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3 minutes ago, General Kanabis said:

By all means, bask in your glory.

Planet Bob has not seen the end of COBRA yet.




Don't worry- I am requesting from the great and mighty Methrage, a long time friend and battle partner of mine, that the LPCN invokes a 90 temporary name change to your alliance, your choices are:


1) Harmless Corn Snake


2) Layton wears Pom Poms

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build relationships with members in other alliances. Give it time and if it's a good fit- discuss from there.


signing a treaty is a lot like dating, don't spill the goods the first day- let the love marinate for a bit- then go for home plate

Edited by Lord Hitchcock
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18 minutes ago, Lord Hitchcock said:


Don't worry- I am requesting from the great and mighty Methrage, a long time friend and battle partner of mine, that the LPCN invokes a 90 temporary name change to your alliance, your choices are:


1) Harmless Corn Snake


2) Layton wears Pom Poms


I like the first one.

The second one is blasphemous.

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14 minutes ago, NapoleontheThird said:

oh ok, i was under the impression that protectorates don't sign treaties

It depends on the agreement with the protector. Some protectors have this as a requirement, but not all.


Protectors usually prohibit mandatory defence treaties, but optional defence is common.

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1 hour ago, NapoleontheThird said:

Question if i could, how does a protected alliance sign a  ODoAP

ODoAP with the Order of Tenebris - ::PROTECTED BY KASHMIR::

Order of Tenebris was co-founded by our own co- founder. We have good friends in that alliance and the optional pact was a mere formality as there was no need for one in the first place.

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2 hours ago, General Kanabis said:

Planet Bob has not seen the end of COBRA yet.

You're right, but I think your reign is coming to an end.


COBRA will pledge allegiance to this flag & have no ties with Kashmir/Jack Layton. As long as you harbor Jack Layton on the AA, you are committing high treason against COBRA & making any kind of peace impossible for those fighting COBRA to consider. There is no way Jack Layton will slip out of the war early by joining COBRA, then COBRA getting an early peace. Is there even a single COBRA Founder left on the AA?




Even if traitors need to first be purged, those loyal to the LPC can always rebuild it. You have more to fear from us than Kashmir, so clinging to them won't get you far.  I do not seek an end to COBRA, only the mockery you have made of it.

Edited by Sephiroth
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I have been part of COBRA since when it had just 3 nations so Sephiroth  you can count me as one though I am not technically a founder. Also except for Baron our other founders has been constantly alliance hopping.

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What did you even make a flag for us to replace our current one. I have to say that the black brown combination with the red logo is really good.

Edited by Roal36
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4 minutes ago, Roal36 said:

I have been part of COBRA since when it had just 3 nations so Sephiroth  you can count me as one though I am not technically a founder. Also except for Baron our other founders has been constantly alliance hopping.

Baron is someone you guys should be embracing, rather than sending hate PMs. He wants to save COBRA, so COBRA might have a real chance with him as Mandarin.


Also I made that flag to commemorate COBRA joining the LPC, when the announcement was made.

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I am speaking with Baron now and lest be assured its not hate mail. Sure he wishes the best for COBRA but no offense to him he is hardly the person who is capable enough to take good decisions for the alliance in CN.

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12 hours ago, Roal36 said:

I am speaking with Baron now and lest be assured its not hate mail. Sure he wishes the best for COBRA but no offense to him he is hardly the person who is capable enough to take good decisions for the alliance in CN.

I would be willing to reclaim my position as The Mandarin.

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14 hours ago, Immortan Junka said:


Heard this before.


wats wrong junka lunka not getting any attention now that ur not fighting the lpcn? need to follow senator methrage around and post on his threads for anyone to remember u exist lmao!!!! I wish so bad u would pick another fight with the lpcn so we can go back to destroying u at least ur guys are organized and u took at least a little time teaching them the very basics of war cobra didn't bother doing any of that I am not saying lunkas fighters are good just better than cobra


if u don't have the balls to attack and just want to creep around our threads since ur importance left the minute u peace with us that's so sad little boy emperor little Romulus augustalus well I am the ostrogoths pendejo remember that!!!!:war: u don't have doom or tao to help u :frantic:


we love the idea of dr strange taking the wheel, joining lpcn, and booting Layton from the aa





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3 hours ago, Montezuma said:

also really cool flag methrage would u please make the new lpcn liberated goons flag for us??!! please please!!

I'll make you guys one next, & give some thought into the color would like for the grenade against a black background. Black on Black is possible with a glowing effect, although I want to make sure it looks good when I make it & put some thought into the colors.




aNiMaLz Announcement (Posting it for them upon request)


aNiMaLz recognize Dr Strange as Mandarin of Cobra, and all members of Cobra who fight for him under the LPC endorsed Cobra banner should send aNiMaLz they are fighting peace with the reason being "Dr Strange" and we will start peacing out those members. Any traitors that remain loyal to Jack Layton, Kannabis, or the rogue Cobra Kashmir Faction will continue to be curb stomped until kingdom come.




Limitless Nexus Announcement


Sacrificing COBRA for a lost cause will just ensure COBRA's destruction, especially when its in support of the traitorous snakes whispering orders of betrayal against us in your corrupt gov. I hope GK can be convinced to hand over power peacefully & COBRA can be set on the right track more quickly. Kashmir are the deceivers who have tricked you guys to suicide against the only alliance who actually saw potential in COBRA & risked a lot to help you guys in a war nobody else wanted to touch.


We recognize Dr Strange as the Mandarin of the real COBRA & view those loyal to Jack Layton as traitors. It would be wise for COBRA to make the decision as soon as possible on which side they are on. COBRA is defeated militarily already, if COBRA wants to be destroyed fighting for traitors & our enemies; I'll have no sympathy ripping up every traitor left occupying the COBRA AA up from the roots; even if it needs to be dismantled brick by brick.


With Baron & Dr Strange already loyal to the LPC; we can rebuild COBRA brick by brick after destroying the current one if they choose to fight for traitors and aggressors against us to the end. COBRA has no need for traitors against the LPC & Jack Layton loyalists.


Opposing Dr Strange as the Mandarin in favor of GK will be considered treason against COBRA & the LPC. Choose wisely who you are loyal to, the leader who saved COBRA from constant war with GOONS by aligning with the LPC or those failed COBRA by betraying us in favor of Kashmir; which now has put you in the position you are in now.


Good luck making the right decision to COBRA, prove your loyalty if you want to be part of COBRA's comeback.

Edited by Sephiroth
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