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The "Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad" Peace War

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Hickory, dickory, dock,
The CLAMS ran up the clock;
The clock struck one,
The CLAMS fell down,
Hickory, dickory, dock.

Tick Toc Tick Toc Tick Toc


Also: FiringLine Sucks

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Imagine being the pixel hugging alliance CLAMS never daring to risk it's top-tier and still not being able to grow or even maintain their position wooowwwww lmao 😂

Tick Toc

Edited by Canik
tick toc tick toc
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9 hours ago, Knights of the Grail said:

Yes, yes, imagine!

Oh look it's King Pixel Hugger himself!


Meanwhile FTW fought the longest global in history against NPO, DBDC and the rest of their pixel-hugging followers


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36 minutes ago, Stonewall14 said:

Pixel hugger? He has almost 1 million Casualties!!!😏Congrats on the Ascencion 🙂

Almost a million!! wow I stand corrected then! 😂 😂 🤣

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All I care about is how many potential targets I have personally next war.  If CLAWS has a bunch of banks at our top, that’s their loss.  They can fund our people who fight.  


If CLAWS is looking at round 2 with FTW, that number is currently 21 nations in my range.  

Edited by White Chocolate
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On 6/24/2024 at 11:29 PM, Canik said:

Imagine being the pixel hugging alliance CLAMS never daring to risk it's top-tier and still not being able to grow or even maintain their position wooowwwww lmao 😂

Tick Toc

Still have more NS than yall 🤷‍♂️

My efficiency is 400 as well so growth is seemingly going pretty well over at CLAWS.

Edited by thej00pt2
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Also imagine being an alliance based on the TV show with the worst ending in recorded human history 🤮


18 of your nations are in my range next time yall decide to misbehave.

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45 minutes ago, thej00pt2 said:

Also imagine being an alliance based on the TV show with the worst ending in recorded human history 🤮


18 of your nations are in my range next time yall decide to misbehave.

I like to think of us as being based off a book with no ending :D


47 minutes ago, thej00pt2 said:

My efficiency is 400 as well so growth is seemingly going pretty well over at CLAWS.

4,570 Casualties. oh sweet summer child 😇

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1 hour ago, White Chocolate said:

All I care about is how many potential targets I have personally next war.

Wouldn't surprise me. That tracks with the shallow thinking typical of a CLAWS leader.

Edited by Canik
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50 minutes ago, Canik said:

I like to think of us as being based off a book with no ending :D


4,570 Casualties. oh sweet summer child 😇

I played from 06-10 long before your tiny nation ever existed. How many casualties do you think a nation gains in 100 days of existence anyways, my naive little child?

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6 hours ago, White Chocolate said:

All I care about is how many potential targets I have personally next war.  If CLAWS has a bunch of banks at our top, that’s their loss.  They can fund our people who fight.  


If CLAWS is looking at round 2 with FTW, that number is currently 21 nations in my range.  


It just occured to me I won't be able to go pillaging CLAWS nations for money anymore but on the plus side? Everyone has been working super hard keeping their aid slot percentage numbers up, which bodes very well for the plundering potential  :war:


Until then it's still just a lot of barking and no bite, which is fine. I'll get a coffee and read my paper in the plaza, hopefully the big bad wolf will be ready soon to soak up some bullets for those lovely people holding their leash. My eardrums are meant to be perforated by the sound of heavy shelling, not this BOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW racket again.  We get it; you so so big and strong, who's a big strong wolf!? Yes you is isn't you? :3 (change the channel Marge😴)

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13 hours ago, White Chocolate said:

All I care about is how many potential targets I have personally next war.  If CLAWS has a bunch of banks at our top, that’s their loss.  They can fund our people who fight.  


If CLAWS is looking at round 2 with FTW, that number is currently 21 nations in my range.  

I’d suggest that if you’re so interested in a war you should just start one.

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45 minutes ago, firingline said:

I’d suggest that if you’re so interested in a war you should just start one.


Yeahh let's see which of em is flexing with credibility. Regional fight: CLAWS vs. FTW[ ONLY]

There will be the opportunity to place your bets when both parties agree.


(Suggested) Basic Rules:

  • No Ghosting
  • No unless between alliance mates directly.
  • No Other form of external support before t, rosters are considered locked. Any sizable recruit after both parties agree to fight must remain on Pending and remain uninvolved for the dutation
  • A time limit may be established to prevent the conflict devolving into a boring turtle fight after 2-4 rounds of war to minimse losses
  • Victory will be defined my mitigating destruction  but excessive mitigation will result in penalties to the overall score of the offender (TBD)
  • Any foreign instigator seeking to abuse the pitched battle will cause not only the damage done by them but anyone they end up fighting alongside. Rendering the war effort all for nothing. If the opposite is determined as an effort to cause the other side to lose points by iutilising paramilitaries to detract from their score. This will always be monitored, it is the duty for both fighters to dnnounce the presence of a renegade volunteer no one asked for. ONlt when hat is declared will the score loss be appplied to the renegade and the alliance will not be penalised unjustly. If it is discoverd to be a false flag attack by either compatant, the penalty will be applied twofold for being a bad sport. If either party claims dominance over the other then the is one quantifying element to establish the victor- cheap shots will not count and will be to the detriment of the party rsponsible causing net score loss as well as conseuqneces for the individiual that shall be (TBD) on a case by case basus0
  • To ensure balanced assessments are made of any suspected underhanded tactics, representatives from allied parties for both fighters and two separate entities, preferably unaffiliated with either fighter directly or within immediate chaining distance or a party aligned to both for the purpose of balance in the event a ruling must be made.
  • Both will be kept a close eye on for signs of foul play. If either party seeks to prove their superiority, then they need not resort to underhanded methods to make that point.


Alternative keep at it with flinging barbs toward the other; it's not like anyone is doing much of anything else lately. Break the mold, stage a regional conflict without everyone piling in and TEST YOUR MIGHT.


Every 10th post is about "the next war" but we never see that, However, we have two fighters here thumping their chests at the other. about who strongest. So I'd say it looks like we have some volunteers to me if there were any!


Give up for CLAWS & FTW for volunteering for some bloodsports! 👏

Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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