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You're winning the war (courtesy of Polar).


You will claim victory no matter what.


Visayan or Monte will make another kindergarten level post.


You and Roal will continue this "well you're the one who" back and forth exchange.


Some random will point out how much we deserve it.


But above everything else.

We will die with Jack Layton if necessary.


Nice try though.

Edited by General Kanabis
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7 hours ago, Sephiroth said:

Roal keeps saying my name, like you are narcissists for my attention. If you don't put a muzzle on him, you'll regret it if there ever comes a time you guys want peace.

Are you really reading your stuff, or are you simply unaware you're channelling the whole "permazi for insulting us" meme right here?

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18 minutes ago, Haflinger said:

Are you really reading your stuff, or are you simply unaware you're channelling the whole "permazi for insulting us" meme right here?


While there will be no Perma-ZI, when these nations attack us & make clear they don't want peace, then whine when we're fighting them and whine more when we're not; they get annoying to read. I don't need to leave early peace on table for them when they came in thinking they would be on the bigger side of a curb stomp, back when I was the only nuclear nation in Limitless Nexus.


I've been in anarchy, so Roal whines about me not fighting them every page up until I get out of anarchy and hit them; then i see COBRA members complaining about me being busy beating up on noobs.


Perma-ZI I won't do, but they should have some awareness & realize we don't need to give them peace until we feel they deserve it, considering they are the aggressors here. When they're insulting me page after page for defending myself against them, then it doesn't help their case if they want me to have any flexibility in surrender terms. COBRA were not countering anyone when they entered, making them them more guilty than Kashmir or anyone else in this war; since Jack Layton is now in COBRA as well.


There was nothing brave about COBRA entering, they thought it was all of COBRA and Kashmir against 4 LN members when they declared.

























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You were attacked by one nation, a regular member, so you then countered an entire alliance. This is just plain crazy; SW wasn't looking for a war with you, and if you have a normal intelligence level you can see that.


Non Grata and Polar hit for geopolitical reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with your tiny alliance and have an awful lot to do with things that are actually important. Now I know you don't have access to the information needed to understand this, because nobody relevant trusts you, but even a basic understanding of how politics work should be enough to let you know that Non Grata and Polar, two rather large alliances, don't launch wars to protect 4-man alliances they have no connection to or reason to help. So that fact should let you know that they have some reason to help you, one that is not based on their connection to you, because they don't have one.

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2 minutes ago, Haflinger said:

You were attacked by one nation, a regular member, so you then countered an entire alliance. This is just plain crazy; SW wasn't looking for a war with you, and if you have a normal intelligence level you can see that.


Non Grata and Polar hit for geopolitical reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with your tiny alliance and have an awful lot to do with things that are actually important. Now I know you don't have access to the information needed to understand this, because nobody relevant trusts you, but even a basic understanding of how politics work should be enough to let you know that Non Grata and Polar, two rather large alliances, don't launch wars to protect 4-man alliances they have no connection to or reason to help. So that fact should let you know that they have some reason to help you, one that is not based on their connection to you, because they don't have one.


It's not our fault you placed your trust into Osraven.


and if the war was 'so important' I'm sure SW would be fighting alongside his members

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2 minutes ago, Haflinger said:

You were attacked by one nation, a regular member, so you then countered an entire alliance. This is just plain crazy; SW wasn't looking for a war with you, and if you have a normal intelligence level you can see that.


Non Grata and Polar hit for geopolitical reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with your tiny alliance and have an awful lot to do with things that are actually important. Now I know you don't have access to the information needed to understand this, because nobody relevant trusts you, but even a basic understanding of how politics work should be enough to let you know that Non Grata and Polar, two rather large alliances, don't launch wars to protect 4-man alliances they have no connection to or reason to help. So that fact should let you know that they have some reason to help you, one that is not based on their connection to you, because they don't have one.

After so many attacks from their membership, making clear their desire to have a war no matter what; eventually it didn't matter what SW wanted if he was unwilling to make his members ever take responsibility for their actions. They had this coming for many reasons, we didn't want peace with them immediately after their attacks in part because of their countless poking & attacks against us before this.

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11 minutes ago, Sephiroth said:

After so many attacks from their membership, making clear their desire to have a war no matter what; eventually it didn't matter what SW wanted if he was unwilling to make his members ever take responsibility for their actions. They had this coming for many reasons, we didn't want peace with them immediately after their attacks in part because of their countless poking & attacks against us before this.

You do know that no one, and i do mean no one cares what it is you do or do not want right, the fact you think people are scared of your little 10k ns alliance is laughable.


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Just now, Devialance said:

You do know that no one, and i do mean no one cares what it is you do or do not want right, the fact you think people are scared of your little 10k ns alliance is laughable.



Hey looks it's that baby who was in that one alliance who disbanded at the thought of defending allies.

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3 hours ago, Lord Hitchcock said:

It's not our fault you placed your trust into Osraven.


and if the war was 'so important' I'm sure SW would be fighting alongside his members

The reasons were important to Non Grata and Polar. (Whether they are now is another question, because the situation changed a lot.)


Also, why on earth would you think I would have anything to do with OsR? (Here's a hint: I've been around here an awfully long time. If you want to figure out who my connections are, do a little research.)

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2 hours ago, Lord Hitchcock said:

Hey looks it's that baby who was in that one alliance who disbanded at the thought of defending allies.

You know, he's fighting right now. He's dished out damage so far equal to slightly more than four times the size of your nation. http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?search=558059&Extended=1

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3 hours ago, Haflinger said:

You were attacked by one nation, a regular member, so you then countered an entire alliance. This is just plain crazy; SW wasn't looking for a war with you, and if you have a normal intelligence level you can see that.


no it's just that you're an idiot trying too hard. didn't u read when SW challenged him to do something against them as they will not boot (b4) jack from kashmir and disaasociate him from kashmir as rouge .


also we're pretty aware polaris and NG hitting kash has nothing to do w/ our wars w/ them...so why bring it here?

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Currently due to Roal's constant nagging about us not warring them enough, I wasted all 3 of my slots on COBRA. All 3 of my slots on nations so weak, their only real purpose are punching bags to prevent me from hitting Kashmir. I don't have time to fight every weakling who wants to cross blades with me and COBRA choosing Jack Layton as their military advisor despite knowing about Jack Layton's betrayals against us and starting this war means I very much doubt the AA Cobra will ever get peace unless they change their tune drastically and are willing to take certain steps.


COBRA you are pathetic and weak, if COBRA has anything more to say about me other than compliments for the duration off this war; peace terms will include leaving COBRA for all members of COBRA unless they accept a viceroy of my choosing. This is the only warning I'll give & then I'm done with this thread. Although I'm open to suggestions on who the Viceroy should be to try getting the back on track.

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Just now, Sigrun Vapneir said:

Maybe you should just make them join SnX.


At least Junka would teach the fools to sell tech.

I would be open to that, however leaving them with Jack Layton in charge would be setting things up for future conflicts against everyone. We would be doing them a disservice leaving them like that.

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1 hour ago, Haflinger said:

I've seen several claims made that Non Grata really hit Kashmir because of Sigrun. (Not by Non Grata of course.)


Actually NG cited it pretty clearly in their DoW, I don't think there's any doubt that their persistent efforts to offend us and our current war were among the reasons NG hit.


It's just a thing of there were obviously lots of reasons and some people like some of them better than others.



Edited by Sigrun Vapneir
better grammar
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