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Lower Tech CNRP (3?)


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I'll head this with saying that it in no way intends to replace CNRP2; I simply have always felt the urge to try a political, nation RP with lower tech that basically anyone can understand. Unlike say, modern machinery that's clouded by being both untested and classified, the arms and tools of the 1920's and 1940's are well documented.


I figure a potential tech-timescale could run from 1917 to 1940. Perhaps keep many of the rules already established in CNRP2, and given the time scale, nukes wouldn't be available.


I also feel that a table could be created, which would have two kinds of rolls, done by a GM once a RL month. The first roll would pick a nation, and the second roll would determine some kind of national event. I don't mean something devastating such as a volcano going off or a tsunami hitting their capital, but rather something along the lines of workers' strikes, or the rise of extremist groups, or a somewhat poor harvest that year. Something that wouldn't screw people over, but still introduce an interesting source of monthly imperfection, decided by random chance.


Just to get it out of the way, if anyone is interested, I'd like to selfishly stake my claim to the modern day territories of Austria and Hungary. Hopefully a "please be reasonable with initial claims" makes sense to everyone. For example, grabbing Spain & Portugal is fairly reasonable, but grabbing both Spain & France would be a bit much for a starter claim. The same could be said over in Asia, where grabbing Japan & Korea is reasonable, but China & Tibet & Mongolia would be excessive. With my own claims, while I intend to play "Austria-Hungary," I'm not claiming everything they historically covered, because that would be a lot of Europe gobbled up.


Toss in your post what you'd be interested in as well, either claim-wise or what you might look for in rules, if you're interested in helping create such an RP.

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Let's go with Japan/Korea/Shangdong.


edit: subject to change depending on where everyone else wants to be! If you'd like to be Japan instead feel free to post that or throw me a query, since I already am japan in one world i dont mind trying something else.

Edited by Mogar
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That's a reasonable suggestion. I'd also be up for raising the tech limit to 1945, with the condition that nuclear weapons are banned. This could allow some of the less obscure and more fun toys, while, well, keeping nukes out of it.

I'd be fine with that. Though, I'd recommend that some of the weapons be limited, once things like aircraft and such are hammered out. Because else the Me 262 and Gloster Meteor become the F-22s of this world.

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