well as 200 miles over the borders. Airspace will be divided up into three sectors; low, medium and high. Low airspace sectors will primarily be the responsibility of short range, rapid fire anti-aircraft guns and missiles which will be required to engage enemy low flying fighter bombers and ground support aircraft. The medium airspace sector will be covered by missiles and long range precision anti-aircraft guns. The high airspace sector will be defended by long range missiles and be responsible for intercepting high altitude strategic bombers that operate in that zone. Several large cyber-warfare facilities must be created with each being able to assume command over the network itself to provide a measure of redundancy. National cyber-warfare units are to remain under the control of the Air Force although each military service may acquire their own systems provided they are proven to be compatible. The Saborian invasion has also revealed an inherent lack of manpower availability for the armed services against a much larger opponent with similar technological capabilities. It is recommended that at this point mandatory military service be implemented for three to four years and as all members of the military are still in reserve after active duty and must attend basic training twice a month it would allow for a good manpower net and possibly a militia until a regular military unit arrives. ~Signed Senator Brown, Jonathan Senator Peters, Karl General of the Army P. Marshall, Richard General of the Air Force O'Neil, Jacob Admiral of the Navy King, Chester General of the Marine Corps Hawkins, Smith
  23. USNA

    A New Home

    While we thank you for the offer it is just a simple matter of moving West. Our nation will pull through this.
  24. Just saying. Over time probably, without advisers and stuff like that. But that's years and I would assume this hasn't been for more than a few days. Stuff just doesn't fall apart like that.
  25. Anchorage A new Legislative Building was in the process of being constructed by army engineers. That would take a few weeks at the very least so the Senate and House of Representatives utilized the two biggest theaters in the city. President Pack and the executive staff were accommodated in one of the city's luxury hotels. Several days had gone by since the start of the evacuation. Military engineers and private contractors were working around the clock to construct homes. These were mostly sturdy single family suburban homes to be provided free of charge to a family as per the National Relocation Act. That was the last bill passed by congress in the former USNA. Now military units and police patrolled the streets with the declaration of martial law. As per the NRA all able bodied males were temporarily drafted for civil service and assigned according to skills and needs. Currently the most pressing of which was housing and industry development seeing as there was a shortage of homes and jobs. Alaska still held an abundance of natural resources to be tapped. A good opening was the oil and natural gas industry. The former government of Okhrana apparently didn't tap as much of it as they should have as it was currently barely enough to support the current population let alone the influx of millions more people. Food was abundant as that was one of the prioritized items to be transported. The situation was holding some promise. Hopefully it would sort out soon.
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