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For your amusement zog:

To: Lord Hitchcock From: Xanth Date: 8/5/2015 11:32:42 AM

Subject: RE: a shame
Message: I offered blanket white peace to minc/ca/ln but as meth has stated on the owf he is not interested.

we peace this while thing out all together or not at all.

kush (and now nso) are in this for stripes (sra) so if we decide it's time to end it they will follow suite as far as I've spoken to them about it.

again though, meth is no longer interested in peace at all so this will continue until such a time that this whole war ends.

As far as anything tca, that's on tca. They are not apart of our war and I refuse to acknowledge them as such.

Announcement by Lord Hitchcock
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:. Monsters Inc Member Comments
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Lord Hitchcock

(8/5/2015 12:06:32 PM)
To: Lord Hitchcock From: Xanth Date: 8/5/2015 11:36:40 AM

Subject: RE: a shame
Message: As I've told you,Neptune and meth. Walsh is gone, dre4m is all but gone. They wanted this war to continue,not me. I've got no stake in this beyond finishing it up.

I tried to make peace with you from day 1, it was them that kept it going. They are gone, I'm done and hope to wrap this up so I never have to speak to you again.

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Lord Hitchcock

(8/5/2015 12:07:00 PM)
To: Xanth From: Lord Hitchcock Date: 8/5/2015 12:04:41 PM

Subject: RE: a shame
Message: We aren't the bad guys, lol. We simply wanted a crystal clear white peace- that's it. No victory parade, no 'surrendering' of any form, and certainly no decom wonders.

Per my stance and representation of monsters inc, we have offered white peace in the past and have not been offered it as far as I'm aware of.

If white peace is indeed offered by any one on your side, whether it's stripes solo- or as a coalition, than monsters inc will accept it. If methrage attempts to off rail this than he won't be senator anymore nor will we support him.

Our side has talked for a long time about it, we agreed and support an old fashioned white peace or no peace at all.

You have my word on the deal Delete Comment


(8/6/2015 1:57:39 AM)
interesting stuff, cheers LH

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There's no point in talking to Xanth. Literally every word he sends you is in hopes of eliciting something he can twist into propaganda. Anything he offers you is a lie - he's made it quite clear he too has nothing to lose and no intention to ever quit attacking us.


When stripes wants peace I am sure they can find someone who is not a drooling misogynist that has sworn to never give us peace to come talk about it.

Edited by Sigrun Vapneir
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Deleted comment = or I will attack methrage myself. In game forwards available upon request.


As to the rest, what can I say, I had a moment of weakness.


If you're trying to out me or embarrass me you really don't know who you are talking to.

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I know if they offer white peace- we'll accept it as a coalition. It was giving xanth the assurance he desired.

Zog is trying to twist it into a plot, he really doesn't understand that we agreed to our terms, and when they are accepted, we will exit.

Methrage isn't going to continue the fight- Methrage is on board as much as sigrun and I are.

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I've already told Xanth we want coalition wide white peace, so I'm not sure how he reversed that into the opposite in his mind.

Typically white peace is only agreed if both sides believe that there is no point in keeping war going any more. I sense that as long as negative actions keep on being perpetuated by your side, they are likely not to accept white peace.

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Deleted comment = or I will attack methrage myself. In game forwards available upon request.
As to the rest, what can I say, I had a moment of weakness.
If you're trying to out me or embarrass me you really don't know who you are talking to.

No, actually quite the opposite. You had concerns, I addressed them. That delete comment wasn't intentional, just missed posting it. And I will if it makes you happy.

Yes, if Methrage broke the deal, we'd hit him. And we won't end up hitting him because he is just as on board for peace as we are- and that message was a crystal clear assurance to Xanth's paranoia.

Zog seems to think that he can twist a sincere peace assurance against our coalition and well... It's zog... All hat and no cattle Edited by Lord Hitchcock
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Deleted comment = or I will attack methrage myself. In game forwards available upon request.


As to the rest, what can I say, I had a moment of weakness.


If you're trying to out me or embarrass me you really don't know who you are talking to.

I don't break deals, so you trying to twist what LH said into a back stab sounds like propaganda to me. He said that knowing fully I'm someone of my word.

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Here you go xanth, for clarity:

To: Xanth From: Lord Hitchcock Date: 8/5/2015 4:28:57 PM

Subject: RE: a shame
Message: Let me worry about methrage- per kashmir, they have no interest in white peace which is why we are still fighting.

If they agree with white peace than I will get white peace on our side.

If methrages refuses this offer than we will hit LN ourselves.

