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Immediate Containment of Rampant Madlads Disorder

Quantum Leap

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4 hours ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:


Continuing your established precedent wherein you avoid defending the Reich directly I see. Shame really, I was looking forward to the irony of seeing Lenin announce a declaration of war in defense of Nordreich.



He's asking himself what is to be done? 

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5 hours ago, J3rdegree said:

Breaking News: 4% of all NpO attacks are against... GATO?


WE HAVE AN URGENT UPDATE: NpO has seemingly started progress in GATO attack reductions. New numbers have NpO at only 3.8% of all attacks directed at GATO

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8 minutes ago, J3rdegree said:


WE HAVE AN URGENT UPDATE: NpO has seemingly started progress in GATO attack reductions. New numbers have NpO at only 3.8% of all attacks directed at GATO

Truly, a good step in the right direction. Hopefully they've compensated you for damaged rendered!

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1 hour ago, J3rdegree said:


WE HAVE AN URGENT UPDATE: NpO has seemingly started progress in GATO attack reductions. New numbers have NpO at only 3.8% of all attacks directed at GATO


Glad to hear this, I'm sure that 4% was just... Devastating. 

Hopefully there's enough aid going to make this right.

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Just now, Johnny Apocalypse said:


Aid? Are you out of your mind? We are trying to reduce aid slot emissions to 10% for the good of the climate!


e-aid is the new, climate friendly and alternative way to provide aid to those in need! At 98% less emissions, and 10% less cost, sending aid has never been so quick and simple.

e-aid is not responsible for the offsetting of pollution running thousands of AI servers for the sake of because we can. we are not accountable. you are. 

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13 minutes ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:


While we welcome the 0.2% reduction; the GATO Ministry of Foreign Affairs is yet to receive an official comment from the New Polar Order.



This particular issue has been resolved. Thank you WANA for bringing it to my attention. 

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We have recently made contact with NpO about the ongoing news that we should expect 0% of their military force directed towards GATO in the future. An article will be released tomorrow about this heated issues and the good word that hostilities will cease leading to peace among GATOans again!

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