That's about as crystal clear as it gets in regards for a peaceful resolution from MInc and we all go our seperate ways

[end message]

Methrage, sigrun, myself all agreed to this as our resolution. Methrage and Sigrun are both loyal to their words- I had no reason to worry about white peace from our side going through- and again, assurance for your paranoia.

But hey, you knew that already- you just tried spinning it around on us

Edited by Lord Hitchcock
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I am honestly not sure what RUKUNU has to do with anything here, but if you are going to accuse him of aid scamming you should provide some evidence. The link simply shows ongoing tech deals, it does not tell us that anyone has been ripped off.

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I don't break deals, so you trying to twist what LH said into a back stab sounds like propaganda to me. He said that knowing fully I'm someone of my word.


You know he also said he'd work against you on the Brown senate too, right? Or did he leave that part out?


I think he may be starting to figure out what the rest of the the planet already knows, namely, that you're a self-absorbed nutcase. Or maybe he'd actually like a shot at turning MI into an alliance that isn't going to be kept down until the end of time.

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Or perhaps you just need to find something to eat for dinner that doesnt irritate your digestive tract.


I mean, as long as we're just posting baseless speculation mine's at least as good as yours ;)

Edited by Sigrun Vapneir
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I actually see outstanding tech deals for him and no tech sent in return just so you know Im reading that from the actual AID screen on his nation...

Maybe your first mistake is you're only looking at his aid screen. He doesn't need to send the tech personally to complete a deal.

Also if those messages posted by LH is what kingzog was referencing in this post, combined with his invalid accusations of aid thievery; he has lost all credibility.

....and yet just a couple of days ago you were talking about quite the opposite.
I just hope Methrage never finds out.

I have no idea his motive for all the spin and lies, but he has a long ways to go if he wants to build his credibility up again. I'm not sure if he even believes anything he says anymore.
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You know he also said he'd work against you on the Brown senate too, right? Or did he leave that part out?
I think he may be starting to figure out what the rest of the the planet already knows, namely, that you're a self-absorbed nutcase. Or maybe he'd actually like a shot at turning MI into an alliance that isn't going to be kept down until the end of time.

We're all in agreement on how to end this, so I'm not keeping anyone down. Also I take that first part of your post with a grain of salt, considering all your other baseless claims.
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The difference between you and me, Methy, is that I know how to read.


For example, Alexio pointed out the obvious a few posts up. I can't be bothered to correct all of your stupidities for you. Some you will just have to discover on your own.


As to 'baseless accusations', name one. Just one. When you can't do that, you'll say I'm exaggerating, or misunderstanding, or something else. You will twist and twist and twist, because that's what you do.


And now I'm out of here.

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The difference between you and me, Methy, is that I know how to read.
For example, Alexio pointed out the obvious a few posts up. I can't be bothered to correct all of your stupidities for you. Some you will just have to discover on your own.
As to 'baseless accusations', name one. Just one. When you can't do that, you'll say I'm exaggerating, or misunderstanding, or something else. You will twist and twist and twist, because that's what you do.
And now I'm out of here.

A third party accusing someone of aid thievery when no one actually sending them aid is accusing them of such is one example.
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A third party accusing someone of aid thievery when no one actually sending them aid is accusing them of such is one example.

kingzog's point proven right there, just saying. Also I have been looking extensively at aNiMaLz aid screens and well none match up with those that have here is a very nice example of what you was saying being false.




I mean its pretty clear to see right there, that neither rukunu or one of his minions have sent tech considering the tech deal was nearly a full month ago. They may pay back 3 out of 6 or maybe even 4 out of 6, but no matter what way you cut it they are still scamming someone.

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ITT, Alexio and Kingzog discover that people run both formal and informal banking systems in CN, and incoming aid and outgoing aid do not necessarily match up between the same nations as a result.


Next week maybe we'll learn how to go the restroom without any help!


Holy Admin are you people really 2?!? In CN years.


Kingzog, have you had a personality transplant or what?

Edited by Sigrun Vapneir
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kingzog's point proven right there, just saying. Also I have been looking extensively at aNiMaLz aid screens and well none match up with those that have here is a very nice example of what you was saying being false.
I mean its pretty clear to see right there, that neither rukunu or one of his minions have sent tech considering the tech deal was nearly a full month ago. They may pay back 3 out of 6 or maybe even 4 out of 6, but no matter what way you cut it they are still scamming someone.

Its not clear because we don't know the details of the deals and enough time has passed, there could be various reasons for the tech not showing up on their aid screen if they have received it. Also we don't know what has been communicated between the nation rulers, such as if they decided to gift the aid or agreed on it being paid at a later date.

To accuse our side of aid thievery is baseless when no one who has sent any aid has made any accusations.
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